[SOLVED] Insteon command received, Trigger does not activate

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Mon Apr 14, 2014 3:05 pm
gadgetnut offline
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[SOLVED] Insteon command received, Trigger does not activate

I have been trying to set up a keypad button to trigger an action group. I changed the Keypadlinc Button Toggle Mode, and in the actions I executed an action group, and in a second action, turned that keypad button off.

In the Indigo Event Log, I see the correct trigger command being received, but Indigo never sends the action group commands. The trigger condition is always.

This happened to me twice. In both cases, when you attempt to trigger the scene by pressing the appropriate keypad button, you see that button blink a couple times, then persistently stay on. I got the idea that maybe I need to build in a delay for turning off the keypad button, but that did not seem to change things.

I quit and restarted Indigo, restarted the computer, unplugged the PLM. I must be missing something. Any ideas?

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Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:26 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Insteon command received, but Trigger does not activate?

The button is in non-toggle mode - which means it only sends an ON (or OFF if that's how you configured it) because it never toggles value. When in non-toggle mode, when you press a button it flashes a couple of times as visual feedback that you actually did press the button. So, as I pointed out in your other thread, you don't need to turn the button OFF - if you have it set to non-toggle mode and have it always send OFF then it will never turn on. If you have it in not-toggle mode and have it always send ON, then it will always be on and every time you press the button it will send an ON command.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:41 pm
gadgetnut offline
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Re: Insteon command received, but Trigger does not activate?

Okay, thanks, that makes sense. In regards to a received command failing to trigger an action group... that seems really unlikely, right? But I seem to have everything set up properly. I see the specified trigger command being received in the Event log. But Indigo does not send the action group commands...

After a lot of link programming, adding, deleting, changing, does an Insteon device ever become confused and it becomes helpful to factory reset it?

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Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:20 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Insteon command received, but Trigger does not activate?

I don't believe you have it set up like you think you do. You need to understand how non-toggle mode works which I believe is your fundamental issue.

If Indigo sees a command and it has a trigger correctly defined to fire, it will fire. I don't believe anyone has reported a bug about INSTEON Command Received action not firing so it seems very unlikely.

I suppose it's possible to get broken links when manipulating device links though we go to extreme lengths to make sure that we don't allow that. There have been rare cases where the link database got corrupted so a factory reset allows you to start fresh.

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Posted on
Wed Apr 16, 2014 12:07 pm
gadgetnut offline
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Re: Insteon command received, but Trigger does not activate?

I am at the client's home now. Earlier I had triggered action groups firing off numerous keypad buttons successfully. I changed the keypadlinc toggle mode on one of the keypads in the kitchen. As of that time, triggers stopped working.

I factory reset that kitchen KPL. No change.

I restarted the computer and my other triggers started working again, on, off, everything OK. I go back to the kitchen KPL and initiate one of my triggers. The trigger command ( "Kitchen Hallway KPL" off (button 3) ) is received in the Indigo log, but nothing happens.

After that, my other triggers are also received but Indigo does not fire the action group.

Can I provide any info from here that can help us resolve this? Thank you.

On Edit: Update since I posted this, I have restarted the computer again but this time my other trigger events are not firing either, although they certainly did the restart before this.

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Wed Apr 16, 2014 12:39 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Insteon command received, but Trigger does not activate?

It sounds like you are probably using the Device State Changed type of trigger, which only fires when a state changes (ON to OFF, or OFF to ON). If you are using non-toggle mode on a KPL then instead you should use the INSTEON Command Received type of trigger for either ON or OFF (depending on which command the KPL is sending).


Posted on
Wed Apr 16, 2014 12:45 pm
gadgetnut offline
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Re: Insteon command received, but Trigger does not activate?

That was totally it, Matt. Thank you for your immediate help (and commitment and imagination!) :D

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