Flash/Flex client done and installed.

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Thu Jul 19, 2007 8:55 pm
saltsman offline
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I'd like to take a crack at spiffing up the UI a bit for this. Ultimately, it would be cool if it were skinnable, but that would take a lot of extra code.

I think the general layout works pretty well. I'm most interested in button design, window dressing, etc. The iPhone has tossed in some new ways to think about finger controlled UI's.

I might mock something up in PS and see what type of feedback you guys provide.

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Fri Jul 20, 2007 4:48 am
gza offline
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I plan to make the whole thing skinable as soon as a number of people tell me it works for them. I need a test group for that.

Right now you can change most of the graphics by simply replacing them in the image directory. I'm going to add CSS so that the fonts can be changed with ease.

If you want to rearrange the layout that is a little harder. I have put all Indigo code bits in a separate actionscript class and only exposed the the necessary bits to the front end. Flex is like Visual basic for the web so you can redesign the layout just like you can in VB without have to recode the whole thing. Like VB it is more like a desktop application then a web page. Also like VB you do have to recompile the application though. The flex compiler has been released as an open source project by adobe so anyone can use it without having to pay.

Maybe someone else can come up with an editor where you rearrange a fixed list of controls without having to recompile the app. But that is a lot of extra code.

If you want to mock something up in photoshop go ahead. I don't have an artistic bone in my body so I'm more then happy for the help. Even if you just want to change the layout of the controls I'm open. Just remember that this a primarily a 10 foot interface so buttons have to about the size of your finger at resolution higher the 1024 by 768. If you want you can create large and small image sets and I can add the code to adjust based on the browser size. I plan to do this at some point so one can use a cell phone or PDA based browser. Right now the interface dynamically adjusts down to 800 x 600 when you resize the window. After that the component start to move off screen or outside of the window.

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Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:06 pm
gza offline
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The client has been released on source forge.

http://www.perceptiveautomation.com/php ... php?t=2350

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Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:46 am
mreyn2005 offline
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working on infrastructure

I am working on a set of object classes including integration with cairngorm. I will be sure to post when it is ready for prime time.


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