Questions and Feature Requests

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Questions and Feature Requests

Post by thumpinc »

Hi Dave -
I've really been digging into this plugin in Indigo and am finding it very useful. Thank you again for all the work you've done.
There are a couple of things I've run into I wanted to post that are either mistakes by me or possibly bugs.

1. Some chart types (Vertical Stock for example) won't allow you to select an accuracy for annotation only in the last item detail (bar 5 in example of vertical stock bar chart). Is this intentional?
2. Adjustment doesn't seem to work for me in line charts. Setting an adjustment of any type seems to have no bearing on the output graph. I have not tried it in other graph types. I've read the instructions and they are straight-forward. Im instances of movement that are low numbers. Trying adjustment setting of 2, 20, 2000 seemed to all result in the same graph for me.
3. I can't get the X-Axis name to appear in line charts that have a legend. Is it an either/or?
4. Right now to plot real time temp states from 4 devices can take
5. It takes about 3 seconds to generate a regular graph from CSV files. To generate a 4 bar humidity graph from devices is taking about 35 seconds. Is that typical or is there something bugged on my end? Is this because the plugin is asking the devices for their current state instead of just pulling that state from indigo?

Also a small feature request (sorry if this is in the wrong thread. Glad to repost elsewhere.)

Right now I can only choose time OR day for X Axis. Many of my graphs for temp and humidity are over the span of last seven days. Doing it by only date or time is a little tricky (which day at 7pm? or what time on Tuesday?). Any way we could add ticks for days and second for time of day? or just add a date/time option?

Sorry for this many items. Hope they aren't all just user error.
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Re: Questions and Feature Requests

Post by DaveL17 »

I'll need to dig into each of these individually; it's likely that you've come across some bugs that were introduced in the migration to Python 3. There's too many combinations to test them all with this one.
thumpinc wrote:1. Some chart types (Vertical Stock for example) won't allow you to select an accuracy for annotation only in the last item detail (bar 5 in example of vertical stock bar chart). Is this intentional?
This is absolutely a bug. I'll make a note to fix that. Please let me know if you see this behavior elsewhere.
thumpinc wrote:2. Adjustment doesn't seem to work for me in line charts. Setting an adjustment of any type seems to have no bearing on the output graph. I have not tried it in other graph types. I've read the instructions and they are straight-forward. Im instances of movement that are low numbers. Trying adjustment setting of 2, 20, 2000 seemed to all result in the same graph for me.
Adjustment factor seems to be working fine for me with line charts. Not sure what's going on there. What are you (literally) entering into that field?
thumpinc wrote:3. I can't get the X-Axis name to appear in line charts that have a legend. Is it an either/or?
Yes, this is an either/or. If you hover over the legend, this is noted in the tooltip. This is unfortunate to have to do it this way, but it was necessary because displaying both was causing the image size to change which wreaks havoc in other places. I'll make a note to see if this is still the case (the upgrade to Python 3 allowed me to use a much newer version of Matplotlib and there's a good chance that some old consolations are no longer needed.)
thumpinc wrote:4. Right now to plot real time temp states from 4 devices can take
I think you might've meant to delete this one as it looks a lot like #5.
thumpinc wrote:5. It takes about 3 seconds to generate a regular graph from CSV files. To generate a 4 bar humidity graph from devices is taking about 35 seconds. Is that typical or is there something bugged on my end? Is this because the plugin is asking the devices for their current state instead of just pulling that state from indigo?
That is *not* typical in my experience. I just refreshed all 41 charts on my production server and that took 31 seconds (0.75 seconds per). That said, there could be a bug in the bar chart code and I'm not ready to rule that out.
thumpinc wrote:Right now I can only choose time OR day for X Axis. Many of my graphs for temp and humidity are over the span of last seven days. Doing it by only date or time is a little tricky (which day at 7pm? or what time on Tuesday?). Any way we could add ticks for days and second for time of day? or just add a date/time option?
This is a great feature to add to the plugin, but it's non-trivial. Due to the way these chart types are managed, it'll require making adjustments to each chart type individually. Probably not insurmountable, but it will take some work. I'll add this to the feature request list and abstain from providing a timeline to get it implemented. :D
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