Feature Request: "Executing AppleScript" Status Details

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Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:05 am
nsheldon offline
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Feature Request: "Executing AppleScript" Status Details

Hey Matt and Jay.

I had a serious home automation melt-down today which ultimately was the result of a hung PL2303 USB-serial driver (I use to communicate with the serial control interface on my Panasonic TV). However, it took me a few hours to figure out that was the cause, because all I was seeing was IndigoServer hanging solid across IndigoServer kills/loads. The only status visible from the Indigo client was "Executing AppleScript..." which is the point at which it hung every time. I know. I know. "Stop using embedded AppleScripts and you won't have that problem." I have so many triggers, action groups and schedules, though, it's much less time consuming to take the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" approach.

So, the request: Add the source trigger/schedule/action group/control page from which the "Executing AppleScript..." status originates. It would have been very helpful if the status had said "Executing AppleScript for trigger 'Send TV Command'...". It would have saved me from having to hand-edit the Indigo database XML file (because the client hung when the server did) to mark all 590 of my triggers and schedules as disabled then re-enabling them one at a time through the client to find out which one was hanging.

P.S. The offending embedded AppleScript has since been migrated to an external AppleScript file to hopefully avoid any future server hangs of this nature. ;-)

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Sat Aug 24, 2013 12:20 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Feature Request: "Executing AppleScript" Status Details

That is a good idea and we have a similar request on our feature request list for better reporting of AppleScript errors (to show what trigger/schedule/etc. they are in). Unfortunately, we haven't tackled either of these yet because internally by the time the script is executing it is far removed from its originating container object (trigger, schedule, etc.). Adding the plumbing to get the needed information down to the script executor is, at this point, more work than we can spare for the task. But the next time we are doing plumbing work in that area (which likely will be when we add the ability to pass variables or other data from their originating events/triggers/schedules down to actions or scripts), we'll definitely tackle it.


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Sat Aug 24, 2013 3:41 pm
nsheldon offline
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Re: Feature Request: "Executing AppleScript" Status Details


Yea, I figured it was pretty far removed from the original container by the time it got to the "Executing AppleScript..." stage. I look forward to seeing the feature but certainly understand that it's not high on the priority list.

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