Zooz ZEN32

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Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:58 pm
jltnol offline
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Re: Zooz ZEN32

So when I first started with Indigo, my first course would be to create a different trigger for whatever action I wanted to happen. If a KPL button was turned on, do this... and if turned off, do that.

And while this was an acceptable way to do things, I finally learned just a little bit of Python to have one trigger, and then a bunch of If/Then statements. That cut down on the number of triggers I needed to get a group of related actions done.

Current case in point:. If one of the buttons on this devices is pressed once, it will increase the volume on an audio device, if pressed twice, it will decrease the volume, and if pressed 3 times, will toggle the mute function. As it is, I have 3 separate triggers set up to do all this, and it does work just fine. But it just seems more economical and tidy (not to mention much easier to keep tabs on) to try to set this up via a python script, that can figure out how many times I've pressed the button, and respond accordingly.

Of course, I have no idea if this is even possible... and I don't expect anyone to spend time figuring it out if this isn't something already known.

Posted on
Thu Aug 18, 2022 3:21 pm
howartp offline
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Re: Zooz ZEN32

Thank you

On the face of it, that sounds like something that needs adding to Zwave Scene Controller, but I’d need to explore it.

I’d need to look at the virtual device (group?) plugin as that does different things depending on on/off but I can’t remember how.

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Posted on
Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:10 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Zooz ZEN32

There is no built-in way of doing this. And, TBH, from a maintainability perspective I think doing them as separate triggers is more beneficial than not. It's much harder to find logic when it's buried in a script IMO than when you can just visually inspect triggers. Sure, you have to be organized (put in folders, name clearly, add good notes, etc), but it makes a cursory visual inspection much easier than digging through code (again, IMO).

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Posted on
Sat Aug 20, 2022 3:10 pm
howartp offline
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Re: Zooz ZEN32

Looking at this from the Zwave Scene Controller plugin point of view:

I could achieve this by updating the dummy Scene Controller device to include actions:

ZWaveSceneActions.png (31.84 KiB) Viewed 1507 times

Then have a single trigger that executes the ActionGroup from it's device, so you don't need to define eg four separate triggers.

You'd still need separate action groups, just like you would originally need triggers, but if it's doing an action that already exists or is used elsewhere such as your volume up/down actions then I guess it would be ok.

Certainly far better than hiding it in code as Jay says.


Posted on
Mon Aug 22, 2022 6:45 pm
jltnol offline
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Re: Zooz ZEN32

So I did download the plugin but am not sure how this might work. I'm sure I'm missing something, but when I looked at this last week as a trigger event, I didn't see a way for a single trigger to fire when any one of the three button sequences were pressed... but no doubt I'm missing something.

I did try to create a Scene Controller Device, but didn't get far on that end either.

I could easily do a separate Action Group for each command, but in what I've got already, I just used the Built In GUI for this. My receiver has a plugin, so can perform actions directly without an Action Group... but putting the commands in Action Groups could easily be done.

As far as "Tidy" goes, one of the things I don't like about Indigo is the inability to manage simple if/ then arguments in the GUI. When I first started, I just used a separate Triggers for that, but as more and more devices were added, and my system got more and more complex, having multiple triggers was getting a bit crazy. And if I had to check for 2 or 3 "if's", the number of trigger can easily spiral out of control. With the generous help of everyone here, I've managed to get enough Kindergarten-Grade Python skills, and have cut down on the number of triggers needed. Now, make no mistake about it, while there are things I wish were Indigo did differently, they absolutely, unequivocally pale in comparison to the things that just continue to amaze me. :lol:

Posted on
Sun Sep 25, 2022 11:56 am
whmoorejr offline
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Re: Zooz ZEN32

Kinda off topic....
There are three things keeping me from swapping out my KPLs.
1) I only use 3 and they mostly work (sometimes the command to change the LED doesn't make it through)
2) The Zen32 I think is a near perfect replacement for the 6 button KPL, but there isn't an 8 button replacement out there yet (one of my three KPSs is an 8 button and probably my favorite switch)
3) Labels. I love the label flexibility with KPLs, but I haven't figured out a way to best label some of my zwave scene controllers.

Since the first 2 items on my list are on me, I'll ask about #3.

Any thoughts or discussion on how you (or anyone reading this) is labeling scene controllers? Between button size and multiple things a button can do (7 different things you could trigger off each ZEN32 button), you almost need a laminated 8-1/2 x 11 cheat sheet next to a switch.

I'm thinking icons -> vinyl -> silhouette (cameo). But even "On / Off" on a button that small is near impossible to weed out of a sheet of vinyl.
Icon stickers somewhere on Amazon or something? But I haven't found a set yet that will work.

So what do you guys use for labeling scene controllers or are you all that awesome that you keep all 35 button combinations stored in your noggin?

Found a video on removing the button plate from the Zen32. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRRhzv2y0bk&ab
Last edited by whmoorejr on Sun Sep 25, 2022 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Posted on
Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:04 pm
howartp offline
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Re: Zooz ZEN32

Both o f my bedroom controllers (Remote ZRC) are unlabelled but both identical commands.

1) Fan On/Off - toggle
2) Lamp On/Off - toggle
3) Sleep mode - Click on, double-click off.
4) Can't remember!
5) TV On/Off - toggle
6) Big lamp On/Off - toggle
7) Main light On/Off - toggle
8) Macro All-Off - Click only

Posted on
Wed Oct 05, 2022 4:35 pm
jltnol offline
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Re: Zooz ZEN32

This won't solve any of your mentioned problems, and I agree nothing compares to the ability to have KPL's key caps made to say exactly what they do. Even just whether something is On or Off is kind of an issue with the Zooz. I decided to program them to be a certain color when off, and white when they are on. Not the best solution, but at least I have an idea of what's going on. But KPL's? Aside from the slowness of the Insteon protocol, they are great.

Posted on
Wed Oct 05, 2022 7:25 pm
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Re: Zooz ZEN32

Talked to Zooz.... they provided me with the name of a guy in Canada who does ZEN32 button etching

"Jean-Pier Talbot at jptalbot@domotinc.com. You can let him know that Maggie from Zooz / The Smartest House referred you."

They also told me I can order extra button panels. I haven't gotten a price yet, but I asked them to quote me for two while I check out some of my local laser guys and maybe take a wack at it myself.


You can send an email to ask@getzooz.com That is their customer support. I sent them a picture of my 6 and 8 button KPL. Told them that minus ease of labeling, the ZEN32 is pretty much a direct replacement for the 6 button KPL. But the 8 button is something they should get on. I'm cool with no load and just 8 programable buttons (IMO).

Anyway, if more folks send them pictures of their 8 button KPLs, maybe they will see the void and fill it.

Update from Zooz: "The cost per button panel would be $2.95/unit. It looks like our team in-house will be acquiring a laser engraver and should have it up and running in about 2-3 weeks."

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Posted on
Sat Feb 18, 2023 4:16 pm
t-star offline
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Re: Zooz ZEN32

looks like the in-house team is up and running on their site. you can do text or a custom with icons. You can also do some of their other switches. Haven't done one yet.

Posted on
Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:34 pm
DaveL17 offline
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Re: Zooz ZEN32

That's cool looking for sure, but kinda pricey. US$39 for the engraving and US$12 for shipping, putting the total all in at about $90 per switch.

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Posted on
Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:58 am
t-star offline
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Re: Zooz ZEN32

Anyone using the Zen32. it looks like they added the ability to control the lights on the buttons and also change the individual LED colors for the buttons.
Sounds like could be a valid replacement for the Insteon?

Posted on
Wed Apr 10, 2024 11:16 am
roquej offline
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Re: Zooz ZEN32

I have several and they work very well with Indigo.


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