Please help me pause SecuritySpy's motion detection emails

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Sat Sep 14, 2019 2:00 pm
gadgetnut offline
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Please help me pause SecuritySpy's motion detection emails

Hi. I have a friend whose SecuritySpy web server is not reachable over the internet due to his cellular modem/router, but we interact very nicely with his Indigo installation thanks to Indigo Touch and Prism, etc. We SS set to send emails every ten minutes based on motion events in the driveway. We had painters working all day at the house and dozens of emails were received.

Using Cynical plugin I successfully created the Server and added the driveway camera as a device. I created an Indigo Variable called Camera Pause. In Indigo Touch I can change this variable to True, triggering a camera action. I have experimented with several actions, such as making the camera passive.

Our goal is to keep events recording locally in the presence of motion but to have the option of changing an Indigo variable to true, causing SS to stop sending emails for a period. If we change that Indigo variable back to false, email sending will run normally again. I could also set up a schedule that resets the variable and turns emails on everyday at midnight just in case we forget to reset the pause manually.

Is there a specific action I can use to achieve this email sending pause while motion events continue recording? Or if a script is needed, what would that be? Many thanks!

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Posted on
Sat Sep 14, 2019 5:21 pm
citysnaps offline
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Re: Please help me pause SecuritySpy's motion detection emai

You can create two Triggers in Indigo that would test your variable.

One Trigger would test CameraPause, and if it becomes True, execute a Cynical Security Spy action to disarm your camera. The second Trigger would test CameraPause, and if it becomes False, execute a Cynical Security Spy action to arm your camera.

Any motion detected that passes your threshold will still be recoded locally.

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Posted on
Sat Sep 14, 2019 5:31 pm
gadgetnut offline
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Re: Please help me pause SecuritySpy's motion detection emai

Hi, Brad, thanks for the assistance. I did what you suggested and by toggling the variable in Indigo, the SS camera status is changing Active or Passive. Regarding implications of SS Active/Passive, if the camera is passive I understand emails will not go out but local motion recordings still happen... I will do some testing to confirm.. Thanks again!

Posted on
Sat Sep 14, 2019 5:52 pm
citysnaps offline
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Re: Please help me pause SecuritySpy's motion detection emai

gadgetnut wrote:
Hi, Brad, thanks for the assistance. I did what you suggested and by toggling the variable in Indigo, the SS camera status is changing Active or Passive. Regarding implications of SS Active/Passive, if the camera is passive I understand emails will not go out but local motion recordings still happen... I will do some testing to confirm.. Thanks again!

Great! Hope it works out for you.

I do the same thing with my cameras. I also use the Security Spy iOS app on my iPhone and can still scroll through the motion local captures when my cameras are not armed, when I'm at home or away.

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Posted on
Sun Sep 15, 2019 9:10 am
gadgetnut offline
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Re: Please help me pause SecuritySpy's motion detection emai

Hello again. It seems my results so far are the opposite of what I need to do. For the Indigo variable CameraPause I am using this Cynical action Make Passive (see attachment.)

When I change the Indigo variable CameraPause to True, the SecuritySpy camera info status changes. At the Axis M3004 camera info, the M goes away and the A remains (see attachment) and in this environment, emails are still coming in from motion events but local recording is not happening.

I need to setup the reverse, that local recordings continue but no emails are sent, etc.

Do I need to change some setting in SS? Or is there a Cynical command to change the SS camera status so the A goes away instead of M? Thanks!
Screenshot 2019-09-15 07.47.17.png
Screenshot 2019-09-15 07.47.17.png (212.37 KiB) Viewed 2571 times
Screenshot 2019-09-15 07.47.36.png
Screenshot 2019-09-15 07.47.36.png (12.83 KiB) Viewed 2571 times

Posted on
Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:46 pm
citysnaps offline
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Re: Please help me pause SecuritySpy's motion detection emai

gadgetnut wrote:
Hello again. It seems my results so far are the opposite of what I need to do. For the Indigo variable CameraPause I am using this Cynical action Make Passive (see attachment.)

When I change the Indigo variable CameraPause to True, the SecuritySpy camera info status changes. At the Axis M3004 camera info, the M goes away and the A remains (see attachment) and in this environment, emails are still coming in from motion events but local recording is not happening.

I need to setup the reverse, that local recordings continue but no emails are sent, etc.

Do I need to change some setting in SS? Or is there a Cynical command to change the SS camera status so the A goes away instead of M? Thanks!

Hmmm... He4re's what I do.

I set up two triggers, Cameras Arm and Cameras Disarm, and a variable Camarm.

When variable Camarm changes to true, the Cameras Arm trigger executes a set of actions Arming my cameras. When variable Camarm changes to False, the Cameras Disarm trigger executes a set of actions Disarming my cameras. I've attached a couple of screen shots of the Cameras Arm trigger. Hope this helps!



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Posted on
Sat Oct 05, 2019 10:30 am
gadgetnut offline
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Re: Please help me pause SecuritySpy's motion detection emai

Hello, Brad, I didn’t have notifications enabled to be alerted to updates of this thread, and I just saw your last addition. Thanks a million, that’s exactly what I did. My mistake was looking for an action named Active or similar- instead, choose the action named Arm Camera and under that action choose arm or disarm. I have set this up with the variable as you suggested, and we can pause or unpause the automated motion detection email stream remotely. I also put in a schedule to automatically revert the pause variable to false once a day as a reset, in case we forget to unpause. Everything is working great. What a great adventure this has been getting a greater appreciation of the extensibility of Indigo. I am super grateful to the Indigo and Ben Software teams, Perry the Cynic, and you.

Posted on
Sat Oct 05, 2019 12:50 pm
citysnaps offline
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Re: Please help me pause SecuritySpy's motion detection emai

Awesome! Glad it all worked out and you're back in business!

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