Introducing Delay for X10

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Sun Sep 19, 2021 7:39 am
osxster offline
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Introducing Delay for X10


I'm a new poster here but have been using Indigo for a few years controlling mostly X10 devices by way of a 2413U. I am using probably not using Indigo efficiently, but I manage most of my smart home automations via HomeKit and have the HomeKit Bridge plugin installed. I know HomeKit is not as powerful for automations as Indigo, but it is an easy interface which can be managed easily by all of my Apple Devices. I have sensors outside for turning on driveway and various door front lights. For example, I have Driveway, Side Door, Basement Door, and Front Door which are all X10 wall switches. I also have three X10 sensors. When one of my motion sensors goes off, I have a HomeKit automation to turn each of them on. One for each motion sensor. The problem is that they don't all always turn on (or turn off) when triggered from the HomeKit automation. The door lights may turn on and the driveway may not, or it could be another light. I have multiple motion sensors so they usually eventually all turn on, but that isn't really the way to do this. I also have a XPCR Coupler for going between my power legs. I believe what is happening is that Indigo is sending the X10 commands too fast for the system (could also be because of the XPCR repeating signals) and they may be overlapping. While it is not efficient (I really don't need speed here), is there a way to introduce a delay to slow down Indigo to help prevent it from overlapping these commands? If I have to add something in code I can do that, but I'd like to finally fix this as it can be annoying. Perhaps I could move the automations as triggers in Indigo, but I really need to slow Indigo sending X10 commands to to match the speed my X10 needs.


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Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:57 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Introducing Delay for X10

To answer your question, the Action panel UI in Indigo does have a delay checkbox. Note that delays from when that actions will fire independently, so if you have multiple actions on a single Trigger (or are using an Action Group) then you have to add up the cumulative delays yourself. That is, the first one might have no delay, the second action would need a delay of say 4 seconds, the next one 8 seconds, then 12, etc.

Lastly, be sure and turn off the Group X10 addresses on transmission checkbox if you have it enabled. It is inside the Interface Options dialog for the PowerLinc settings in Indigo. If that is currently enabled then just turning that off may solve the problem you are encountering.

If none of that helps then copy/paste what you see in the Event Log into a reply when Indigo triggers to send the X10 commands (when they don't all turn on). That will help us see what is going on.


Posted on
Tue Sep 21, 2021 10:48 am
osxster offline
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Re: Introducing Delay for X10

The issue with what you are recommending with my setup is that I am not using Actions in Indigo. I am using Apple HomeKit for most of my automations, so if I setup an automation on a motion sensor, it is being sent FROM HomeKit. So HomeKit detects an Indigo X10 sensor going off and then sends a command back to Indigo through HomeKit Bridge for each light it needs to turn on. While I could move my automations over to Indigo, I believe my problem is that when HomeKit Bridge is getting it's commands from HomeKit, Indigo is broadcasting them too quick for my X10 network to handle all of them. It would be nice if there were a way to slow them down so that Indigo doesn't send X10 commands too quick for my X10 network. Doing it all in Indigo would be more efficient, I was just trying to do all of my automations in one place.

I have do have Group X10 addresses on transmission turned off.

Posted on
Sat Sep 25, 2021 2:23 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Introducing Delay for X10

It shouldn't be possible for the commands to be sent too quickly. The interface can only send a single X10 command at a time, and Indigo waits until it is ready/idle before requesting the next command to be seen. And again:

support wrote:
If none of that helps then copy/paste what you see in the Event Log into a reply when Indigo triggers to send the X10 commands (when they don't all turn on). That will help us see what is going on.


Posted on
Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:46 pm
osxster offline
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Re: Introducing Delay for X10


I was concerned that I have an xpcr which is repeating the signal. My concern was that perhaps the signals could be overlapping . That is why I was thinking that slowing down the x10 commands may help if they are being sent too quick for my network. Not sure if there is an easy way to verify this or a way to correct this if that is what is happening.

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