Control Page Frames

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Fri May 25, 2007 5:12 pm
frogbeater offline
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Control Page Frames

After looking at some posts on the topic I attempted to put a frame in my control pages to view my securityspy cameras.

As I understood it, I needed to modify the:


I found that folder in two places,

root/library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo2/

So, I changed 'em both.

I also tried changing the controlpage_index.html file with no success...

Any thoughts on what I'm missing, I mean if it had thrown an error at least I knew I was screwing up the right file.
: )

Posted on
Sat May 26, 2007 10:04 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Control Page Frames

That is odd you found that file in 2 places. The first path you gave (inside Application Support) is the correct one. I'm not sure where the other one is coming from?

Did you stop the Indigo Server and restart it? Those templates are cached at run time, so you have to reboot the Indigo Server to get the changes pulled in.


Posted on
Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:12 am
frogbeater offline
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Ok, I found a few minutes to work on this some more...

I think I just copied all of the data to the other location as a back up and forgot that I had... is it obvious that I only spend an hour or so a month on my HA system, but also obvious that I take advice when someone tells me to back up?


Here's where I've landed:

I successfully replaced the "controlpage.html" with a frameset. One frame contains my security spy cameras (accessible with the prism reflector, Woo Hoo!) but I can't seem to get the source right for the control page, which I'm trying to get into the other frame.

It seems that the server throws an error of "undefined page requested" when I try to access html in the templates folder. I was working with the assumption that the "IndigoWebServer" folder was the root of the server and tried accessing any html relative to the "controlpage.html" document.

I've got this so far:

<TITLE>Control Page</TITLE>
<FRAMESET cols="20%, 80%">
<FRAMESET rows="100, 200">
<FRAME src="" width=320 height=240 alt="Garage">
<FRAME src="" width=320 height=240 alt="iSight">
<FRAME src="control.html">
<P>This frameset document contains:

I renamed the original "controlpage.html" as "control.html" and tried accessing it in a frame. Am I barking up the wrong tree?
This might be more than my basic html skillz can handle...

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Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:29 am
frogbeater offline
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Oh, and I had been quitting and restarting the Indigo application... not the server.

Good note.

Did I mention that these forums are fantastic and really make Indigo the most exciting piece of software I own?

Posted on
Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:35 pm
matt (support) offline
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Those template files aren't 100% HTML. They are run through a preprocessing template engine called Cheetah. So this line:

<FRAME src="control.html">

won't really work because the original file (now called control.html) won't be run through the template engine like it needs to.

Let's take a different approach. Rename your frame file from controlpage.html to myframe.html. Then rename the control.html file back to controlpage.html (restore the file back to what it was before).

Edit myframe.html to use controlpage.html as the frame source instead of control.html. Now the trick is to serve up myframe.html from the IndigoWebServer. To do this, move the file to the static folder inside IndigoWebServer. Then try to access the page myframe.html from your browser. Let me know how it goes...


Posted on
Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:02 am
frogbeater offline
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Oh, I am so excited to try this when I get home!!!!

The static folder... A whole new frontier!

Thank you Matt.

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