Cynical Network: Command Fusion iViewer integration.

Posted on
Sat Oct 04, 2014 1:30 pm
iblis offline
Posts: 75
Joined: Sep 16, 2014

Cynical Network: Command Fusion iViewer integration.

Hello and thank you for this great plugin.

I'm using Cynical Network to integrate my iViewer control screens. It's been a success so far, but I have a couple of questions that would ease my integration a lot.

When I use Send Text from Indigo to iViewer I want to send a string that updates the brightness level on a light.

A typical string looks like this a11=20.

a11 = Analog Joint 11
20 = Brightness level

Instead of creating a string for every brightness level (100) to use in triggers I would like to just use 1 string per device that updates the string with the current state of the device before it sends it.

So something like this (Device 11 = 54), Send Text: a11=device.11.state (that would look like a11=54 on iviewer)

Is this possible?

Best regards,

Posted on
Sun Oct 05, 2014 1:53 am
howartp offline
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Cynical Network: Command Fusion iViewer integration.

I'm not sure if the plugin is allowed to access device states from other devices, but if it is then I think the following should work:


where Dev_ID is the indigo ID of the device you want. (This won't be 11' it will be something like 12586364; right-click on the device in Indigo to find it)

I think .brightness is the correct field for an Indigo dimmer device; if you're using a custom device/plugin, you might need a different field.

This is all guessing based on rough knowledge of Indigi/Python and a quick read of the tutorial, so I may be wrong...!


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