Our power company is replacing a lot of power poles...

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Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:41 am
P15-D24 offline
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Our power company is replacing a lot of power poles...

in our area and I have been running the house on a generator. In general it been working ok, not 100% reliable but useable. A lot of time I have to do multiple key presses to get a device to respond.
Everything is Insteon dual band except three legacy x10 devices (lights) in my living room and dining room. They have been working ok so I just never switched them over.

Today, during another outage, I looked at the log and the network is being flooded with:
Received X10 J10 status request
Received X10 J10 status request
Received X10 J10 extended data of 0 command of 0
Received X10 J10 status request
Received X10 J10 status request
Received X10 J10 status request
Received X10 J10 status request
Received X10 J10 status request
Received X10 J10 status request
Received X10 M13 preset dim val of 30

A new request about every second.

Any way to tell if this is actually coming from the legacy X10 devices or maybe generator noise? (Generator is rated for use with electronic devices such as computers/TV)
I suspect all this traffic is what is causing the occasional flakey performance from the Insteon devices.
Time to replace the X10 devices or ?

Running OS X 12.2.1 on 2018 Mac Mini, Indigo 2022.2

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Tue Aug 20, 2019 3:24 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Our power company is replacing a lot of power poles...

Is that J10 an address of one of your existing X10 devices? If not, then it could very well be a failing Insteon device (I've had several that started spewing garbage X10 commands when they started failing). But unfortunately it could also be signal noise that just sorta looks like X10 signals. Check out the signal troubleshooting page for tips.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Tue Aug 20, 2019 6:49 pm
P15-D24 offline
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Re: Our power company is replacing a lot of power poles...

Doesn't seem to be a known X10 address, living room multi button switch starts with G9. Been so long since I've used X10 don't remember how they were set up. Don't they go up numerically, first button is G9, then G10 and G11? I don't have any X10 devices defined in Indigo.

The power just came back on and I shut down the generator and I really expected it to stop. However it just started back up again. I guess I'll go ahead and upgrade the last of the X10 stuff and see it that clears up the issue.

When I was on generator I tried switching off each circuit on the transfer switch (only have 12) to see if the error stopped. It didn't so I'm assuming none of the Insteon devices running were the culprit.

Is there a way to configure Indigo to ignore all X10 devices and any associated messages?

Running OS X 12.2.1 on 2018 Mac Mini, Indigo 2022.2

Posted on
Tue Aug 20, 2019 7:15 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Our power company is replacing a lot of power poles...

Well, Indigo isn't doing anything except logging what it's seeing. There isn't a way to turn off the logging however.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Thu Aug 22, 2019 11:53 am
P15-D24 offline
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Re: Our power company is replacing a lot of power poles...

Found the source! When the power went off I ran on two UPS devices for about an hour. After the generator started they went into recharge cycle. That seems the be the noise generator. As they came up to full charge the frequency of the message started to slow down and as soon as they stopped charging the messages stopped. Been two days without any errors logged. :D

Running OS X 12.2.1 on 2018 Mac Mini, Indigo 2022.2

Posted on
Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:07 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Our power company is replacing a lot of power poles...

UPSs are notorious about generating noise as we mention on the signal troubleshooting page - we recommend putting filters on them.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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