OT: ScriptLinker

Posted on
Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:48 pm
gregjsmith offline
Posts: 946
Joined: Apr 01, 2003
Location: Rio Rancho, NM

OT: ScriptLinker

check this out:

ScriptLinker takes advantage of AppleScript's new URL Protocol Support by allowing the user to quickly build clickable AppleScript links either in HTML format or specially formatted HTML for placement on MacScripter.net's message boards.

URL Protocol Messaging provides the ability to retrieve script examples embedded in web pages or PDF files by simply clicking a link or picture on a page. The embedded AppleScript code will be automatically transferred to the Script Editor application and either placed in a new script window, inserted into the front window at the current insertion point, or appended to the end of the script in the front window.

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