Need tutorial or examples of retrieving web data.

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Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:32 am
Swancoat offline
Posts: 503
Joined: Nov 20, 2009
Location: Houston

Need tutorial or examples of retrieving web data.

Does anyone have a good example or know of some tutorials for retrieving some data or anything from the web. (HTML or possibly XML if that's the way to go), ultimately for building into a text string and inserting it into an Indigo Variable.

Basically, between the Weather Snoop plugin and a plugin I wrote to control my whole home audio system, I have a trigger to announce the current temperature when I get up in the morning and turn on the bathroom light.

However, I'd like the system to announce a lot more. I'd love to retrieve the daily high forecast and announce that. Also some stuff like early market activity, maybe snag the top headline from CNN or something. Once I can dump this into an Indigo Variable, it's easily passed into the audio plugin for announcement.

Any help is appreciated.


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