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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 3:54 pm
by HEGarrard
I recently purchased a ZOOZ ZEN32 Scene Controller and added it to my DEVICES. I can toggle the power to the connected load using the "main button" on the ZEN32. However, I am at a loss as to how I can assign scenes or actions to the remaining four "scene buttons" on the ZEN32. The "device setup" seems to only configure the individual light settings ...

Has anyone suscessfully configured all five buttons on a ZEN32? Is there a plug-in that I need?

Thanks in advance for any tips!



PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 5:12 pm
by howartp
It should be sending Central Scene commands.

You can set a trigger on Zwave Command Received > select the Zen32 > see if buttons are available in this dialog.

If not, install Zwave Scene Controller plugin and trigger on Zwave Scene Controller instead.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 8:45 pm
by HEGarrard
Thank you for the reply! I was able to setup a TRIGGER to utilize the "Z-Wave Command Received - Incoming Command Received from Device" for BUTTON 1 Pressed (Relay On). This allowed me to turn on a controlled outlet. I ASSUMED that BUTTON 1 Released was the same as turning off relay, which would turn off the controlled outlet.

I have the BUTTON1 setup as LED on when associated device is on. A simple press of BUTTON1 (LED ON) turns on the controlled outlet and a second press of Button1 (LED OFF) does not turn off the controlled outlet.

I assumed "PRESSED" meant that the ZEN32 BUTTON1 relay is ON ... "RELEASED" meant that the ZEN32 BUTTON1 relay is OFF.

How can I turn this BUTTON1 into a simple ON/OFF butto for a controlled device / scene?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts / assistance!



PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 8:52 pm
by HEGarrard
I meant to include this in the previous post ...

I know that I can accomplish this task by using PYTHON script so that anytime I press BUTTON 1 - the script will look at the controlled device and if ON - turn off or if OFF turn on. I can also do the same by using the "TOGGLE" function.

However, I was trying to ensure the LEDs on ZEN32 were in sync with the controlled outlet - if the BUTTON1 LED is on - the outlet is on.



PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 2:40 am
by howartp
Hi Harold

Unfortunately “scene control” doesn’t have an on/off state. Therefore you can’t do what you want out of the box.

However the Zen32 has multiple Association Groups. If you put the controlled device into Group 3, it will use Basic Set (on/off commands) and will match the LED status. But Indigo won’t know about it.

You could also try (instead) putting Indigo (node 1) into group 3, and see if Indigo receives sufficiently distinct On/Off commands per button that you can trigger accordingly.

I can’t say how to do associations right now; I’m on my phone and would need to be at my Mac.


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