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sense failed after upgrade to 2021,1

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 3:48 pm
by tatrog
after upgrade started getting errors below. reloaded plugin and below is output. Le me know I you need me to pull any more information.

Stopped plugin "Sense Home Energy 1.0.7"
Starting plugin "Sense Home Energy 1.0.7" (pid 97886)
Started plugin "Sense Home Energy 1.0.7"
Sense Home Energy Error Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 221, in runConcurrentThread
File "", line 187, in getDevices
ValueError: NameNotUniqueError

Sense Home Energy Error plugin runConcurrentThread function returned or failed (will attempt again in 10 seconds)
Sense Home Energy Error Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 221, in runConcurrentThread
File "", line 187, in getDevices
ValueError: NameNotUniqueError

Sense Home Energy Error plugin runConcurrentThread function returned or failed (will attempt again in 10 seconds)
Sense Home Energy Error Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 221, in runConcurrentThread
File "", line 187, in getDevices
ValueError: NameNotUniqueError

Re: sense failed after upgrade to 2021,1

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:06 pm
by matt (support)
We changes how device APIs lookup/match names some in 2021.1, but looking at that plugin code I'm not sure why that would cause the errors you are seeing.

What are the exact name (including case) of your Indigo sense devices? You might try stopping the plugin then renaming all of the sense devices to be all lowercase, then restarting the plugin. Does that help?

Re: sense failed after upgrade to 2021,1

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 7:53 pm
by tatrog
no luck with trying to change to lower case. Not sure how it works but the plugin pulls the names to a special folder from sense server automatically. So if I try and change the name in that folder it just updates back to the names on the sense server. I also tried to change the names to lower text via the sense app given that should change the name on the sense server. Problem is some devices sense auto names and will not allow me to lower the text or modify the name at all. It appears the default when sense names a device is first letter in caps the rest lower case. It does appear they only use numbers and letters and no special characters.

Re: sense failed after upgrade to 2021,1

PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 4:54 am
by howartp
Sense are ridiculous in their naming and what they expose in the API.

They have no problem allowing duplicate non-unique names or even not populating the loosely-known-as-unique-identifier field.

I rewrote plug-in to handle this better earlier in the year but will have to look at code to see what’s what.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Re: sense failed after upgrade to 2021,1

PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 5:33 pm
by matt (support)
tatrog wrote:
I also tried to change the names to lower text via the sense app given that should change the name on the sense server. Problem is some devices sense auto names and will not allow me to lower the text or modify the name at all. It appears the default when sense names a device is first letter in caps the rest lower case. It does appear they only use numbers and letters and no special characters.

Are any of the sense names duplicates of each other?

Re: sense failed after upgrade to 2021,1

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:52 am
by tatrog
No, all the names are unique.

I would note that the plugin is still collecting the usage information its just throwing off the errors.

Its a very useful plugin for me. I have it monitor my total usage and total Solar production. For example if my AC turns on (live in Florida so happens often) and the solar production is lower than total usage I have indigo turn off my pool pump until the AC turns off. Honestly I have just started with solar and very interesting what can be done to make my house more energy efficient because of sense and this plugin. It also lets me know about high voltage devices like my dryer so I can get push notification when the dry turns off. Every day I think of new ways to use this plugin with sense and indigo so thanks for the plugin and help in getting the errors sorted out.

Re: sense failed after upgrade to 2021,1

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 3:10 pm
by howartp
See what does for you.

It catches the error, but if you turn on plugin debug it shows what it's trying to rename from/to so you can see what duplicate it's falling over on.


Re: sense failed after upgrade to 2021,1

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 8:39 pm
by tatrog
brilliant ! the errors are gone. I did turn on the debug logs and below is the output. Interesting because today I changed heat3 name. It was labeled Heat 3 (?) because I had not changed the selection in the "this is a guess " to off. If you don't it places the "?" mark at each device name and I thought that may be causing the issue. I only have one device named "dishwasher
" . I can report that before this update when i change that item had no change to the error. However below is showing some issue in renaming that specific device so I thought it may be of interest. All that said the reported issues is solved.

Well done!!!

Jun 20, 2021 at 10:26:24 PM
Sense Home Energy Debug IDs: [u'f942e97d', u'core', u'core', u'always_on', u'0b37b1ae', u'a3eca5b7', u'4215f622', u'6ae70b02', u'OWjHc3GP', u'4c866603', u'16a895cb', u'57017d90', u'4215f622', u'a2026113', u'90172db9', u'5e7587d0', u'2d7a4532', u'2d7a4532', u'ssi-5c666497', u'0evjxZoo', u'4ea83ddf', u'ssi-40e8afa1', u'7cc91ab8', u'unknown', u'02527b10', u'16a895cb', u'b84a3c09', u'solar', u'57017d90', u'a2026113', u'a3eca5b7']
Sense Home Energy Debug Active: 3769.39599609w
Sense Home Energy Debug Daily: 53.687775kw
Sense Home Energy Debug CSV Output: 2021-06-20 22:26:25.540145,3769
Sense Home Energy Debug Active Solar -4.94451332092w:
Sense Home Energy Debug Daily Solar: 33.3154kw
Sense Home Energy Debug Trying to rename heat 3 to Dishwasher
Sense Home Energy Debug Failed to rename - duplicate device found - please ensure Sense devices are all uniquely named
Sense Home Energy Debug logging disabled

Re: sense failed after upgrade to 2021,1

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:02 am
by howartp
Have you an Indigo device (either from Sense or otherwise)?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Re: sense failed after upgrade to 2021,1

PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2022 2:59 pm
by howartp
See v1.0.9 for several updates that address issues such as this.
