Devices that can control and/or receive signals from generic digital and/or analog inputs.
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Post by MacAutomaton »

The previous one was added and recognized by indigo, and even had an on button and off button... guess the newer one doesn't.

Norm said he forwarded a few emails to you. where we are at now is:

1- i get events from the i/o linc to indigo whenever the garage door opens and closes (I have not hooked up the open/close control)
2- i cannot get the device to response to indigo commands such as status request or upload new device config. I did work for a few times when i first plugged the i/o link into the outlet above the garage door opener. i tried to upload a change for it to report "on" event when the garage door opens, and that change seemed to take.
3- repeaters appear to be successfully deployed on both power legs

Notes: it seemed really weird to me that the only way for indigo computer to successfully added the i/o linc was for the new repeater to be within 1' of the computer!
-also weird to me that when reading links/rebuilding links that it still shows the old repeater, even though it hasn't been plugged in for at least a week.

Did i see something in another forum here that spoke of built in "ping" tools? could i use that to see if that will see the i/o linc? and see what kind of delays etc... it brings back? Does it also do a traceroute to show the devices it goes thru to get to the i/o link and return?

- seems super weird to these noob eyes that commands don't work but messages from the i/o to indigo do.

thanks for any help in advance,
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Post by matt (support) »

Hi Andrew,

There is a ping utility, but it won't help in this case of the module isn't able to respond to commands (like a status request). There are no "routes" in INSTEON land, and the commands hopped between modules don't include information about which nodes they are passing through.

It is either some type of power line noise issue (most likely something on your PowerLinc's circuit, or on the garage circuit) or the I/O-Linc is just marginal. Have you tried unplugging different appliances/electronics to see if there is something causing noise? Also turn off lights, especially CFLs to see if that helps. It might just be a problem bulb somewhere.

If none of that helps, then I would try a replacement I/O-Linc. I've never heard of one failing in this manner before, but that doesn't mean that it isn't possible.
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Post by alang_94526 »

Does anyone have a link to the IOLINC 2450 command set?
I'd like to be able to set the Momentary Mode Duration time via a variable.
Insteon doesn't support changing the duration and while I could do it manually, I want to be able to set the delay dynamically.
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Post by matt (support) »

Indigo does support changing the duration (via the UI or an action), but as it sounds like you noticed the value is static and can not be a variable value reference. The logic is a bit complicated because it requires 2 commands, so here is some code that will probably help you:

Code: Select all

if duration <= 25.5:
	delayval = int(round(10 * duration))
	scaleval = 1
elif duration <= 255.0:
	delayval = int(round(duration))
	scaleval = 10
elif duration <= 2550.0:
	delayval = int(round(duration / 10.0))
	scaleval = 100
	self.errorLog(u"Momentary duration %.1f seconds is out-of-range" % (duration))

instnAddr = indigo.devices[iolID].address
setDelayCmd = [
	0x2E, 0x00,
	0x00,			# D1
	0x06,			# D2  - set delay
	delayval		# D3  - delay value
setScalerCmd = [
	0x2E, 0x00,
	0x00,			# D1
	0x07,			# D2  - set scaler
	scaleval		# D3  - scale value

indigo.insteon.sendRawExtended(instnAddr, setDelayCmd)
indigo.insteon.sendRawExtended(instnAddr, setScalerCmd)
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Post by alang_94526 »

Thanks Matt. I'll try this shortly.
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Post by alang_94526 »

I hadn't actually noticed the ability to set the duration in the UI but now that you've highlighted it, I get the following error when I try it from Interfaces->Insteon/X10Powerline

Error (client) getConfigUiValuesFromPlugin1() caught exception: PacketTargetNotConnectedError -- client target com.perceptiveautomation.indigoplugin.InsteonCommands not found for message UiGetValues1
Error (client) getXmlFromPlugin() caught exception: PacketTargetNotConnectedError -- client target com.perceptiveautomation.indigoplugin.InsteonCommands not found for message CallPluginFunc
Error (client) runDialogForMenuAction() caught exception: NSInvalidArgumentException -- *** -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[0]

Error (client) getConfigUiValuesFromPlugin1() caught exception: PacketTargetNotConnectedError -- client target com.perceptiveautomation.indigoplugin.InsteonCommands not found for message UiGetValues1
Error (client) getXmlFromPlugin() caught exception: PacketTargetNotConnectedError -- client target com.perceptiveautomation.indigoplugin.InsteonCommands not found for message CallPluginFunc
Error (client) runDialogForMenuAction() caught exception: NSInvalidArgumentException -- *** -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[0]
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Post by alang_94526 »

I upgraded from 6.1.2 to 6.1.4 and the problem went away.
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Post by Pdoc »

Hi all,

Does anyone know if you can mod the INSTEON I/O Linc to work in Australia??

Alternatively what are others using to control devices such as garage doors, garden watering solenoids to name a few?


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Post by jay (support) »

I sorta doubt it. I'm not sure if the FortrezZ Mimo Lite is available in Australia, but it's a reasonable Z-Wave I/O controller.
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Controlling a garage door

Post by mattyf »

I had my opener die, and it got replaced with a newer model. The IOLinc can correctly read the status of the door, but it can no longer control it.

I tried triggering the door (by manually clicking the 1 box in the output controls) with the linc set to both momentary mode and non-momentary mode, but nothing happens. Any help would be appreciated.

Oh, and I should add... the iolinc manual might as well have been written in latin. :/
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Post by jay (support) »

Are you sure that you have the I/O Linc wired correctly?
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Post by kw123 »

If you have a dvm connect it to the output pins and put the dvm into ohm mode then check if the iolink opens and closes

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Post by mattyf »

Well, I tried flipping the wires around, but it didn't make a difference.

What do the IOLinc instructions mean when they say:
If your garage door system uses a multi-function wired
remote, contact your manufacturer about using a drycontact
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Post by matt (support) »

Some garage door openers have a more complicated switch than a traditional dry-contact closure. For those you'll need to see if you can find the details (manufacturer, instruction manual, etc.) about how/if they can be wired to be controlled by a dry contact closure (relay in the I/O-Linc). There might be other screw terminals on the garage door opener itself that you need to use.
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Post by turtle »

I'm having trouble with scripting an I/O-Linc and I'm not sure if this is an I/O-Linc issue or a scripting issue, I hope somebody can help.

I have an I/O-Linc installed on both of my garage doors, each monitoring the door status through the input and controlling the opener through the output. I have a trigger set on each of the inputs for when the input status changes. Each trigger then uses an embedded Python script to call an single external Python script to send a text message telling me if the door is open or closed.

The problem is that when that external script finds the I/O-Linc device and reads the state of the binary input, its state is what it *was* before the trigger was activated. For example, if the trigger was fired because the door became "open", the script sees the status as "closed". This script gets the I/O-Linc device each time from Indigo, so the status should be up-to-date, especially since the status change caused the trigger to run.

The external script is in the /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages folder.
Is there something I am missing in this process?

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