Looking for a new Android launcher

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Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:11 am
roussell offline
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Looking for a new Android launcher

So, since I've settled on using Android tablets in the house, I've been trying to decide the best way to interact with Indigo and the other stuff in and around the house. Because I have no graphics talent, I'm impatient, and I tend to get lazy... I prefer to use the native apps for certain things ( Sonos, Security cameras, weather data, etc., you get the point).

I don't like the native Android way (or iOS either for that matter) of switching between apps on the device, but what occurred to me was that if there was a launcher the was always-on-top, allowed custom icons, and was positionable on-screen, I could use the launcher as my main navigation point, put it on the side of the screen (tablets mounted in landscape orientation), I could assign icons to the apps I use, plus specific control pages in DomoPad and have a simple-to-use single point of navigation for all things home-auto. Visually, what I imagine is something similar in operation to the Springboard in OS X or the taskbar in Windows :shock:

So, the question is: Has anyone ran across a replacement launcher for Android like what I describe above? I know there are tons out there and I tried a few a while ago (can't remember their names at the moment) but nothing was quite right.


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Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:34 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Looking for a new Android launcher

Offhand I don't know of any launchers, but that sounds like a good idea... perhaps could could get by with a quick launcher such as this:

That will keep a quick-launch icon on screen at all times with a small set of icons... and there are probably others too, just have seen it (not used it). Having ability to have a quick launch on the side would be pretty cool, so maybe someone has a cool launcher than can do it. Let us know if you find something!

Or better yet, go ahead and write a Domotics Launcher for this purpose. We can give you plenty of ideas and suggestions... :)

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