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Has this ever happened to anyone with a trigger?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 4:01 pm
by Sharek326
For years I have had several basic triggers setup to turn on lights and start a timer when motion is detected in my bathroom. Always been there always worked. Today when I walked in I saw the red light go on with the motion sensor but the light never came on. When I looked at the trigger the light was no longer included in the trigger. I know when I left for work this morning it was working just fine. Has a light just magically removed itself from actions and triggers for anyone else or am I not alone in my house?

Re: Has this ever happened to anyone with a trigger?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 4:32 pm
by jay (support)
You're not alone in your house... :P

We've not heard of anyone experience random actions being removed from triggers (or anything else for that matter) spontaneously. If a light was deleted in Indigo and it was used in other places, then there would be some cascade deletions. If the light device was still present in Indigo, then that wouldn't be the cause.

Re: Has this ever happened to anyone with a trigger?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 4:48 pm
by Sharek326
Thats whats odd. this morning everything worked as expected as I got ready for work. I was the last to leave and first to arrive back home. And the light didn't come on. When I checked the trigger the timer part was still there but the light was removed.

Re: Has this ever happened to anyone with a trigger?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:32 pm
by peszko
I had something a bit similar happen to me. The problem was that a whole modification session seemed to not be written to disk. Everything worked fine, until power failure. After that the Indio configuration seems to have reverted to the state before the last time I was changing it. I suspect it was a hard drive failure (it started to act up a bit) After replacement, I haven't seen it again. But just in case when I'm doing extensive modifications I make it a point of restarting Indigo server to make sure it writes everything to the disk (And backup the config to another computer).