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Create action from trigger

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:09 am
by MarcoGT
Hi all,

at the moment I have a lot of triggers which contain a lot of actions.

For example:

Trigger (Good Night) on variable change --> conditions (if any) --> list of actions (action1, action2 and so on).

I have started to clean up and do something like this:

Trigger (Good Night) on variable change --> conditions (if any) --> "Good Night Action" (which actually contains the previous action1, action2) and so on).

But, as you can understand, this is a manual work which can leads to error hard to identify.
Wouldn't be possible to create an action group from those actions?


Re: Create action from trigger

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:13 am
by MarcoGT
Ok, I saw that someone had the same need few years ago


Re: Create action from trigger

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:15 am
by MarcoGT

Re: Create action from trigger

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:17 pm
by FlyingDiver
If you're really brave, you could edit the Indigo XML file and copy those sections around.

Make a backup first...

Re: Create action from trigger

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:35 am
by MarcoGT
Yeah, that's also an idea :D

Re: Create action from trigger

PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 9:48 pm
by peszko
Id also like to have option of copying trigger actions to action group. Now that I'm starting to use z-wave, I want to u se action groups more since insteon scenes will not cover all my devices now. Plus, I think having most of the login in one place will make it easier to maintain.

Re: Create action from trigger

PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:48 am
by matt (support)
That one is already on the feature request list, but good suggestion.