Irrigation Automation, Here I Go (I think)

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Sat Nov 22, 2003 10:33 am
morps offline
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Irrigation Automation, Here I Go (I think)

GregJSmith's great Applescript (see for Weatherman X has me motivated to try and automate my 4 zone irrigation system. So, I think I am about to try it. However, before doing so I wanted to see if my shopping list looks right to everyone on the board. Here is what I am thinking of grabbing:

X10 Low Voltage Relay
X10 TW523 Two-Way Interface Module

Initially, I was going to just setup some basic watering cycles with this stuff through Indigo. Then put some smarts in it by integrating Greg's script with Weatherman to tweak water cycles based on the forecast.

So, if you'all think I am heading the right direction, please let me know. And of course, if you think I am not purchasing the right stuff, I would like to know that too before I hand over $125.00 to :D

Thanks in advance...

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Sat Nov 22, 2003 11:09 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Irrigation Automation, Here I Go (I think)

I've got a better and cheaper solution:

This device is built for doing irrigation so it has some nice features like automatically turning off the previous zone when a new zone is activated, and a maximum watering time so that you won't flood your yard if the X10 signal doesn't get from Indigo to your controller for some reason.

And there just might be (hint hint) some UI for defining sprinkler schedules in an upcoming version of Indigo. You can control the Rain8 right now, but you have to carefully create your time/date actions for each zone so they line up back-to-back (or you could use an AppleScript to control everything).


Posted on
Sat Nov 22, 2003 6:45 pm
morps offline
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Re: Irrigation Automation, Here I Go (I think)

support wrote:
I've got a better and cheaper solution:

This device is built for doing irrigation so it has some nice features like automatically turning off the previous zone when a new zone is activated, and a maximum watering time so that you won't flood your yard if the X10 signal doesn't get from Indigo to your controller for some reason.

And there just might be (hint hint) some UI for defining sprinkler schedules in an upcoming version of Indigo. You can control the Rain8 right now, but you have to carefully create your time/date actions for each zone so they line up back-to-back (or you could use an AppleScript to control everything).


Cool! OK, so I will order one of these from these guys. For what it's worth, what is the difference between a TW523 and a PSC05? They have a bundle with the PSC05.

By the way, any (hint, hint) when there will be some UI that maybe someone could (hint, hint) beta test? :D

Posted on
Sat Nov 22, 2003 7:06 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Irrigation Automation, Here I Go (I think)

morps wrote:
what is the difference between a TW523 and a PSC05? They have a bundle with the PSC05.

I believe the PSC05 is the pro line version of the TW523. From a functionality stand point, they are identical. I think one could argue that the quality of the PSC05 is better, but I don't know if that is really true or not.

morps wrote:
By the way, any (hint, hint) when there will be some UI that maybe someone could (hint, hint) beta test? :D

It will still be a bit. I'm doing some major changes to Indigo right now which will give it a better foundation for some functionality I want to eventually add. Once that is done I can actually add some useful features and release an alpha. I added the UI for sprinkler controlling quite a while ago (it isn't visible in the release build) but still don't have it hooked up to work correctly.


Posted on
Sat Nov 22, 2003 9:24 pm
morps offline
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Re: Irrigation Automation, Here I Go (I think)

support wrote:
morps wrote:
By the way, any (hint, hint) when there will be some UI that maybe someone could (hint, hint) beta test? :D

It will still be a bit. I'm doing some major changes to Indigo right now which will give it a better foundation for some functionality I want to eventually add. Once that is done I can actually add some useful features and release an alpha. I added the UI for sprinkler controlling quite a while ago (it isn't visible in the release build) but still don't have it hooked up to work correctly.

I'll look forward to whatever you put together for UI. From what I have read (so far) it appears that you need duct tape and a sledgehammer to assign House and Unit Codes to the Rain8 if you're on OS X. I'm more incline to bring home a PC from work and do it that way then try to tweak a serial cable as the instructions for the OS X downloader suggest ( If I am misunderstanding something, lemme know.

Don't get me wrong, this does appear to be a far superior approach and I am still willing to try it out. But I think initial setup is going to be a bit rough.

Posted on
Sat Nov 22, 2003 9:44 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Irrigation Automation, Here I Go (I think)

morps wrote:
From what I have read (so far) it appears that you need duct tape and a sledgehammer to assign House and Unit Codes to the Rain8 if you're on OS X. I'm more incline to bring home a PC from work and do it that way then try to tweak a serial cable as the instructions for the OS X downloader suggest ( If I am misunderstanding something, lemme know.

Actually, you can probably ignore those instructions. They apply to older Macs (not likely OS X) where you are trying to use the built-in serial port on older Macs. You have to jump through some hoops to get a cable that goes from the old Mac serial DIN-8 port to a DB-25 RS232 connector.

Presuming you are using a Keyspan USB to serial adapter (most, but not all, of those have DB-25 connectors), then you'll just be able to plug it straight in to the included RS232 cable and run the setup app.


Posted on
Sat Nov 29, 2003 11:27 am
morps offline
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Got my Rain8 and all ready to go...

Any recommendations on the type of device I should assign to each of my valves? I was thinking Appliance and check the "Supports Status Request" as I believe the PSC05 can be queried for status.

Also, I see a few ways of approaching the actual triggering of the valves. Since each valve has its own unit code, I see the following options:

1. Time/Date action for each valve. As the first valve is sent an Off, go to the next valve at the same (maybe a minute later?) and send On.

2. Action Group
Use the "Delay for X minutes" checkbox for the On event for each valve (unit code).

3. Applescript
I'm an Applescript hack, but I know I could put together a single script to execute this.

For what it's worth, I plan to figure out a way to use the WeathermanX script that GregJSmith put together so that I can return variables and tweak the valve run times, based on forecast.

But I think I will walk before I run :D

Lemme know if you think I'm heading the right way. Thanks...

Posted on
Sun Nov 30, 2003 9:38 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Got my Rain8 and all ready to go...

morps wrote:
Any recommendations on the type of device I should assign to each of my valves? I was thinking Appliance and check the "Supports Status Request" as I believe the PSC05 can be queried for status.

Although it is true that the PSC05 can send and receive X10 commands, the Rain8 does not support sending back any X10 commands. So, I'd recommend just using a straight Appliance device type.

morps wrote:
Also, I see a few ways of approaching the actual triggering of the valves. Since each valve has its own unit code, I see the following options...

I'd recommend using either an Action Group with the delay feature, or Applescript. Setting up the delay amounts could be a bit tedious in an Action Group, but it would work (this is what I've done in my house). In this case, Applescript is probably a bit more straightforward (this is what I should have done). I'd do something like this (script below isn't tested, but you'll get the idea):

set zone1Duration to 15
set zone2Duration to 20
set zone3Duration to 10

turn on "zone1" for zone1Duration
turn on "zone2" in (zone1Duration+1) for zone2Duration
turn on "zone3" in (zone1Duration+zone2Duration+2) for zone3Duration

Technically, I suppose the "for zoneNDuration" parameter above isn't really needed except for the last zone since the Rain8 automatically turns off the previous zone.


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