2023.1.1 new issues with Insteon connectivity/reliability

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Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:29 pm
geoffsharris offline
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2023.1.1 new issues with Insteon connectivity/reliability


I've had a very stable installation of Indigo for many years and have had no issues with Insteon devices not responding. I recently upgraded to 2023.1.1 on a 2020 M1 mac mini running Ventura. I am having a lot of dropped communications where it doesn't turn on or off and doesn't respond to status requests. I've A-> B tested 2022.2 vs. this and it is clearly 2023.1.1 . No issues with earlier version. I've synced the Insteon controller and that made no difference. Any ideas here?


Posted on
Wed Nov 22, 2023 3:21 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: 2023.1.1 new issues with Insteon connectivity/reliabilit

We've had no other reports of Insteon problems in the latest releases. The tests were on the exact same Mac with the same hardware? If the Mac is changing, then you have more than 1 variable changing. Insteon reliability can be affected by power line noise and signal attenuation caused different different outlets/power strips/UPSs, etc.

Can you re-run a test, controlling the exact same module, and copy/paste the Event Log results from both so we can compare them?


Posted on
Sun Nov 26, 2023 10:54 am
geoffsharris offline
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Re: 2023.1.1 new issues with Insteon connectivity/reliabilit

Hi Matt,

Been working on this over the weekend. I am now thinking this may be just coincidence in timing of the upgrade to 2023.1. Mea culpa. There are no changes in my setup, but communications with multiple devices have become flaky over the last 10 days. I have an insteon outdoor appliance linc that seems to potentially be the culprit, but worried it could be the PLM. When I try to link to this device, it goes into linking mode and the PLM will make a loud acknowledgment, but it wont link. Both have been factory reset and problem still persists. Is it possible for a bad device to add noise to the signal and ruin the reliability of the system? Or is this more likely a PLM problem? Now that I've removed this device, it seems to be back running normally, but not enough data yet to be sure. All signal failures would seem to have been in the either getting signal to the device - sent on or off, but didn't turn on or off or signal got to the device and it did what it is supposed to, but ack did not get back to PLM. Making me think this is a new noise on the line issue. Devices are enough of a combo of old powerline and dual band ones that this doesn't seem super likely, but not impossible. Any insight would be welcome. Runs a greenhouse and flaky control of the heater is a big problem as we go into winter.

Posted on
Sun Nov 26, 2023 2:40 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: 2023.1.1 new issues with Insteon connectivity/reliabilit

It could be the PLM, the outdoor appliance module you suspect, or something unrelated to Insteon causing noise or attenuating signals (surge strips, new electronics, new chargers, etc.). A failing module (like the appliance module) can definitely cause signal problems with the entire network, although it doesn't happen that often. But if removing it takes care of the problem then that must be the culprit. PLMs can also become marginal (and not out-right fail) but more often than not it is a signal problem near the Mac or on the circuit the PLM is plugged into. To troubleshoot that we normally suggest plugging the PLM into different circuits in different locations to see if that improves reliability. Since you are just troubleshooting using an extension cord is an easy way to do this (so you don't have to move the Mac).


Posted on
Mon Nov 27, 2023 5:24 am
landry offline
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Re: 2023.1.1 new issues with Insteon connectivity/reliabilit

Hi Jay and Geoff

I have been using Insteon since its conception and I have seen two times when an Insteon device goes sour. In both times the device was repetitively broadcasting is state which overloaded the whole Insteon network. In both cases the diagnostic was checking the log window and al I could see was a an overriding broast state of one Insteon device.

I am on my third modem powerlinc modem suggesting a 5 year lifespan.


Posted on
Mon Nov 27, 2023 7:47 am
rehafer offline
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Re: 2023.1.1 new issues with Insteon connectivity/reliabilit

A five year lifespan for a PLM is approximately inline with my experience as well

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted on
Tue Nov 28, 2023 12:13 pm
geoffsharris offline
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Re: 2023.1.1 new issues with Insteon connectivity/reliabilit

Nothing had changed in my automation setup and as far as I know nothing new added anywhere else in the house. If I remove the malfunctioning outdoor linc, it doesn't seem to have any positive or negative effect. If I add in an unused dual band EZIO8SA serial device, the speed and reliability of the system markedly improves. The only thing that I can think of that happened is that on Nov 6th, there was a planned power outage to replace a power pole across the street. On Nov 7th is when I installed 2023.1. The 7th is when the system started to get unreliable. I have ordered a new PLM to have a backup and see if this solves the problem. Is is possible that this could be related to something external to the house that they did to the power pole?

Posted on
Tue Nov 28, 2023 2:58 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: 2023.1.1 new issues with Insteon connectivity/reliabilit

I think it could in theory be related (if your power is now more "noisy" than before), but I've never heard reports from customers regarding anything similar. The closest I can recall is probably some solar setups have issues because the DC -> AC inverters can be noisy.


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