DomoPad v0.9.0 Beta

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Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:06 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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DomoPad v0.9.0 Beta

As mentioned in my previous post, HousePad has been renamed to DomoPad and is ready for the next beta (for the sake of continuity I will keep version numbers the same.) This renaming process as well as beginning some changes to accommodate Indigo Touch v2 / Indigo v6.1 features have created a monumental change log for this release. I have done my very best to test the heck out of this thing, but given the amount of change I worry there could be some bugs. Therefore, I am asking some of my hearty, gung-ho testers to give this a shot and let me know some feedback before I release it to the masses so to speak.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This will not overwrite your previous HousePad installation, but rather go as a new application on your phone. You can keep the old version installed or remove it at your convenience. You will need to install the new DomoPad Mobile Client Plugin to work with the new application and, unfortunately, re-create/re-pair your Android device for push notifications and RSTP feeds. I apologize for this inconvenience, but as Jay said - at least it wasn't fully released yet!

Download Links:
DomoPad Android Client Beta
DomoPad Mobile Client Plugin

Major Changes / Updates:
  • Added iTunes control in device list
  • Created indication in devices list of disabled devices
  • Redesigned the item details screen in line with Indigo Touch v2
  • Added additional graphics for control pages introduced by Indigo Touch v2/v6.1
  • Updated device list icons
  • Added popup control page dialogs -- select "Open in new window" in the control page editor to popup in a dialog window
  • Completely redesigned settings screen
  • Added control page transition selection in the settings
  • Re-branded colors for new color scheme
  • Application renamed from HousePad to DomoPad
  • HUNDREDS of small usability and design tweaks

My next priority is adding in the Indigo Touch 2 / Indigo 6.1 features that are currently missing -- such as new fonts, control page actions, and other enhancements. However, I really do want some feedback -- positive or negative -- on this release if possible.


Posted on
Sat Apr 25, 2015 12:14 am
T-Power offline
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Re: DomoPad v0.9.0 Beta


Thank you very much for the continued support and all the work you have put into this project.
It really has become a beautiful piece of work!

Thank you :D

MacMini 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 16GB DDR3
Indigo Pro 2022.1 macOS Mojave 10.14.6

Posted on
Sat Apr 25, 2015 10:22 am
roussell offline
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Re: DomoPad v0.9.0 Beta

Adam I just downloaded the latest 0.9.0 and notice that when I tap the irrigation device in the devices list, DomoPad crashes. This is on the 21" HP Slate Pro running Android 4.4.2. I haven't had a chance to try it on the Nexus 7 yet but will let you know later today.

Posted on
Sat Apr 25, 2015 10:49 am
SpencerJRoberts offline
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Re: DomoPad v0.9.0 Beta

Thanks for your hard work Adam! I will download the new version today and give it a whirl

Posted on
Sat Apr 25, 2015 11:08 am
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: DomoPad v0.9.0 Beta

Adam I just downloaded the latest 0.9.0 and notice that when I tap the irrigation device in the devices list, DomoPad crashes. This is on the 21" HP Slate Pro running Android 4.4.2. I haven't had a chance to try it on the Nexus 7 yet but will let you know later today.

I see only one crash from the new version and it is on the sprinkler control, so this must be you -- though it seems like it would have crashed in the old version too based upon the errors. It looks like there isn't a property on your device that I am attempting to read in order to configure the GUI. I'll get you fixed up in the next release, perhaps this weekend if I get the other control page changes done.


Posted on
Sat Apr 25, 2015 11:27 am
roussell offline
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Re: DomoPad v0.9.0 Beta

You know it may actually be crashing in the old version too. The EZFlora died and I just recently replaced it so I may have never actually tested that with prior versions given that I had the device disabled in Indigo.

EDIT: Yep, it crashes on the previous HousePad too; I just never tested that... Also, in settings I labeled my instance with my forum name, model and version of the tablets for each instance that I'm running to make the auto bug-reporting easier. I'll send you a few more crashes to make sure it works. :wink:

Thanks Adam,

Posted on
Sun Apr 26, 2015 6:14 am
roussell offline
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Re: DomoPad v0.9.0 Beta

Just tried 0.9.1 and the irrigation device is working. Thanks Adam!

Posted on
Tue Apr 28, 2015 3:02 pm
TheTechnoPilot offline
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Re: DomoPad v0.9.0 Beta

Hi Adam,

I just upgraded to v0.9.1 and have to say I am very impressed with the changes you have made and the features you have added. I am however running into one very serious issue and one medium issue with the Native view on my control pages, issues that I both have mentioned before from a number of releases ago of HousePad.

The first and most critical issue, Native view seems to ignore differing image sizes when determining the touch element on the control page. I say this because I have a top level image element on all my pages that when a variable is false, is only a 1x1px transparent pixel, but when true is a full screen image that blocks access and view of the entire control page and redirects the user on click to another control page that acts as a pin pad. This issue is critical for me as it by definition removes any ability to use my control pages in Native view, which thankfully fully addresses the text size issue I see in Web view.

The original post explaining the issue is here:

The second and only moderate issue is that one of my static images that I use on each control page for some weird reason always gets shown on the far left of the page and is not drawing where it is placed on the right. It is just a standard transparent PNG and I am unsure why this image seems to behave differently then any of my others on the page, perhaps you could enlighten me why I am running into this issue or could address the route cause in the application. Just for reference, it is the first element above the background in terms of image layers.

Please let me know if there is anything else you need of me to address these issues.

Kind regards,

Android's Tasker, to a person who does home like walking up to a Crack Treatment facility with a truck full of 3lb bags of crack. Then for each person that walks in and out smack them in the face with an open bag.

Posted on
Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:56 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: DomoPad v0.9.0 Beta

The first and most critical issue, Native view seems to ignore differing image sizes when determining the touch element on the control page. I say this because I have a top level image element on all my pages that when a variable is false, is only a 1x1px transparent pixel, but when true is a full screen image that blocks access and view of the entire control page and redirects the user on click to another control page that acts as a pin pad.

I think I can fix this up -- there haven't been a ton of control page enhancements as I have been concentrating on getting the devices section fixed up, for control pages just was primarily getting Indigo Touch 2 enhancements into place. I'll be looking at each section before getting it ready for an official launch and will see about this. I THINK if you are desperate, if you start with the larger image on the control page designer that it will resize down, just not up. That isn't convenient from a working/design standpoint but might get you by temporarily if needed.

The second and only moderate issue is that one of my static images that I use on each control page for some weird reason always gets shown on the far left of the page and is not drawing where it is placed on the right.

Load the control page, long press to get the action bar up and choose to submit a debug report... let me know the image name and I'll see if there there is any reason in the debug report that might help clue in why it is mis-aligned.


Posted on
Sun May 10, 2015 10:25 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: DomoPad v0.9.0 Beta

The first and most critical issue, Native view seems to ignore differing image sizes when determining the touch element on the control page. I say this because I have a top level image element on all my pages that when a variable is false, is only a 1x1px transparent pixel, but when true is a full screen image that blocks access and view of the entire control page and redirects the user on click to another control page that acts as a pin pad. This issue is critical for me as it by definition removes any ability to use my control pages in Native view, which thankfully fully addresses the text size issue I see in Web view.

I have changed the code to allow images to grow/shrink to their native size for device state and variable value images... this should address your "cover" issue. You can download the release candidate with this new code:

I still need to do some further testing on this to be sure that change doesn't mess up any other resizing, but so far so good.


Posted on
Sun May 17, 2015 10:33 pm
TheTechnoPilot offline
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Re: DomoPad v0.9.0 Beta

Hi Adam, I'm so sorry for the delay in my response! Your release candidate v0.9.2 fixed the image size issue completely from my testing so far. As for the wrongly positioned image, I just sent you a bug report, the image is named "JARVIS Logo (700px).png". Let me know if you have any further questions, I will try to stay on top of this thread here better.

Thanks again for the amazing work this app is! I couldn't enjoy Indigo the same without it now...I am looking forward to when the Plex Server Manager plugin is the same way for me (just need the authentication to work first)! :)


Android's Tasker, to a person who does home like walking up to a Crack Treatment facility with a truck full of 3lb bags of crack. Then for each person that walks in and out smack them in the face with an open bag.

Posted on
Mon May 18, 2015 7:35 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: DomoPad v0.9.0 Beta

I am looking forward to when the Plex Server Manager plugin is the same way for me (just need the authentication to work first)! :)

:: sigh :: It never ends! :-) I want to get back to that plugin and add a few additional features, just been busy with trying to get DomoPad tuned and setup for the Play Store and this thing called "life" that keeps getting in the way.

Posted on
Sun May 24, 2015 12:29 pm
TheTechnoPilot offline
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Re: DomoPad v0.9.0 Beta

I jest, know I love the work you have done on all these and just look forward to when you have the time to make improvements!

Android's Tasker, to a person who does home like walking up to a Crack Treatment facility with a truck full of 3lb bags of crack. Then for each person that walks in and out smack them in the face with an open bag.

Posted on
Sun May 24, 2015 12:37 pm
TheTechnoPilot offline
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Re: DomoPad v0.9.0 Beta

So something interesting, I just installed v0.9.3 and when I first loaded the control pages, the image that I mentioned being mispositioned in previous posts was fixed...but after going in and turning off control page zooming and full screen control pages, it is back in the wrong position and resetting these does not return the image to the right position. I find this rather odd, let me know if there is anything else I can do to help trackdown this bug.

Kind regards,

Android's Tasker, to a person who does home like walking up to a Crack Treatment facility with a truck full of 3lb bags of crack. Then for each person that walks in and out smack them in the face with an open bag.

Posted on
Sun May 24, 2015 8:03 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: DomoPad v0.9.0 Beta

I find this rather odd, let me know if there is anything else I can do to help trackdown this bug.

SOOO... I just realized that a few of the debug reports went to spam and thus just now saw your submission after seeing that. Would you mind sending me a screenshot of the page image/page in question for which you submitted the report? You can send to adam.d.ashe @


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