Fault-finding process for RFXCOM

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Sat Mar 30, 2019 3:13 am
mrg1 offline
Posts: 6
Joined: Oct 26, 2015

Fault-finding process for RFXCOM

Hello, Does anyone have a systematic process to identifying a probable RFXCOM/LightwaveRf problem? I am attempting to find the time-of-day in a roughly 48hr period after which lightwave command fail to be transmitted. I have a simple system; lightwave (LW) devices, oregon sensors and some Z-wave switches. Every so often scheduled LW commands fail. I have updated software ( 7.1), drivers and firmware and have disabled protocols without success. Reloading the plugin solves the problem (temporarily). So I need to focus on the logs but first need an indication of where to look timewise. Any thoughts on what type of repeated test could be run to identify the time of failure? Thanks

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