Noob ?ion for Cynical Cache

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Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:19 pm
dlleon offline
Posts: 114
Joined: Dec 14, 2012

Noob ?ion for Cynical Cache

Here's the set up:

1. Cynical Cache plugin
2. Global Cache GC100/6
a. It has an IR blaster on port 2:1
b, an IR Learning serial device on the serial port (the internal web server of the GC said it's 9600n1)
3, Samsung smart TV (the Indigo Samsung plugin doesn't work on it.)

I have Cynical Cache to where it can learn a code, and then an Indigo Action Group can transmit the code.


1. I'd like to assign an unused button on my Samsung remote (Amazon) to trigger an event in Indigo.

For example, I hit the Amazon button, and Indigo then turns my light off.

I have the IR Receiver set up as a Device in Indigo.
I also have an Indigo Trigger listening for a Cynical Cache Event : IR symbol received > Allways > Turn on Lamp.
In the Event Setting, I have the Receiver (1:1) setting, and I've tried both the IR code for the Amazon button, and just leaving it blank.

Neither one will trigger the lamp.

The log doesn't show any activity when aiming the remote at the unit. I know the Learner works, because it will learn the codes (even from across teh room)

2. I received an email from Global Cache for the codes for my Samsung TV. They're in an email. I saved them as a text file (.rtf) but the Global Cache plug in can't read it. What format does the database need to be in?


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