Cannot remove device from tracing

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Cannot remove device from tracing

Post by bjmouton »


I installed this plugin & defined a device to track so I could test plugin functionality. I now want to remove it from tracking, but when I go to the "Remove Device + States from tracking" and pull the drop down box for "Select Device", the list is blank & cannot see or select the device I want to remove.


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Re: Cannot remove device from tracing

Post by kw123 »

just tried it and mine works...

I need a little more info
do a print tracking ... in menu

you should see something like tis in Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.5/Logs/com.karlwachs.minMax/plugin.log

Code: Select all

10:09:19 Configuration: ... date format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ==> 2021-01-13 10:09:19
10:09:19 Dev-Name-----                     DevID            State   ignoreLess ignoreGreater  format  tracking measures: -------
10:09:19 s-11-govee-mini               582422074      Temperature  -9876543210    9876543210  '%.1f'  thisHour-  Min Max 
                                                                                             lastHour-  Min Max 
10:12:40 Configuration: ... date format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ==> 2021-01-13 10:12:40
10:12:40 Dev-Name-----                     DevID            State   ignoreLess ignoreGreater  format  tracking measures: -------
10:12:40 youGotMail                     28906680       onOffState  -9876543210    9876543210  '%.1f'  lastMonth- Count DateMax FirstEntryValue End Min Max FirstEntryDate DateMin LastEntryValue StdDev Count1 Ave Start LastEntryDate 
                                                                                             thisHour-  Count DateMax FirstEntryValue End Min Max FirstEntryDate DateMin LastEntryValue StdDev Count1 Ave Start LastEntryDate 
                                                                                             thisMonth- Count DateMax FirstEntryValue End Min Max FirstEntryDate DateMin LastEntryValue StdDev Count1 Ave Start LastEntryDate 
                                                                                             lastHour-  Count DateMax FirstEntryValue End Min Max FirstEntryDate DateMin LastEntryValue StdDev Count1 Ave Start LastEntryDate 
                                                                                             last7Days- Count DateMax FirstEntryValue End Min Max FirstEntryDate DateMin LastEntryValue StdDev Count1 Ave Start LastEntryDate 
                                                                                             lastWeek-  Count DateMax FirstEntryValue End Min Max FirstEntryDate DateMin LastEntryValue StdDev Count1 Ave Start LastEntryDate 
                                                                                             thisWeek-  Count DateMax FirstEntryValue End Min Max FirstEntryDate DateMin LastEntryValue StdDev Count1 Ave Start LastEntryDate 
                                                                                             lastDay-   Count DateMax FirstEntryValue End Min Max FirstEntryDate DateMin LastEntryValue StdDev Count1 Ave Start LastEntryDate 
                                                                                             thisDay-   Count DateMax FirstEntryValue End Min Max FirstEntryDate DateMin LastEntryValue StdDev Count1 Ave Start LastEntryDate 
10:12:40 s-11-govee-mini               582422074      Temperature  -9876543210    9876543210  '%.1f'  thisHour-  Min Max 
                                                                                             lastHour-  Min Max 
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Re: Cannot remove device from tracing

Post by bjmouton »

Here is the log you requested:

11:06:34 Configuration: ... date format: %Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S ==> 2021-01-13-11:06:34
11:06:34 Dev-Name----- DevID State ignoreLess ignoreGreater format tracking measures: -------
11:06:34 Aeotec_Temperature 1774580169 value -9876543210 9876543210 '%.1f' lastMonth- DateMax Min Max DateMin Ave
thisHour- DateMax Min Max DateMin Ave
thisMonth- DateMax Min Max DateMin Ave
lastHour- DateMax Min Max DateMin Ave
last7Days- DateMax Min Max DateMin Ave
lastWeek- DateMax Min Max DateMin Ave
thisWeek- DateMax Min Max DateMin Ave
lastDay- DateMax Min Max DateMin Ave
thisDay- DateMax Min Max DateMin Ave
11:06:34 Aeotec_DewPoint 824510305 value -9876543210 9876543210 '%.1f' --- no measure selected, no variable will be created---

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Re: Cannot remove device from tracing

Post by bjmouton »

By the way, the actual values are not correct either.
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Re: Cannot remove device from tracing

Post by kw123 »

the only difference I see is the last device, no measure selected.

could you set it up correctly and then check if there is anything displayed in remove devices

and for the values not correct: could you give an example?

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Re: Cannot remove device from tracing

Post by kw123 »

just looking again..your selection is not a device/state but a variable.. to be tracked..
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Re: Cannot remove device from tracing

Post by bjmouton »

So what am I missing? To add, I picked "Define Device + States to be tracked", for "State" I selected "value". I went through the motions for setting up both items again "Aeotec Temperature and Aeotec DewPoint. Message from plugin displays "OK" for each item, but the device values are not correct, they are the default min/max defined in the setup.

13:34:19 Configuration: ... date format: %Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S ==> 2021-01-13-13:34:19
13:34:19 Dev-Name----- DevID State ignoreLess ignoreGreater format tracking measures: -------
13:34:19 Aeotec_Temperature 1774580169 value -9876543210 9876543210 '%.1f' thisHour- DateMax Min Max DateMin Ave
13:34:19 Aeotec_DewPoint 824510305 value -9876543210 9876543210 '%.1f' thisHour- DateMax Min Max DateMin Ave
13:35:58 data refresh requested

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Re: Cannot remove device from tracing

Post by bjmouton »

This is snapshot of when I try to remove device, nothing available to select.
Screen Shot 2021-01-13 at 14.02.33.png
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Re: Cannot remove device from tracing

Post by kw123 »

please try v .16 just posted

1. fixed issue that variables could not be deselected
2. prept for python3
3. added color and other improvements to menus
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Re: Cannot remove device from tracing

Post by bjmouton »

OK, that fixed the inability to select items for removal, all my items are visible in drop down. With regard to the values not coming in as expected, I added a couple of devices called "Ambient Temperature" & "PatioDoorLockBattLevel" and behold values came in as expected. Please reference the attached log and the variable screen capture. The two items with valid data happen to be Indigo defined variables, whereas all other items with zero, null or default min/max values are actual devices defined in Indigo. Seems like plugin works for defined variables and not device data.
Screen Shot 2021-01-13 at 15.25.15.png
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Re: Cannot remove device from tracing

Post by kw123 »

just did a quick test with a thermometer min/max/ave this hour. I blew into it / used cold spray,
the max/min value went to 847/ 1.4 as shown in the dev states and the minMax variable shows the same value. The average is not present in the dev states.

The 847 is due to the cold spray i blew on to the sensor. It went into negative overflow (error) .. but the values are the same dev/state and the min/max values

Screen Shot 2021-01-13 at 16.19.57.png
Screen Shot 2021-01-13 at 16.19.57.png (55.45 KiB) Viewed 5521 times
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Re: Cannot remove device from tracing

Post by kw123 »

re your dev states min/ max:

the +-987654321000 and 0 for ave. ... are the preset values min/max if there are no values in the sql db for those dev/states

this looks as if there was no data in the sql db

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Re: Cannot remove device from tracing

Post by bjmouton »

Perhaps (and obviously) the data is not in the sql database, the question is why not. As I mentioned in my previous post, items added to tracker which are Indigo defined variables work and items which are a value of an Indigo defined device do not work.

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Re: Cannot remove device from tracing

Post by kw123 »

You can try utilities plugin
It has a function to print the dev/states from the sql dB

Naturally you can use any sql tool to do the same.


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Re: Cannot remove device from tracing

Post by bjmouton »

With all due respect, I have no desire to attempt to poke into the sql database to see if data exists or not. If the plugin is working properly, then it should populate the database accordingly. If the variables located in the minMax folder which are created by the plugin are linked to the database then it is apparent that data for some devices exist and for others it does not, hence the result I am seeing. Also, on the items that do pull in data, the values populate when they are initially created and then remain stagnant (do not update) from that point.

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