Tablet/system requirements for use with DomoPad

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Mon Feb 06, 2017 7:45 am
Grevling offline
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Tablet/system requirements for use with DomoPad


I´m new to Indigo and of course to DomoPad, an have no experience with android.
I´m thinking of getting a few tablet for hanging on the wall in different parts of the house. The tablet will be used exclusively as controllers for the home automation system, and som android tablets are way cheaper than iPads.

Apart from the tablets running at least android 4.0, are there any other system requirements I should be aware of?

Would this tablet do the job for instance?

Appreciate any help, Thanks


Posted on
Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:24 am
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Tablet/system requirements for use with DomoPad

The technical requirements for the application are pretty darn light - just about any tablet on sale these days will make the cut. Outside of Android 4.4.2 and 1 GB of RAM, there aren't any other real constraints. However, I recommend at least Android 5.0 as the 4.4.x branch is falling behind in supportable features.

I generally don't like the super-cheap Android tablet's screens, but others have said they are okay for them. The issue is primarily one of color representation - I find the cheaper screens often tend to have a slight hue of one color or another. This, however, is completely a personal preference. The one you linked is from a known manufacturer, though, so may not even have that issue.

All in all, your example should work fine - I would just recommend purchasing one at first and seeing how it looks prior to buying a whole house worth.


Posted on
Mon Feb 06, 2017 11:36 am
Grevling offline
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Re: Tablet/system requirements for use with DomoPad


Will try one first and see


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