Anyone achieving this currently?
My fumbling and ChatAI-assisted attempt has gotten close, but still generates errors I can't work around:
Code: Select all
tell application "Music"
set currentTrack to current track
set trackName to name of currentTrack
set artistName to artist of currentTrack
set trackInfo to trackName & "|" & artistName
end tell
set pythonScript to ""
set pythonPath to "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/bin/python3"
set scriptPath to quoted form of "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Scripts/" & pythonScript
set trackInfo to trackName & "|" & artistName
#do shell script quoted form of pythonPath & " " & quoted form of scriptPath & " " & quoted form of trackInfo
do shell script quoted form of "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Scripts/"
That AppleScript is supposed to target this Python:
Code: Select all
import indigo
import sys
trackInfo = sys.argv[1]
trackName, artistName = trackInfo.split("|")
indigo.variable.updateValue(trackVariableId, value=trackName)
indigo.variable.updateValue(artistVariableId, value=artistName)
My current thought about moving forward is super kludgy and would involve a repeating Indigo Schedule running every 15 seconds or so, running a python script that looks for changes in a file created by AppleScript with the Apple Music info I want, and that then updates variables if the file has changed.
Hopefully there's a better way. This seems like a thing someone out there who actually understands Python would already have working.