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Grab "Device State" and push into variable for Honeywell TCC

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2020 8:08 pm
by bbbullock
I'm trying to get this plugin to work with a Honeywell RedLink connected thermostat and grab the Device State to push into an Indigo variable. I can see Device State when I put the plugin into debug mode...but cannot find Device State as an option inside Indigo. Am I missing something?

I need to check Device State as a Condition in a Trigger and in a Scheduled Event.

Re: Grab "Device State" and push into variable for Honeywell

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:36 pm
by matt (support)
Inside the Condition panel did you select IF DEVICE and then select the device in the next popup? The popup after that should show all the device states for that device.

Re: Grab "Device State" and push into variable for Honeywell

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 7:30 pm
by bbbullock
Ok, so I'm finally getting back to this issue and have still not solved it.

In the Plugin's debug, I can see a field called "Device State". There are only 3 states for "Device State":

- Schedule
- TempHold
- PermHold

Here is a sample from the debug log file and I've highlighted in red the field I'm identifying:

Honeywell Total Connect Comfort Thermostat Debug Getting data for thermostatId: 4342076
Honeywell Total Connect Comfort Thermostat Debug ThermostatID: 4342076
Honeywell Total Connect Comfort Thermostat Debug DeviceName: THERMOSTAT
Honeywell Total Connect Comfort Thermostat Debug UserDefinedDeviceName: Main Level
Honeywell Total Connect Comfort Thermostat Debug state: 3
Honeywell Total Connect Comfort Thermostat Debug Device Name: THERMOSTAT
Honeywell Total Connect Comfort Thermostat Debug ***Device SystemSwitch: Cool
Honeywell Total Connect Comfort Thermostat Debug Device State: TempHold
Honeywell Total Connect Comfort Thermostat Debug Updating Device: TMain Level, State: temperatureInput1, Value: 74.0000

These 3 states reflect that operating status of the thermostat and I need to insert the current operating status (Device State) into an Indigo variable.

I cannot find in Indigo a field that allows me to use "Device State" as a condition or as a source for plugging the state into an Indigo variable. The list of fields available is found in the attachment

What am I missing in my quest to get this to work?

Screen Shot 2020-08-08 at 8.05.04 PM.jpg
This is the list of fields to choose from in Indigo...none of which is "Device State"
Screen Shot 2020-08-08 at 8.05.04 PM.jpg (202.76 KiB) Viewed 1752 times