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Can you copy and modify scenes directly?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:30 pm
by ryandenver

Is there a way in Indigo to work with scenes directly as you would Action Groups, Triggers, etc?

For example, if I create a scene with light levels at 10% that also triggers multiple keypad buttons, I'd like to recreate that, but at 5% or 75%, etc. Right now the only way I've found to do that is to manually create a new scene in the Action Group or Trigger dialogue which is time consuming and error prone when you have large scenes constructed and you're trying to match an existing scene but for one variable.



Re: Can you copy and modify scenes directly?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:05 am
by jay (support)
Can you more clarify what you mean by "scene" (there are MANY different definitions of that term) and how you are setting them?

Re: Can you copy and modify scenes directly?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 2:23 pm
by ryandenver

Currently I'm working through the Action Groups interface (see attachment). I'm wondering if there's a way to access, add, copy, delete 'scenes' other than through this type of dialogue. Some of my scenes have 15-30 devices, so recreating them every time I want to create a slightly tweaked version is prone to error.



Re: Can you copy and modify scenes directly?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 2:32 pm
by matt (support)
Unfortunately, not currently. In some cases the adventurous can make an XML copy of their database file and try hand-editing it, but that is a complicated process for Insteon links in particular.

One approach that might be helpful would be to organize your scenes into hierarchies if you have a base scene that needs to be included/executes as part of other scenes. Executing scenes is then a bit more complicated (you would execute the base scene then the secondary/child scene after that) but it can help reduce the overall headache of editing scenes (presuming you have a 'base' that needs to be shared across multiple scenes). Note the child/sub scenes can also override values that the base scene has. For that reason it makes sense for the base scene to have the lowest brightness values used (across all scenes), then when executed in sequence the results won't be a light going too bright (in the base) and then dimming down (in the child/sub) scene.

Re: Can you copy and modify scenes directly?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 3:08 pm
by ryandenver

Thanks for confirming what I assumed about editabilty. Would be great if this could be added to the application as another configuration interface with the standard functions such as duplicate/delete/new that is grouped in the side bar much like Action Groups, Triggers, Devices are. Is there a place to log these types of requests? I have around 80 Insteon devices plus Hue, Racchio, Ecobee, etc so some of my scenes can be lengthy and complex.

Thanks again,


Re: Can you copy and modify scenes directly?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 3:49 pm
by matt (support)
Hi Ryan,

ryandenver wrote:
Is there a place to log these types of requests?

We add feature requests to our internal list as we get them. This particular one was already on the list.