[ANSWERED]: Previous states of a device

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Mon May 11, 2015 4:32 pm
Turribeach offline
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[ANSWERED]: Previous states of a device

Hi, are the previous states of a device available to a trigger? I am thinking in database terms here where you can have your "before" row and compare it to the "new" row to decide what to do. This will be handy when firing trigger since I can put something conditions around it. If not I am guessing one way to achieve this could be to fire an action on the trigger (the last one) to store the "current" value of the device state into a variable. That way the next time the trigger fires I can have the previous value available.

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Thu May 14, 2015 5:03 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Previous states of a device

Not via a Trigger, but if you create a plugin you can do it by calling indigo.devices.subscribeToChanges() then defining the method:

Code: Select all
def deviceUpdated(self, origDev, newDev):

which will get called whenever a device changes both with the before and after device instances.


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