USB to Serial Driver? SNOW Leopard...

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Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:26 am
Macsilencer offline
Posts: 64
Joined: Mar 01, 2005

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jaja check my member series number

I grew up with you

im use the Indigo version 0
and i have always Original MAC..

when i Install the OSX in a PC Hardware is my dilemma
when i Install the OSX in a Original Hardware is another my dilemma

im are verry Happy to use the Indigo ...its a verry COOL APP
the Hardware is not important
important is the Stability and Easy to use this Software

i have solved the Driver solution...and i can use your Software with SNOW Leopard...i am verry Happy...

Posted on
Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:07 am
bschollnick2 offline
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Macsilencer wrote:
jaja check my member series number
when i Install the OSX in a PC Hardware is my dilemma
when i Install the OSX in a Original Hardware is another my dilemma

im are verry Happy to use the Indigo ...its a verry COOL APP
the Hardware is not important
important is the Stability and Easy to use this Software

i have solved the Driver solution...and i can use your Software with SNOW Leopard...i am verry Happy...

The question is not how long you have been using Indigo, or how well versed you are in Macintosh systems... When you are using an Hackintosh, it is unsupported... Why?

* Drivers may not work correctly

* Software Applications may or may not work correctly... (Every thing I have read about Hackintosh indicates that there is a significant period of tweaking, trying to get most applications to run correctly.)

* For an Hackintosh to work, you are patching the EFI loader used by the OS to start. That's going to leave a mark.

* Matt & Jay don't have Hackintoshes to test with. They do have Macintosh's, so how can they support your configuration?

* It's illegal. “You agree not to install, use or run the Apple Software on any non-Apple-labeled computer, or to enable others to do so.” Effectively, it says that if you are running OS X on anything other than Apple hardware, you are in violation of the EULA. Apple Won't support you, and any bugs OS or driver issues you find, can't be reported to Apple .

The simple fact is that if you want to run a Hackintosh, no one can stop you... But you have to recognize that one of the costs of running a hackintosh is that you won't be supported as well as someone running a real Macintosh. Why? Because the developer won't be supported by Apple in regards to a Hackintosh...

This would be the same as calling up your internet provider and asking them to support OS/2. (I always had to pretend that I was running Windows, since they didn't support OS/2... )


Posted on
Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:40 am
Macsilencer offline
Posts: 64
Joined: Mar 01, 2005

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1. yes my Drivers work my Hackintosh System SNOW version
1 Week and FINE for me..
2.when you dont have an Hackintosh...your problem
3. i have 4 Original SNOW versions...i have all the System after 10.x Original Boxed here...
4. i have 1 Hackintosh...LOW COST Computer...insert an CM11 in Serial...Start, connect go...NOT Crash, NOT BUT OUT, NOTHING relevant of user with you
5. i have an Mac Pro, iMac, Powerbook, and my wife any Macbook....
all this machine have installed the Indigo Client to connect of the Hackintosh with Indigo Server..

wo is your Problem
my help of us is i write here, i have found any solution of Hackintosh

so if you believe there you are in quite then you error...
the Indigo is an Software used exclusive to MAC
the Macmachine is a Wonderfully Machine with the OSX System

so when all the Users here have an Original mac,
sell indigo and Installed iT
when 200 of users here have an Hackintosh
sell Indigo and Installed it

The System is nothing relevant of this situation...The Developers here of Indigo sell the Indigo with Lizense all the are Mac or Hack...

I only wrote that it goes on a Hackintosh

other situation
im installed of an PC Hardware LINUX..
im using an Emulator and Install SNOW of this machine..
so i buying an indigo Server....and launch this..

wo is the Different with an Hackintosh or an Linux PC?
im write the Driver for Linux System and Connect to Serial..or Download it
im Search an Driver for OSX System in an PC and COnnect to Serial the CM11

my only commit a crime here is
i have install an ORIGNAL System 10.6 with an Orignal PC
i have Install an Original INDIGO HOME for my HOUSE of this System

give you me an solution of an Orignal Hardware Driver
i go to buy an Macmini and install this Original Software Snow in the Mini and my Original INDIGO of the System and launch this with Server

This Threat is Closed!!!

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