2 bugs: IP address and GeoFence Timestamp

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Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:51 pm
SpencerJRoberts offline
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2 bugs: IP address and GeoFence Timestamp

First of all, I'm loving HousePad on my Nexus 6 so thank you for your hard work!

I've encountered 2 bugs so far, one of which is puzzling.

1. My IP address seems to reset itself every now and then to whatever my device's IP is to whatever WiFi router I'm connected to. This of course breaks my connection to Indigo and I have to go manually enter the proper IP address for my server again. I haven't yet figured out anything specific that triggers this behavior.

2. The GeoFencing "last triggered" timestamp seems to be fixed to a timezone that is on the other side of the globe than me, and I don't see a way to change it. That one was really confusing when I was trying to figure out if the GeoFencing was even working for me (which it seems to be now!).

Finally, I have a feature request:

I would love it if it were possible to make the "Android back button" navigate back through control pages instead of having to press/hold, then click the small back button way at the top of my huge Nexus 6! I understand perhaps not everyone would want this, but maybe it could be a setting?

Thanks again and keep up the great work!

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Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:01 pm
RogueProeliator online
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Re: 2 bugs: IP address and GeoFence Timestamp

1. My IP address seems to reset itself every now and then to whatever my device's IP is to whatever WiFi router I'm connected to. This of course breaks my connection to Indigo and I have to go manually enter the proper IP address for my server again. I haven't yet figured out anything specific that triggers this behavior.

What is the version number of your installation? Prior to v0.8.15 the Bonjour discovery that found Indigo servers was very flaky; I changed over to a popular open source implementation and thus far it has been working flawlessly. So if you are/were not on v0.8.15 with this problem, an upgrade to that version would be the first step.

If you ARE seeing it on v0.8.15, we will need to investigate a bit more. The discovery looks for a specific device description with Indigo in the title, so it is doubtful it is seeing something "similar" on your network and switching to it, though I can't say for certain. I assume that in settings you selected an Indigo Server? Or did you manually enter the network info with "-- Manual --" for the Indigo Server?

2. The GeoFencing "last triggered" timestamp seems to be fixed to a timezone that is on the other side of the globe than me, and I don't see a way to change it. That one was really confusing when I was trying to figure out if the GeoFencing was even working for me (which it seems to be now!).

Just took a very quick look -- it seems as if going to the SQLite database is losing the timezone information, so when it comes out it basically re-adjusts the time zone resulting in the difference from GMT being applied twice. Is yours approximately 8 hours off (assuming you are in California)?

I'll get that fixed up, shouldn't be too hard on that one.

I would love it if it were possible to make the "Android back button" navigate back through control pages instead of having to press/hold, then click the small back button way at the top of my huge Nexus 6! I understand perhaps not everyone would want this, but maybe it could be a setting?

The back button should take you back to the previous control page that you were on -- is yours not doing that? Or do you mean to get completely out of the full-screen control page back to the "main" part of the app (the listing pages)?


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Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:50 pm
SpencerJRoberts offline
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Re: 2 bugs: IP address and GeoFence Timestamp

Thanks for the fast response Adam!

What is the version number of your installation?

I am on v0.8.15. I have entered a manual IP address because our server has a static IP with DynDns.com.

2. ...it seems as if going to the SQLite database is losing the timezone information, so when it comes out it basically re-adjusts the time zone resulting in the difference from GMT being applied twice. Is yours approximately 8 hours off (assuming you are in California)?

I'll get that fixed up, shouldn't be too hard on that one.


The back button should take you back to the previous control page that you were on -- is yours not doing that? Or do you mean to get completely out of the full-screen control page back to the "main" part of the app (the listing pages)?

Currently, if I am on my "main" control page and I click something that takes me to another control page, pressing the Android back button exits HousePad.

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Tue Feb 24, 2015 3:27 pm
RogueProeliator online
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Re: 2 bugs: IP address and GeoFence Timestamp

Currently, if I am on my "main" control page and I click something that takes me to another control page, pressing the Android back button exits HousePad.

Hmm, that is not the expected behavior nor what is happening on my devices... it goes to the previous control page or, if on the original, back to the Control Page Listing. Could you do me a favor - go to the control page list (not a control page itself), hit the menu and choose Help and then "Send Debug".

Also, if you have not already done so, please go to the Settings and enter your forum username into the UniqueIdentifier field at the bottom - otherwise no identifiable information will be sent with errors/debug reports.

I'll have a look at that and we can move forward from there... I'll also look at that device and see if there is anything unique about the soft button configuration. I can't imagine there is being a Nexus (and back works fine on my Nexus 7), but worth a little research.


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Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:51 pm
SpencerJRoberts offline
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Re: 2 bugs: IP address and GeoFence Timestamp

Debug sent!

I just unboxed my nexus 9 so I'll test for the same bugs on that soon and let you know

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Tue Feb 24, 2015 6:13 pm
SpencerJRoberts offline
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Re: 2 bugs: IP address and GeoFence Timestamp

Ok I've discovered some more info.

I installed HousePad on my Nexus 9 and entered my settings, got connected without issue. I went to my control pages and navigated around and the back button was working as expected. I quickly realized though that I had forgotten to set the view to "Web View" (I have custom images which as you know don't work in the Native view). Upon setting to Web View I went back and did the same tests and the back button now does not go back to the previous control page, but always goes back to the control page list (better than the app closing, but still not what we want). I then went to my Nexus 6 and switched from Web View back to Native view, and low and behold the back button works as intended. Switched it back to Web View and instead of closing the app like it was before, it now does the same thing as my 9 and returns me to the Control Page list even if I'm coming from 2+ pages deep. So in short, it seems like perhaps a Web View bug?

Posted on
Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:51 pm
RogueProeliator online
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Re: 2 bugs: IP address and GeoFence Timestamp

So in short, it seems like perhaps a Web View bug?

Okay, well at least that explains why mine were working fine - I don't use the WebView at all... but I don't try to customize its operation very much at all either, so I am not sure why the default back operation is not working unless maybe I need to customize it to get that to work. I'll take a quick peek.

I have custom images which as you know don't work in the Native view

Actually, custom images should work working as intended -- I've had some people test some very complicated pages in the native view and they were working perfectly. I'd be interested in pursing why yours aren't if you would be willing to do so? I'll send you my email and you can send some screenshots (if you are willing).


Posted on
Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:57 pm
SpencerJRoberts offline
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Re: 2 bugs: IP address and GeoFence Timestamp

maybe I need to customize it to get that to work. I'll take a quick peek.


Actually, custom images should work working as intended -- I've had some people test some very complicated pages in the native view and they were working perfectly. I'd be interested in pursing why yours aren't if you would be willing to do so? I'll send you my email and you can send some screenshots (if you are willing).

I'd love to explore that with you!

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