
Posted on
Wed Aug 01, 2018 10:13 pm
Coolcaper offline
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Just a follow up from this: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=19449&sid=2d511e3d4d6d8d4166db3d975f03eaa5#p164577

The plugin developer got in touch and advised to use the Brel model for the Dooya motors. After a lot of trial and error I can say that it is now working for me with the Dooya DV24 motor and a DC1602(B) remote.

You need to use the RFXmngr Windows application to connect the RFXtrx device to the motor as a remote. Make sure that you have selected Blinds T1/T2/T3/T4 protocol in the 'Main' tab of the application. This is a BlindsT6 device and can be enabled using the 'Blinds1' tab, selecting Type as T6 DC106.....
Next, to pair the RFX device and the motor, input a Unit code and a unique ID code (non duplicating, if you're setting up more than one). I set up my motor with Unit Code 1 and ID code 00 00 00 1.
Choose Command as Confirm, press the P2 button on your remote twice and then press Transmit in the RFXmngr application. This should add the RFX device as a remote to the blinds. Try Open and Close, hopefully all should be good and your blinds react to the commands from the RFX device.

IMG_1517.JPG (126.95 KiB) Viewed 3345 times

Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 12.11.40 pm.png
Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 12.11.40 pm.png (198.87 KiB) Viewed 3345 times

After connecting the RFX device back to indigo, select Blinds T1,2,3,4 in the configure options.

Create a new RFXCOM device and select the model as 'Brel'. Now here's where it gets interesting and where I finally got it working after hours of trial and error and searching different forums.
For the Housecode, using my example of the ID code I set earlier, enter 000000 (note only six zeros) and in the Unitcode enter 17. I am presuming there is some conversion to be done from hex to dec if you use values other than what I chose for the ID code but there is definitely a conversion happening for the Unitcode. What I did was to add the last digit of the ID code (1) to the Unit Code (1) giving me a value of 11. This is a hex value and has to be converted to decimal, thereby 17!

Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 11.49.23 am.png
Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 11.49.23 am.png (131.28 KiB) Viewed 3345 times

Now if all went well, you can Open/Close blinds with the On/Off commands from indigo and also create action groups with Stop etc.

Hope this helps....

Posted on
Thu Aug 02, 2018 2:12 am
b_weijenberg offline
Posts: 172
Joined: Jun 14, 2006

Re: Dooya

It is not needed to enable BlindsT1,2,3,4 because BlindsT6 is not received by the current firmware. Enabling of protocols is only necessary to enable the receiving of a protocol. Transmit functions are always enabled for all protocols.

See also chapter 10 in the RFXtrx User Guide for instructions how to pair a Dooya motor.
There is no Confirm/Program/Pair command available in the plug-in?

Posted on
Thu Aug 02, 2018 2:36 am
Coolcaper offline
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Re: Dooya

I do not have that much of an understanding of the plugin nor the technical knowledge of how the RFX device works. Considering this question has been asked before (if you see the quote I responded to in the linked post) and there was no reply to it, I had to scourge the inter webs for a way to do it. (Got my info from the Homeseer/openhab/domiticz forums)

You are right about the plugin having Confirm/Pair etc. but I wouldn’t have had a clue that those things would do what was required to get the motor paired. Maybe I’ll give it a shot with my next one

Oh and it would be nice if the wiki could be updated on how to do these sort of pairings etc. from the plugin. I followed what was written in the user manual and since there is no macOS version of the rfxmgr, I presumed that it would only work from a windows machine.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted on
Mon Oct 14, 2019 12:30 am
Eagleye offline
Posts: 91
Joined: Jan 14, 2019

Re: Dooya

The above article makes interesting reading, but unfortunetly I have had no success in pairing my Dooya TBS100 EN/S (curtain motors) with RFXcom. I have followed the above instructions & other website suggestions, all to no avail.

Is there anyone that can provide clearer instructions on how this works.

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