Initial Version Feedback Requested

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Re: Initial Version Feedback Requested

Post by RogueProeliator »

Try turning the On the Debug and setting the level to High, then restart the plugin and post what the log shows during the startup. It is failing to establish a connection to the TiVo so we need to determine if it is getting the IP address properly or something else is going on; setting the debug level to High should show all activity leading up to that failed connection (such as what IP address it is attempting to connect to).
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Re: Initial Version Feedback Requested

Post by thumpinc »

Hi - Sorry for delay. I just upgraded to 1.13 and am getting the following:

Starting plugin "TiVo Network Remote Plugin 1.1.3" (pid 79065)
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugBeginning processing of RPFrameworkConfig.xml file
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugFound device mapping; id: tivoRemoteDevice to class: TivoRemoteDevice
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugCreated device parameter for managed device 'tivoRemoteDevice': tivoIPAddress
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugCreated device parameter for managed device 'tivoRemoteDevice': tivoMAK
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugFound device setting: deviceUPNPDeviceFieldId=tivoEnumeratedIPAddresses
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugFound device setting: deviceUPNPDeviceSelectedFieldId=tivoIPAddress
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugFound device setting: deviceAddressFormat=%ap:tivoIPAddress%
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugFound device setting: telnetConnectionDeviceStateName=connectionState
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugFound device setting: telnetConnectionDeviceStateBoolean=isConnected
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugFound managed action: irCommandToTivo
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugProcessing 1 params for action
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugCreated parameter for managed action 'irCommandToTivo': irCommandSelect
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugFound managed action: teleportCommandToTivo
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugProcessing 1 params for action
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugCreated parameter for managed action 'teleportCommandToTivo': teleportCommandSelect
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugFound managed action: tuneCommandToTiVo
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugProcessing 2 params for action
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugCreated parameter for managed action 'tuneCommandToTiVo': channelToTune
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugCreated parameter for managed action 'tuneCommandToTiVo': forceTune
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugFound managed action: addDigitToChannelSelector
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugProcessing 1 params for action
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugCreated parameter for managed action 'addDigitToChannelSelector': digitToAdd
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugFound managed action: removeDigitFromChannelSelector
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugFound managed action: clearChannelSelector
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugFound managed action: tuneToChannelSelectorChannel
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugProcessing 1 params for action
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugCreated parameter for managed action 'tuneToChannelSelectorChannel': forceTune
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugCompleted processing of RPFrameworkConfig.xml file
Started plugin "TiVo Network Remote Plugin 1.1.3"
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugVersion check initiated
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugVersion File Url:
TiVo Network Remote Plugin Your plugin version, v1.1.3, is current.
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugEntering deviceStartComm for Our Tivo; ID=1009783810
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugRead device state config... isConnected: 'isConnected'; connectionState: 'connectionState'
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugEstablishing telnet connection to
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugExiting deviceStartComm for Our Tivo
TiVo Network Remote Plugin ErrorConnection timed out
TiVo Network Remote Plugin DebugClosing connection to device
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Re: Initial Version Feedback Requested

Post by RogueProeliator »

Sorry for the delay - somehow I had missed that you replied... probably a consequence of using too many different computers and devices throughout the day!

That log indicates that the plugin is not able to establish a network connection to the TiVo - and the error is being thrown in the network layer (outside of the plugin), so that is about all the info that we have available. My suggestion to debug this is:
  • Reboot the TiVo (just to be sure...)
  • Verify that the TiVo is still setup for network control (see the installation post in this forum if you need to refresh your memory); perhaps somehow the setting was reverted back to disabled on the TiVo software
  • Verify that the TiVo's IP address (on the TiVo itself) is showing
  • Attempt to telnet to and see if you can establish a valid connection that way
BTW, what model of TiVo do you have?
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OpenSSL error?

Post by IndigoSam »


I tried this today, but got the following error.

Code: Select all

  Reloading plugin "TiVo Network Remote Plugin 1.3.12"
  Starting plugin "TiVo Network Remote Plugin 1.3.12" (pid 29494)
  TiVo Network Remote Plugin ErrorError in plugin execution InitializeMain:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 44, in <module>
  File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Plugins/TiVo Network Remote.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 26, in <module>
  File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Plugins/TiVo Network Remote.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 17, in <module>
<type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: No module named OpenSSL

  Stopping plugin "TiVo Network Remote Plugin 1.3.12" (pid 29494)
  Stopped plugin "TiVo Network Remote Plugin 1.3.12"
  Error                           plugin "TiVo Network Remote Plugin 1.3.12" (pid 29494) failed to start -- restarting in 20 seconds
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Re: Initial Version Feedback Requested

Post by RogueProeliator »

Weird, that file is still around, but not used... it definitely won't work on the current Indigo version of Python -- that was some of my experiments that I left in for the future when the version is increased. I've removed that reference from the newest version just posted -- please give it a try and let me know (same download link but should read 1.3.13 as the version now.)

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Re: Initial Version Feedback Requested

Post by IndigoSam »

RogueProeliator wrote:Weird, that file is still around, but not used... it definitely won't work on the current Indigo version of Python -- that was some of my experiments that I left in for the future when the version is increased. I've removed that reference from the newest version just posted -- please give it a try and let me know (same download link but should read 1.3.13 as the version now.)

Hi Adam,

It isn't your plugin, it was user (me) error.
The Mac Mini running Indigo is on Snow Leopard. Out of the box, i.e. I haven't changed anything, it has Python 2.5 and Python 2.6. The Indigo Terminal, using 2.5, couldn't find OpenSSL for import. 2.6 in a standard Terminal, could. This began a multi-hour journey of discovery!


Prebuilt binaries from egenix, various versions, just didn't work. Despite being pre-compiled it would then try to compile things and not work
Everything must be under 'sudo'. I should have known this.

Needed to switch the environment to the correct version the Apple way. The PYTHONPATH isn't even set. This was done with:

Code: Select all

sudo defaults write Version 2.5
pyopenssl version 0.14 didn't work and seems to have a lot of reported problems out in wild.
pyopenssl version 0.13 does compile and works.

The bit that took the most elapsed time:

pyopenssl compiled with the system set to 2.5 correctly puts the compiled package under /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages
/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages is in sys.path, from within Terminal and Indigo Terminal Python environment, yet it couldn't find crypto to import, which is a result of Import OpenSSL.
It took me a long while to realise that Python puts the current directory at the beginning of the path and I was testing Import OpenSSL from the directory I had compiled it.
It got confused, so couldn't find crypto.

So, my steps were:

Download pyopenssl 0.13 and unzip/ungzip it. Change to that directory.

Code: Select all

sudo defaults write Version 2.5
sudo python install
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