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Condition in schedule fails

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:27 pm
by roquej
Sorry if this question been answered. Searched but couldn't find a match.

I have a scheduled event that enables Goodnight mode. Only want this schedule to execute if certain conditions, based on variable states, are met. Example: if vacation mode is enabled, the variable "vacationModeStatus" is not set to true, then execute the actions in the schedule.

Well, can't get this to work. The variable is set correctly to true when vacation mode is active, but the schedule keeps executing. I know is something simple that I am missing, but can figure it out - AND haven't even started on the Thanksgiving beverage yet, so no excuses...

Thank you in advance!


Re: Condition in schedule fails

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:29 pm
by roquej
Nevemind...realized the issues the moment I hit the enter key - reverse logic