Touch Portal Plugin - Feature Requests

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Tue Jul 21, 2020 5:46 am
DaveL17 offline
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Touch Portal Plugin - Feature Requests

Please post any feature requests to this thread.

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Sat Aug 01, 2020 9:59 am
whmoorejr offline
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Re: Touch Portal Plugin - Feature Requests

I haven't tried the software or the plugin yet... I'm still trying to figure out exactly what it is and I'm curious about the benefit or difference between using this versus creating a control page in indigo. If there is some flexibility benefits, one feature that could help with expanding the use of this plugin would be a separate forum area or on the plugin's GitHub would be to add some screen shot examples of indigo integration and possibly the ability to download .tpz and .tpb files.

One of the things I like about Node-red versus an indigo control page (for example), I can export a flow and the corresponding dashboard and post it online so anyone can just import it into their setup. There is a lot more labor involved with copying someone's indigo control page.

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Posted on
Sat Aug 01, 2020 11:38 am
DaveL17 offline
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Re: Touch Portal Plugin - Feature Requests

Hi whmoorejr:

The documentation for the plugin has a couple examples on the tutorials page and more will be added over time -- including video examples of how to use features of the plugin and Touch Portal pages in action. there is definitely more to come.

The plugin isn't meant to be a replacement for Indigo Control Pages, but rather a bridge for those that want to use Touch Portal and move data and access functions between Touch Portal and Indigo. Touch Portal has functions built in to share pages and icons with other users, but that feature is complicated because my setup is linked to my Indigo devices and wouldn't work for you without some effort. Here is a snapshot of a simple device that I use to turn on and off a feature light in our living room. This is a very simple example, but that's because I keep deleting my entire setup for testing new code during development. :D

1596301357992.png (134.16 KiB) Viewed 2680 times

One primary feature that Touch Portal brings is the ability to integrate and interface with other functions on the Indigo server machine. For example, with Touch Portal, you can:
  • Start an application
  • Run a bash file
  • Simulate key presses
  • Simulate mouse clicks
  • change button visuals based on conditions
  • File I/O
  • HTTP Get/Post/Put
To name a few.

What we have so far works great, but it's just scratching the surface and more features are being added to Touch Portal all the time. Also, we haven't even gotten into the idea of linking Indigo with other Touch Portal plugins. For example, you could create a macro that changes the brightness and color of an RGB light bulb as more viewers join your Twitch Stream! :D

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