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Sense Plugin Variables

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 5:55 pm
by Peel
When I enable debugging, in the Event Log, I get 4 pieces of energy data from my Sense monitor:
Active Solar
Daily Solar

I want to write a python action (or plugin) that will send this data to my account at The first thing I need to do is save the state of those 4 values to variables. I see that there are devices created called Active Total and Solar that correspond to Active and Solar respectively. And I can save those states to appropriate variables using Insert Device State into Variable. But there are no devices for Daily and Daily Solar. Are there plugin functions or variables for these that can be accessed via python calls?

Re: Sense Plugin Variables

PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 2:22 pm
by howartp
Apologies for missing this.

Solar data doesn't come in the same dataset when I retrieve it. It looks like when I wrote the plugin, I got as far as logging the daily/active solar to the log but not processing it!

I'll send you a PM with a temporary .py plugin file to replace on your end, to try. Keep a copy of the original first.
