Running other homebridge instances

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Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:27 pm
Londonmark offline
Posts: 509
Joined: Feb 29, 2012

Running other homebridge instances


I'm sure I've seen discussion previously of running other homebridges in conjunction with homebridge-indigo / HomeKit bridge, but I can't see how to make it work. What I want to do is run the homebridge-landroid plug-in to link to my landroid automatic mower.

The installation instructions are very basic:

Install homebridge using: npm install -g homebridge
Install this plugin using: npm install -g homebridge-landroid
Set up homebridges config.json with your Worx account data

Question: if I follow these instructions, am I likely to mess up my current homebridge-indigo installation? Is there anything else I should bear in mind?

Sorry for rather vague question.

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