web server not working

Posted on
Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:25 pm
anode offline
Posts: 697
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Location: NC

web server not working

I tried the 3.0.6 and can't connect to the web server. Not even from the control page editor (the preview in browser button) Just sits trying to connect and noting.

I was on the prev version, same results so thought I'd try the upgrade.

Posted on
Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:04 pm
jay (support) offline
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Please restart the server, then cut/paste the contents of the event log window here.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:17 pm
anode offline
Posts: 697
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Location: NC

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Just a quick note. I'm doing this all remotely (1000 miles away)
Seems the mac won't restart. Will be home tomorow.

but heres the log:

Oct 30, 2008 10:13:40 PM
Killing 57777 using SIGTERM
Starting Indigo Server version 3.0.6
Loading attachments
"device target attachment.scpt" script loaded
"EZIO2x4.Scpt" script loaded
"garage door attachment.scpt" script loaded
"group target attachment.scpt" script loaded
"growl attachment.scpt" script loaded
"HVAC.scpt" script loaded
"iTunes attachment.scpt" script loaded
"NOAA Weather Script.scpt" script loaded
"scenes attachment.scpt" script loaded
"security sample.scpt" script loaded
"time stamp attachment.scpt" script loaded
"Tivo.scpt" script loaded
"TivoADVANCE.scpt" script loaded
"TivoCHANNELDOWN.scpt" script loaded
"TivoCHANNELUP.scpt" script loaded
"TivoCLEAR.scpt" script loaded
"TivoDELIMITER.scpt" script loaded
"TivoDIRECTV.scpt" script loaded
"TivoDISPLAY.scpt" script loaded
"TivoDown.scpt" script loaded
"TivoENTER.scpt" script loaded
"TivoFav1.scpt" script loaded
"TivoFav10.scpt" script loaded
"TivoFav11.scpt" script loaded
"TivoFav2.scpt" script loaded
"TivoFav3.scpt" script loaded
"TivoFav4.scpt" script loaded
"TivoFav5.scpt" script loaded
"TivoFav6.scpt" script loaded
"TivoFav7.scpt" script loaded
"TivoFav8.scpt" script loaded
"TivoFav9.scpt" script loaded
"TivoFORWARD.scpt" script loaded
"TivoGUIDE.scpt" script loaded
"TivoLeft.scpt" script loaded
"TivoLiveTVswtchTuner.scpt" script loaded
"TivoNOWSHOWING.scpt" script loaded
"TivoNUM0.scpt" script loaded
"TivoNUM1.scpt" script loaded
"TivoNUM2.scpt" script loaded
"TivoNUM3.scpt" script loaded
"TivoNUM4.scpt" script loaded
"TivoNUM5.scpt" script loaded
"TivoNUM6.scpt" script loaded
"TivoNUM7.scpt" script loaded
"TivoNUM8.scpt" script loaded
"TivoNUM9.scpt" script loaded
"TivoPause.scpt" script loaded
"TivoPLAY.scpt" script loaded
"TivoRECORD.scpt" script loaded
"TivoREPLAY.scpt" script loaded
"TivoREVERSE.scpt" script loaded
"TivoRight.scpt" script loaded
"TivoSelect.scpt" script loaded
"TivoSLOW.scpt" script loaded
"TivoSTANDBY.scpt" script loaded
"TivoThumbsDown.scpt" script loaded
"TivoThumbsUp.scpt" script loaded
"TivoUp.scpt" script loaded
Indigo Cocoa client authenticated

Oct 30, 2008 10:13:44 PM
Trigger Action Startup
PowerLinc Compiling Trigger Actions...
PowerLinc Skipped Trigger Action "Away" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Trigger Action "start backround tasks" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Trigger Action "VegWater" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Trigger Action "Bloom Water" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Trigger Action "AUtoCamOff" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Trigger Action "HVACon" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Trigger Action "HVACoff" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Trigger Action "AC Compressor pause" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Trigger Action "HVACPauseON" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Trigger Action "AC turns ON" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Trigger Action "AC Turns Off" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Trigger Action "Startup" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Trigger Action "Home" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Trigger Action "FrontDoor approach" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Compiling Time/Date Actions...
PowerLinc Compiled Time/Date Action "Bedtime"
PowerLinc Compiled Time/Date Action "Evening Lights"
PowerLinc Compiled Time/Date Action "Herbs"
PowerLinc Compiled Time/Date Action "Herbs Off"
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "RedyTemp" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "RedyTemp Switch" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "Refresh IO" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "Water Pump" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "Away-1" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Compiled Time/Date Action "KaBloomON"
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "KaBloomFAN" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Compiled Time/Date Action "pop fan"
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "Morning null" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "Veg Waterin" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "Day" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "Eve" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "Night" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "HVAC on" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "HVACfilter" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "Semi-Hourly" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "Midnight" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "HVACcostLog" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "outsideTempLog" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "Monthly" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "TempSet Home Night" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "TempSet Day Home" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "TempSet Night Away" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "TempSet Away Day" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Skipped Time/Date Action "HydroFeedPump" - compatibility poor
PowerLinc Compile complete
Connected to SmartHome PowerLinc USB E
PowerLinc address 09.47.40, firmware version 2.13
WebServer client authenticated
WebServer started on port 8176 -- authentication disabled
WebServer enabled browser access to plugin path "plugins/variable/css"
PowerLinc standalone operation disabled
Indigo directly controlling automation logic
PowerLinc Uploading sunset/sunrise tables to interface...
PowerLinc Uploading Trigger and Time/Date Actions...
WebServer disconnecting from Indigo server
WebServer client disconnected
PowerLinc Uploaded 922 bytes to interface (98% memory free)
PowerLinc Resetting...
PowerLinc Reset complete

Posted on
Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:33 pm
jay (support) offline
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Interesting - it looks like on startup that you have a trigger action that's uploading the actions to the interface (which doesn't make any sense) then the PowerLinc seems to be resetting (which also makes no sense). You don't need to do either of these things at startup.

But, somewhere in that process, the web server process is also being shutdown. I think you should take a long hard look at any trigger action of type "startup"; something there isn't right. Just to test, disable any triggers of that type then restart and see if the log still shows the web server shutting down. You SHOULD NOT see these two lines in the log after a reboot:

WebServer disconnecting from Indigo server
WebServer client disconnected

If you can't find it you can send your database to indigoDASHsupportATperceptiveautomationDOTcom and I'll see if I can find it.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:14 am
anode offline
Posts: 697
Joined: May 27, 2007
Location: NC

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Only start up trigger I have is an embedded applescript that opens up a telnet session with the TiVo. Simple one line script (minus the tell/end tell)

Posted on
Fri Oct 31, 2008 8:09 am
jay (support) offline
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Send us your database file when you get a chance...

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Fri Oct 31, 2008 8:51 am
asw24b offline
Posts: 222
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Location: Los Altos Hills, CA

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anode wrote:
Only start up trigger I have is an embedded applescript that opens up a telnet session with the TiVo. Simple one line script (minus the tell/end tell)

Random question... could you share your Tivo/telnet scripts ?


Posted on
Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:30 am
anode offline
Posts: 697
Joined: May 27, 2007
Location: NC

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Finally got home and got the mini to reboot. All is cool and working just peachy.

As far as the TiVo goes, its all real simple.

Telnet in (via a start up trigger)

tell application "Terminal"
do script "telnet 31339"
end tell

then a mini script for each button


tell application "Terminal"
--do script "telnet 31339"
--do script "IRCODE UP" in front window
--do script "IRCODE DOWN" in front window
--do script "IRCODE LEFT" in front window
--do script "IRCODE RIGHT" in front window
--do script "IRCODE SELECT" in front window
--do script "IRCODE TIVO" in front window
--do script "IRCODE LIVETV" in front window
--do script "IRCODE THUMBSUP" in front window
--do script "IRCODE THUMBSDOWN" in front window
--do script "IRCODE CHANNELUP" in front window
--do script "IRCODE CHANNELDOWN" in front window
--do script "IRCODE RECORD" in front window
--do script "IRCODE DISPLAY" in front window
--do script "IRCODE DIRECTV" in front window
--do script "IRCODE NUM0" in front window
--do script "IRCODE NUM1" in front window
--do script "IRCODE NUM2" in front window
--do script "IRCODE NUM3" in front window
--do script "IRCODE NUM4" in front window
--do script "IRCODE NUM5" in front window
--do script "IRCODE NUM6" in front window
--do script "IRCODE NUM7" in front window
--do script "IRCODE NUM8" in front window
--do script "IRCODE NUM9" in front window
--do script "IRCODE ENTER" in front window
--do script "IRCODE CLEAR" in front window
--do script "IRCODE PLAY" in front window
--do script "IRCODE PAUSE" in front window
--do script "IRCODE SLOW" in front window
--do script "IRCODE FORWARD" in front window
--do script "IRCODE REVERSE" in front window
--do script "IRCODE STANDBY" in front window
do script "IRCODE NOWSHOWING" in front window
--do script "IRCODE REPLAY" in front window
--do script "IRCODE ADVANCE" in front window
--do script "IRCODE DELIMITER" in front window
--do script "IRCODE GUIDE" in front window
--do script "SETCH 360" in front window
--do script "IRCODE PAUSE" in front window
--do script "IRCODEDISPLAY" in front window
end tell

(note, all commands are in here, but only one isn't commented out; NOWSHOWING)

One of the nice things is that I have about 10 main channels set up on a control page, so I can just click and jump to them. I also have them set, channel number and call letters, as variables, so I can change the variables without editing the control page.

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