IPhone SDK

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Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:31 am
billshafer offline
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iPhone as Remote

support wrote:
Some questions for you all:

What do you want the iPhone native client to do?

I'd love to use my iPhone as a remote control for various scenes, event, etc. that I have set up vs. purchasing a larger & less elegant piece of hardware :-)

(for starters...)

Posted on
Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:26 pm
bcmayes offline
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Location: Philadelphia, PA

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support wrote:
Some questions for you all:

What do you want the iPhone native client to do?

We already have the browser-based Control Page access, so where does the iPhone native client fit in exactly? I have plans for several iPhone web UI improvements that won't require users to create Control Pages in most cases. It will be browser based though.

Basically, I'm trying to figure out what an iPhone native client should do and what the main purpose of it should be.


I want the iPhone native client to act like the widget, only better as the widget seems to be a bit of a stepchild lately. To wit, the iPhone client should look basically like the widget and do everything it can do now, with:

- Devices appearing alphabetically.
- The ability to manipulate variables (in addition to seeing their status).
- The ability to see the status of Time/Date Actions.

More or less in that order. I can't really see anything else it needs to do. Basically, I just want to turn my iPhone (or iPod Touch) into a long-distance remote control without having to go to the basic or control web pages.

The widget looks good and already has a decent iPhone interface. I assume that should be relatively simple to translate.


Mac mini 1.25, 1024MB RAM; Indigo 2.0

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Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:37 pm
bcmayes offline
Posts: 119
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Location: Philadelphia, PA

(No subject)

support wrote:
Unfortunately, I'm not sure a native iPhone application is the easy answer for all of this.
Perhaps the native client for the iPhone will really be just a special version of the browser (built using WebKit) that makes connecting to the server easier. There might very well be a need to create a native Indigo client that connects directly to the Indigo Server, but I don't think it should be for running Control Pages unless there is a clear advantage to doing so.

There is a disadvantage to a native client as well, in that you won't be able to access it with a GoPrism.com Reflector. Reflectors currently only reflect HTTP traffic, so if you are on the road then a native client cannot currently easily (unless you have a static IP address, router configured, firewall configured, etc.) connect back to your Indigo Server.

I think if someone wants to access control pages then they should use the browser. Work on beefing up control page/iPhone compatibility should be separate from a native client.

The client should function (back-end wise) the same way as loading a copy of Indigo as a client on another computer. It should connect through the same port (or a different one if that's needed) and perhaps use a password that can be stored or not depending upon the end user's choice.

Another two cents,

Mac mini 1.25, 1024MB RAM; Indigo 2.0

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