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Re: New Plugin - Occupatum - Occupancy/Presence detection

PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 3:15 am
by durosity
FlyingDiver wrote:
Hmm. Might be a bug. I’ll need to look at that.

Did we ever find if this is working as expected or not? I've recently been doing some work on my system and would find it running the 'Off' trigger most helpful in this situation. That said I suppose it'd be handy if it didn't too, so perhaps it could be setup as an additional action of 'Cancel Timer (With triggers)' and the original of 'Cancel Timer (no triggers)' or words to that effect? :)

Re: New Plugin - Occupatum - Occupancy/Presence detection

PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 6:57 am
by FlyingDiver
durosity wrote:
FlyingDiver wrote:
Hmm. Might be a bug. I’ll need to look at that.

Did we ever find if this is working as expected or not? I've recently been doing some work on my system and would find it running the 'Off' trigger most helpful in this situation. That said I suppose it'd be handy if it didn't too, so perhaps it could be setup as an additional action of 'Cancel Timer (With triggers)' and the original of 'Cancel Timer (no triggers)' or words to that effect? :)

I have no idea. That post was almost a year ago, and I couldn't really figure out from the old posts what the issue is (or was).

There is now a cancel timer action available. When you need to use it, you can also include additional actions to do what the trigger would have done (if you need them).

Re: New Plugin - Occupatum - Occupancy/Presence detection

PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 10:30 am
by durosity
So what I want to do is manually mark a room as unoccupied, and for it to run an associated trigger with that. But the cancel option at present does not run the trigger like it does if the room ‘naturally’ becomes unoccupied when the timer runs out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Re: New Plugin - Occupatum - Occupancy/Presence detection

PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 10:39 am
by FlyingDiver
durosity wrote:
So what I want to do is manually mark a room as unoccupied, and for it to run an associated trigger with that. But the cancel option at present does not run the trigger like it does if the room ‘naturally’ becomes unoccupied when the timer runs out.

What do you mean by "mark"?

Re: New Plugin - Occupatum - Occupancy/Presence detection

PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 5:41 pm
by durosity
As in use an action group to set the room as unoccupied before the timer on the occupancy device runs out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Re: New Plugin - Occupatum - Occupancy/Presence detection

PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 6:09 pm
by FlyingDiver
durosity wrote:
As in use an action group to set the room as unoccupied before the timer on the occupancy device runs out.

So couldn't that action group also run the actions that the timer would have run? You could have them in an action group of their own that both the timer and the "force off" action group calls.

Re: New Plugin - Occupatum - Occupancy/Presence detection

PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 7:15 pm
by durosity
Aha.. so I did try this with an ebarlier version of the plugin but it resulted in an issue where the timer would perpetually reset, but I’ve just re-tried it and it and it seems to be behaving as I’d want it to now. I’ll try running with that for a few days and see if there’s any peculiarities that arise!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Re: New Plugin - Occupatum - Occupancy/Presence detection

PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 9:06 am
by durosity
FlyingDiver wrote:
durosity wrote:
As in use an action group to set the room as unoccupied before the timer on the occupancy device runs out.

So couldn't that action group also run the actions that the timer would have run? You could have them in an action group of their own that both the timer and the "force off" action group calls.

This seems to be working well now, thanks for the suggestion. :D

Re: New Plugin - Occupatum - Occupancy/Presence detection

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 6:26 am
by siclark
Hi Joe
Just got this installed and really liking it.
One small issue which might be me, might be the new sensors.
I use activity device for each room with 5 min look back so lights don’t go off too quickly. All works well apart from my study.
I have an aqara radar sensor that doesn’t switch off as continually notices movement unlike a PIR sensor.
The activity device starts when the radar sensor is triggered but then goes off turning off my lights. Interestingly the presence sensor stays off the whole time but then goes off immediately the radar device stops seeing motion. I guess I could delay the off by 5 mins there but ideally would work on activity so I can combine with other sensors.
Any ideas?

Re: New Plugin - Occupatum - Occupancy/Presence detection

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 6:59 am
by FlyingDiver
Sorry, not really understanding the issue. Can you try to draw or write out a timeline showing when each of the participating sensors go on and off, and when the Zone device is going on and off?

In general, you would normally use Occupancy Zone devices to control a zone, not Activity zones. See ... m/issues/9

Re: New Plugin - Occupatum - Occupancy/Presence detection

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 7:30 am
by siclark
I have Time Window for activations for Activty set to 240 seconds and the delay off for Occupancy at 0.

Enter room:
Motion detected by sensor device =>. device State on
Activity and Occupancy devices turn on

Stay in room:
Motion sensor device stays on
After 4 mins the Activity device turns off despite the motion sensor still being On.
Occupancy Device stays on

Leave room:
Motion sensor goes off
Occupancy device goes off immediately when motion sensor turns off. .

Does appear to match the rbdubz3 coment on May 29 22 about sitting at his desk, but would also occur in my kitchen where I also use the radar sensors but where much more motion.

So to ensure lights stay on in a room where people sit still and PIRs dont detect motion, you suggest using the delayed off timer on a Occupancy device, rather than Activity?

Re: New Plugin - Occupatum - Occupancy/Presence detection

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 7:31 am
by FlyingDiver
Yes, an Occupancy sensor is what you want. Activity sensors are for special cases.

Re: New Plugin - Occupatum - Occupancy/Presence detection

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 7:38 am
by siclark
Ok, thanks. Will try those.

Also noticed when trying to change triggers over that the Show Dependancies doesnt appear to work for either device type. I have triggers set using them, but show no dependencies.

Re: New Plugin - Occupatum - Occupancy/Presence detection

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 7:40 am
by FlyingDiver
siclark wrote:
Also noticed when trying to change triggers over that the Show Dependancies doesnt appear to work for either device type. I have triggers set using them, but show no dependencies.

Yeah, that's a limitation of Indigo. It can't see the internal dependencies within a plugin. Only trigger/schedule/action groups where the dependency is visible in the UI.

Re: New Plugin - Occupatum - Occupancy/Presence detection

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 4:59 pm
by anyone
I use Aqara FP2 Presence Sensors with Occupancy Zones by configuring X10 motion detectors as Dummy devices in HomeKit, which are published as Windows.

Using X10 motion detectors satisfies the plugin's requirement for an On/Off sensor. Configuring and publishing the X10 device to HomeKit removes the need for API integration. However, Home App automation is still necessary to control the published X10 device based on the FP2's Occupancy state.

In the Home App, Windows are conveniently grouped in the 'Security' section, allowing easy monitoring of room window/presences.

FP2s are added to Occupancy Zones. In rooms with additional sensors, like motion or door sensors, these are integrated into the Zone. The Zone is set to be occupied if 'Any' sensor is 'On'. I've set the 'Delay On' time to 0 seconds, the 'Delay Off' time to 600 seconds, and the 'Force Off' time also to 0 seconds.

Triggers monitor the Occupancy zone, activating lights and initiating various actions based on different conditions.

I am curious about alternative approaches, as I realized while documenting this setup that there might be more efficient methods.