ARDUINO plugin discussion

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Wed May 09, 2018 1:16 pm
zabazoom offline
Posts: 56
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Re: ARDUINO plugin discussion

I seem to be having a problem. Using a Mega and a Ethernet shield. installed the all the latest and greatest plugin and ico. indego tells me I have a the mega online and configured at the right IP, I have pin 49 set as an output. 1) the mega does not report status 2.) I cant seem to fire a signal to pin 49. and on the Mega ethernet shield I'm not seeing a TX led flickering while I do see the RX doing that. I am by no means fluent in Arduino I do use them to drive my 3d printers but am not 100% sure what I am looking at here.

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Wed May 09, 2018 2:11 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: ARDUINO plugin discussion

Can you ping the arduino?
If not you likely have not installed the Ethernet drivers on the arduino

You should be able to find the up number on your router or with fingscan ...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Wed May 09, 2018 2:22 pm
zabazoom offline
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Re: ARDUINO plugin discussion

ya I can ping it

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Wed May 09, 2018 2:36 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: ARDUINO plugin discussion

Ok then do this
Connect serial port to usb
Load the arduino ide
Start the arduino
Check what the serial port says

Also please post your ino code
And the device edit config
( use [code] to post the program. Easier to read)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted on
Wed May 09, 2018 3:37 pm
zabazoom offline
Posts: 56
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Re: ARDUINO plugin discussion

BN: Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560
VID: 2341
PID: 0042
SN: 85436323631351D08111

see's it as fine on com3

// UNO/MEGA/ESP w ethernet/WIFI sketch by karl wachs July 26 2016 v 1.10.4
// v1.10.5
// fixed analog read pin was hardwired as A0
// v1.10.4
// changed types for time variables: long --> unsigned long
// v1.10.3
// changed the onewire included setup etc,
// fixed and tested reboot option watchdog timer function
// v1.10.2
// fixed and tested reboot option watchdog timer function
// v1.10.1
// added reboot option watchdog timer function
// v1.9.2.
// fixed debug --> DEBUG and removed debug print statement
// v1.9.1.
// added support MKR1000
// fixed some smaller things
// v1.8.3
// replaced min() max() with if(){}, some compiler versions did not like it
// v1.8.2
// fixed removed additional & in analog write For S variables
// added: v 1.8.1:
// 1.added DS18B20 temp sensors example, will support several senors on one pin.
// see ... he_Library
// 2. added rise and fall time for ramp up/down/continuous, requires plugin V >= 2.6.1
// 3. added FREEdevice: this device has no limts from the plugin point of view. All pins (50xD,16xA,20xS) are available. YOU will need to manage in code. also IP# mac# wifi etc.
// command to be send: curl"?--command-string--?"
// command string has the form command:pin=value& eg: command:pin=value1,value2&command:pin&command:pin=value1&
// commands implemented:
// rd wr aw pg mU mD pD pU rU rD pC
// rd:A1&rd:D3& ==> will read analog pins 1 and digital pin 3
// wr:D1=0&wr:D4=0& ==> set digital pins 1 to 0 and digital pin4 to 1
// aw:D3=55& ==> analogWrite(3,55) will set digital pin3 to 55
// pg:D5=O&pg:D4=I&pg:D7=U&
// ==> will reprogram digital pin 5 to Output and digital pin 4 to Input and digital pin 7 to input_pullUp with pull up resistor
// mU:D5=100& ==> will program digital pin 5 to do: 500msec up then down (digital write set to 0/1)
// mD:D2=5555& ==> will program digital pin 2 to do: 5555 msec down then up (digital write set to 0/1)
// pU:D5=100,5555& ==> will program digital pin 5 to do: 100msec up ; then 5555 msec down and repeat (digital write set to 0/1)
// pD:D5=2000,3000& ==> will program digital pin 5 to do: 3000msec down ; then 2000 msec up and repeat (digital write set to 0/1)
// rC:D5=2000,3000,10,255&=> will program digital pin 5 to do: set v=10; ramp up in 2 secs to 255; ramp down in 3 seconds to v=10 and repeat (analog write to set to 10/255)
// rU:D5=2000,10,255& ==> will program digital pin 5 to do: set v=10; ramp up 2 seconds to v=255 (analog write set to 10/255)
// rD:D5=2000,10,255& ==> will program digital pin 5 to do: set v=255; ramp down 2 seconds to v=10 (analog write set to 10/255)
// rd:S1&rd:S2& ==> will read contents of variable S1 and S2
// aw:S1=abc -=; def& ==> will write "abc -=; def" to varibale S1
// pins can be D0..Dxx A0.. Axx, S0..S4
// Dx are digital i/o pins they can be read ==> 0/1; digital write 0/1 or analogWrite 0..255
// Ax are anlog input pins delivery values 0..1023
// Sx are String variables can be written to and read from eg "231234 9p8137598734 kajshdlkjh=-:" but NOT a "&" that will end the string
// here a more complex example:
// command curl"?rd:a1&wr:d5=1&pg:d7=O&wr:d7=1&?" note the "
// you can combine multiple commands, each command must end with a &
// in python it is
// ret= urllib2.urlopen("http://ipnumber/?rd:a1&wr:d5=1&pg:d7=O&wr:d7=1&?").read()
// would send ret =">>rd:A1=311&wr:D5=1&pg:D7=O&wr:D7=0&wr:D7=1&"
// excution times: for mega reading 70 pins ... use this for time out setting, default is 5 seconds
// debug on ethernet: 0.4 secs
// debug off 0.2 secs
// debug on wifi : 0.9 secs
// debug off : 0.6 secs

// UNO reading 15 pins
// debug off ethernet: 0.05 secs
// debug on : 0.2 secs
// debug off wifi : 0.3
// debug on : 0.5 secs
// this needs to be set : 1. #define DEBUG only for testing
// 2. #define ETHERNET / WIFI only for uno or mega
// 3. #define UNO MEGA ESP1 ESP16 --- in the tools menue in ARDUINO IDE you have to select the proper board also
// for ethernet you need to set the IP number and the MAC number, WIFI gets it those from the router, but you have to set the SID and wifi password, You have to figure out the IP number either in debug mode or on the router
// byte mac[] = { 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x53 }; // pick one thats not on your network
// IPAddress ip(192,168,1, 183);
// some of the pins are disabled / enabled automatically: pin D7 D10,11,12,13 50,..are used to communicate to the ethernet/wifi boards
// pins d0 d1 are used for usb communication, so in debug mode they are diabled, debug off they can used as all other pins

/// you need to adapt/change parameters in lines indicated with : //<-----------------

// enable serial monitor for debugging, if in production do not send data to serial port
//#define DEBUG //<-----------------

// enable watchdogtimer
//#define WATCHDOGenabled //<----------------- put // infront if you want to switch off
///////////////////////////// for watchdog timer, to enable: set maxWatchDogTimer >0 in millisecs eg 1 minute =60000
#if defined(WATCHDOGenabled)
long watchDogTimer = 0; // initialize
long maxWatchDogTimer = 125000; // reboot if 2 minutes 5 secs w/o http request, you could make it higher
int watchDogTimerPin = 7; // set to pin that is connected to reset pin MAKE sure your do not use that pin in the plugin, for D0 use 0, here D7
// during program load the cable must not be connected to reset pin

// select which board you use --------------------------------
/// --------> #include <xx> does not work in
// #if defined(zz)
// #endif
// it is always included, have to do it manually

//////////////////////////////////////////////// ESP
//#define ESP1 //<-----------------
//#define ESP16 //<-----------------

// for both:
//#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> //<----------------- for ESP1 and ESP16

/////////////////////////////////////////////// FREEdevice
//#define FREEdevice // <-- freely defined device. no restrictions from plugin YOU must define everything yourself
// if etehrnet, wifi ip numebr etc..
// comes with 50 defined D pins; 16 A pins; 20 S pins, like MEGA
//#include <SPI.h> // needed for WIFI and ETHERNET, not for ESP

// for uno and mega:
//#define WIFI //<----------------- EITHER WIFI
//#include <WiFi.h> //<-----------------

//#define ETHERNET //<----------------- or ETHERNET
//#include <Ethernet.h> //<-----------------

/////////////////////////////////////////////// mkr1000
//#define mkr1000 //
// if etehrnet, wifi ip numebr etc..
// comes with 8 defined D pins; 7 A pins; 20 S pins,
#include <SPI.h> // needed for WIFI

//#define WIFI101
//#include <WiFi101.h>

//////////////////////////////////////////////// MEGA and UNO
#define MEGA //<----------either
//#define UNO //<--------or

#include <SPI.h> // needed for WIFI and ETHERNET, not for ESP

// for uno and mega:
//#define WIFI //<----------------- EITHER WIFI
//#include <WiFi.h> //<-----------------

#define ETHERNET //<----------------- or ETHERNET
#include <Ethernet.h> //<-----------------
//////////////////////////////// configure network here

#if defined(WIFI) || defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16) || defined(mkr1000)
char ssid[] = "xxx"; //<----------------- your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "xxx"; //<----------------- your network password
int keyIndex = 0; // your network key Index number (needed only for WEP)
WiFiServer server(80);

#if defined(ETHERNET) // this is for ethernet
byte mac[] = { 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x53 }; //<----------------- pick one thats not on your network
IPAddress ip(192,168,15,17); //<----------------- pick one that works for you
EthernetServer server(80);


#if defined(WIFI) || defined(mkr1000)
int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS;

// for DHT sensors///////////////////////////////////////
//#define DHTSensor
#if defined(DHTSensor)
#include "DHT.h"
#define DHTPIN 2 // what pin we're connected to
#define DHTTYPE DHT22 // DHT 22 (AM2302)

// for ONEWIRE ///////////////////////////////////////
#define ONEWIRE
#if defined(ONEWIRE)
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
// Data wire is plugged into pin x on the Arduino
#define ONE_WIRE_PIN 2
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_PIN);
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);


#if defined(UNO) || defined(MEGA)
#define maxAnalogValue 255
#define serialBaudRate 57600
#if defined(mkr1000)
#define maxAnalogValue 1023
#define serialBaudRate 57600

#if defined(FREEdevcie)
#define maxAnalogValue 10000
#define serialBaudRate 57600

#if defined(WIFI)
#define WiFiDelay 2000

#if defined(mkr1000)
#define WiFiDelay 1000

#if defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16)
#define WiFiDelay 1000
#define maxAnalogValue 1023
#define serialBaudRate 115200

char cmd[20];
char command[3];
int pin = 0 ;
int value1 = -1;
int value2 = -1;
int value3 = -1;
int value4 = -1;

String valueS="";
int cmdL = 0;
char c=' ';
char mode = 'I';
int kk=1;
int eIndex=-1;
int kIndex=-1; // : index
int cIndex1=-1; // comma index 1,2,3
int cIndex2=-1;
int cIndex3=-1;
int cc =0; // used for counter in doMyStuff
int dd =0; // used for counter in doMyStuff
String configured ="no";

// free values to read from and write to
String S[20]={"","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""};

String out ; // this can get: 68* 12 = 800+ for mega and 14*12 = 170 for uno

#if defined(FREEdevice)
int activeDPins =50;
int activeAPins =16;
char dConfig[50] ;
char pulseCMD[50] ;
unsigned long pulseEND[50] ;
unsigned long pulseV1[50] ;
unsigned long pulseV2[50] ;
unsigned long pulseMAX[50] ;
unsigned long pulseMIN[50] ;
bool doNotUsePin[50];

#if defined(mkr1000)
int activeDPins =21;
int activeAPins =7;
char dConfig[21] ;
char pulseCMD[21] ;
unsigned long pulseEND[21] ;
unsigned long pulseV1[21] ;
unsigned long pulseV2[21] ;
unsigned long pulseMAX[21] ;
unsigned long pulseMIN[21] ;
bool doNotUsePin[21];

#if defined(MEGA)
int activeDPins =50;
int activeAPins =16;
char dConfig[50] ;
char pulseCMD[50] ;
unsigned long pulseEND[50] ;
unsigned long pulseV1[50] ;
unsigned long pulseV2[50] ;
unsigned long pulseMAX[50] ;
unsigned long pulseMIN[50] ;
bool doNotUsePin[50];

#if defined(UNO)
int activeDPins =10;
int activeAPins =6;
char dConfig[10] ;
char pulseCMD[10] ;
unsigned long pulseEND[10] ;
unsigned long pulseV1[10] ;
unsigned long pulseV2[10] ;
unsigned long pulseMAX[10] ;
unsigned long pulseMIN[10] ;
bool doNotUsePin[20];

#if defined(ESP16)
int activeDPins =17;
int activeAPins =1;
char dConfig[17] ;
char pulseCMD[17] ;
unsigned long pulseEND[17] ;
unsigned long pulseV1[17] ;
unsigned long pulseV2[17] ;
unsigned long pulseMAX[17] ;
unsigned long pulseMIN[17] ;
bool doNotUsePin[20];

#if defined(ESP1)
int activeDPins =3;
int activeAPins =1;
char dConfig[3] ;
char pulseCMD[3] ;
unsigned long pulseEND[3] ;
unsigned long pulseV1[3] ;
unsigned long pulseV2[3] ;
unsigned long pulseMAX[3] ;
unsigned long pulseMIN[3] ;
bool doNotUsePin[3];

int activeSPins =20;

//////////////////////////// put your stuff here, is called once per loop, make sure you add a delay at the end if you use an ESP module

void doMyStuff(){ // example for DHT, 2 methods to get data to indigo
if (false){ // switch on off: use true or false
#if defined(DHTSensor)
// method 1: just define S1 and S2 as input in indigo plugin , will get current stored value
cc +=1;
if (cc > 5000 ){ // get sensor data every ~10 seconds - there is a delay of 2-3 msec every loop * 5000 ~ 10-15 seconds, this can be changed to faster or slower depending on your needs
cc =0 ;
S[1] = String(dht.readTemperature());
S[2] = String(dht.readHumidity());
S[0] = "";
S[3] = String(dht.readHumidity());
// method 2 only read sensor when asked, store in S1 and S2 and pick up next time ==> do a write S0=DHT, a read S1 and S2 (define S1 and S2 as input) will be executed every xx seconds
//if (S[0]="DHT" ){ // do it only when asked to do so
//S[1] = String(dht.readTemperature());
//S[2] = String(dht.readHumidity());
//S[0] = "";
#if defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16)

#if defined(ONEWIRE)
dd +=1;
if (dd > 5000 ){ // do it every xx seconds only
S[1] = String(sensors.getTempCByIndex(0));
// S[2] = String(sensors.getTempCByIndex(1)); // if you have a sensors attached to pin x


#if defined(WATCHDOGenabled)
void watchDog(){
if ( millis() > 125000 ){ // dont to anything in the first 2 minutes
//Serial.print("millisec = "); Serial.print(millis());Serial.print("watchDogTimer = "); Serial.println(watchDogTimer);
if ( maxWatchDogTimer > 0 and ( millis() - watchDogTimer) > maxWatchDogTimer ){
if (watchDogTimerPin >= 0){
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("rebooting timer= "); Serial.println(watchDogTimer);
Serial.print("millisec = "); Serial.println(millis());
pinMode(watchDogTimerPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(watchDogTimerPin,LOW); // this will reset the board immediately


///////////////// dont change anything after this, should be the same for each device and program /////////////////////

void setup() {
for (int i =0;i< activeDPins;i++){
dConfig[i] ='0';
pulseCMD[i] ='0';
pulseEND[i] =0;
pulseV1[i] =0;
pulseV2[i] =0;

#if defined(WATCHDOGenabled)
digitalWrite(watchDogTimerPin, HIGH);
pinMode(watchDogTimerPin, OUTPUT);

#if defined(DHT)
dht.begin(); // start DHT

#if defined(ONEWIRE)

#if defined(DEBUG)
doNotUsePin[0] = true;
doNotUsePin[1] = true;
Serial.print("server starting");

#if defined(ETHERNET) || defined(WIFI) // these pins are used for communication to network board
doNotUsePin[7] = true;
doNotUsePin[10] = true;
doNotUsePin[11] = true;
doNotUsePin[12] = true;
doNotUsePin[13] = true;
#if defined(mkr1000) // these pins are used for communication to network board
//doNotUsePin[9] = true;
//doNotUsePin[11] = true;
//doNotUsePin[12] = true;
//doNotUsePin[13] = true;
//doNotUsePin[14] = true;
//doNotUsePin[15] = true;
doNotUsePin[16] = true;
doNotUsePin[17] = true;
doNotUsePin[20] = true;
doNotUsePin[21] = true;


// start the Ethernet connection and the server:
#if defined(ETHERNET)
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("server is at ");
#endif // ETHERNET

// start wifi
#if defined(WIFI) || defined (mkr1000)
// check for the presence of the shield:
if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_SHIELD) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("WiFi shield not present");
while(true);// don't continue:
// attempt to connect to Wifi network:
while ( status != WL_CONNECTED) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("Attempting to connect to SSID: ");
status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
// wait xx seconds for connection:
#endif // WIFI

#if defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16)
// attempt to connect to Wifi network:
WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(1000);} // wait 1 seconds for connection:


void SpecialPredefinedOutputs() {
for ( int j = 0; j< activeDPins; j++){ // check for all digital pins
if (pulseCMD[j] != '0') {
//Serial.println("in pulse ");
////// moment up or down
if (pulseCMD[j] =='M'){ // UP
if (millis() > pulseEND[j]) { pulseCMD[j] ='0'; digitalWrite(j,0);}
if (pulseCMD[j] =='m'){ // down
if (millis() > pulseEND[j]) { pulseCMD[j] ='0'; digitalWrite(j,1);}

/////// pulses up and down
if (pulseCMD[j] =='P'){ // UP
if (millis() > pulseEND[j]) { pulseCMD[j] ='p'; digitalWrite(j,0); pulseEND[j] = millis()+ pulseV2[j];}
if (pulseCMD[j] =='p' ){ //down
if (millis() > pulseEND[j]) { pulseCMD[j] ='P'; digitalWrite(j,1); pulseEND[j] = millis()+ pulseV1[j];}

/////// ramp up or down
if (pulseCMD[j] =='R'){ // UP
if (millis() > pulseEND[j] ) { pulseCMD[j]='0';analogWrite(j, pulseMAX[j]);}
else { analogWrite(j, (int) ( pulseMIN[j] + (pulseMAX[j] - pulseMIN[j]) * (1.- ((float)pulseEND[j] - (float) millis()) / ((float)pulseV1[j]) ) )) ; }
if (pulseCMD[j] =='r'){ // down
if (millis() > pulseEND[j] ) { pulseCMD[j]='0';analogWrite(j, pulseMIN[j]);}
else { analogWrite(j, (int) ( pulseMIN[j] + (pulseMAX[j] - pulseMIN[j]) * ( ((float)pulseEND[j] - (float) millis()) / ((float)pulseV1[j]) ) )) ; }

////// ramp up AND down continously
if (pulseCMD[j] =='C'){ // UP
if (millis() > pulseEND[j] ) { pulseCMD[j]='c';analogWrite(j, pulseMAX[j]);pulseEND[j] = millis()+ pulseV2[j];}
else { analogWrite(j, (int) ( pulseMIN[j] + (pulseMAX[j] - pulseMIN[j]) * (1.- ((float)pulseEND[j] - (float) millis()) / ((float)pulseV1[j]) ) )) ; }
if (pulseCMD[j] =='c'){ // down
if (millis() > pulseEND[j] ) { pulseCMD[j]='C';analogWrite(j, pulseMIN[j]);pulseEND[j] = millis()+ pulseV1[j];}
else { //Serial.print( pulseEND[j] - millis() ); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println( (int) ( pulseMIN[j] + (pulseMAX[j]-pulseMIN[j]) * ( ((float)pulseEND[j] - (float) millis()) / ((float)pulseV2[j]) ) ));
analogWrite(j, (int) ( pulseMIN[j] + (pulseMAX[j]-pulseMIN[j]) * ( ((float)pulseEND[j] - (float) millis()) / ((float)pulseV2[j]) ) ));}

void doNextCMD(){

if ( (configured == "no") and (strcmp(command,"pg") !=0 ) ) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
if ( strcmp(command,"st") ==0 and configured =="yes" ) { out=">>Configured"; return; }
if ( strcmp(command,"st") ==0 and configured =="no" ) { out=">>notConfigured"; return; }

if ( cmd[3]=='I' and pin >=activeAPins ) { out+=command;out+=":I";out+=String(pin);out+="=outOfRange&"; return;} // for I2C not implemeted yet
if ( cmd[3]=='A' and pin >=activeAPins ) { out+=command;out+=":A";out+=String(pin);out+="=outOfRange&"; return;} // analog in
if ( cmd[3]=='D' and pin >=activeDPins ) { out+=command;out+=":D";out+=String(pin);out+="=outOfRange&"; return; } // digital
if ( cmd[3]=='S' and pin >=activeSPins ) { out+=command;out+=":S";out+=String(pin);out+="=outOfRange&"; return; } // String
if ( cmd[3]=='D' and doNotUsePin[pin] ) { out+=command;out+=":D";out+=String(pin);out+="=notUseable&"; return; } // digital

if ( strcmp(command,"cf") ==0 or strcmp(command,"lc")==0 ) {
if ( strcmp(command,"cf") ==0 ) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("command = cf - ");
for (int i=0;i<activeDPins;i++){out+="cf:D"+String(i)+'='+dConfig[i]+'&';}
return ;
if ( strcmp(command, "i2") ==0 ){ // not implemented yet, dummy function
if (cmd[3]=='I') { //= read i2c devices
if (strcmp(command, "pg")==0 and (cmd[3]=='D' or cmd[3] == 'S' )){
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("command =pg "+ String(pin) +" to mode=" + mode +", cmd="+ cmd);
if (cmd[3]=='D'){
if (doNotUsePin[pin] ) { return; }
if (mode =='I'){ pinMode(pin, INPUT); dConfig[pin] ='I';out+=cmd ;}
if (mode =='O'){ pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);dConfig[pin] ='O';out+=cmd ;}
if (mode =='U'){ pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP);dConfig[pin] ='U';out+=cmd ;}
if (cmd[3]=='S'){return;}
if ( strcmp(command, "rd")==0 ){
if ( cmd[3]=='A') { // ANALOG
int val = analogRead(pin); // for ESP has only analog one pin and it must be address as A0
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("command = A-read - "); Serial.println(val);
if (cmd[3]=='D'){ // Digital
int val = digitalRead(pin);
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("command = D-read - ");Serial.println(val);
if (cmd[3]=='S'){ // this will return the S[pin] string
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("command = S-read - ");Serial.println(S[pin]);

if (strcmp(command, "aw") ==0 and cmd[3]=='S'){
S[pin]= valueS;
Serial.print("command = S-write - ");Serial.print(S[pin]); Serial.println(valueS);

if ( cmd[3]=='D'){

if (strcmp(command, "wr")==0 ){
//#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("command = wr -");Serial.println(value1);

if (strcmp(command, "aw") ==0 and cmd[3]=='D'){
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("command = aw, value=" );Serial.println(value1);

if (strcmp(command, "pU")==0 ){ // pulse Down / pulse Up
pulseEND[pin]= millis()+ value1;
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("command = pU");

if (strcmp(command, "pD")==0 ){ // pulse up / pulse down
pulseEND[pin]= millis()+ value2;
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("command = pD");

if (strcmp(command, "mU")==0 ){ // moment UP
pulseEND[pin]= millis()+ value1;
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("command = mU");Serial.println(value1);

if (strcmp(command, "mD")==0 ){ // moment Down
pulseEND[pin]= millis()+ value1;
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("command = mD");Serial.println(value1);
if (strcmp(command, "rD")==0 ){ // ramp down
pulseEND[pin] = millis()+ value1;
pulseV1[pin] = value1;
if (value3 == -1){ value3 = maxAnalogValue;}
if (value2 <0){value2 =0;};if (value2> maxAnalogValue){ value2 = maxAnalogValue;}; pulseMIN[pin] =value2;
if (value3 <0){value3 =0;};if (value3> maxAnalogValue){ value3 = maxAnalogValue;}; pulseMAX[pin] =value3;
pulseCMD[pin] = 'r';
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("command = rD v1 " );Serial.print(value1); Serial.print(" MIN "); Serial.print(pulseMIN[pin]); Serial.print(" max "); Serial.println(pulseMAX[pin]);
if (strcmp(command, "rU")==0 ){ // ramp up
pulseEND[pin] = millis()+ value1;
pulseV1[pin] = value1;
if (value3 == -1){ value3 = maxAnalogValue;}
if (value2 <0){value2 =0;};if (value2> maxAnalogValue){ value2 = maxAnalogValue;}; pulseMIN[pin] =value2;
if (value3 <0){value3 =0;};if (value3> maxAnalogValue){ value3 = maxAnalogValue;}; pulseMAX[pin] =value3;
pulseCMD[pin] = 'R';
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("command = rU v1 " );Serial.print(value1); Serial.print(" MIN "); Serial.print(pulseMIN[pin]); Serial.print(" max "); Serial.println(pulseMAX[pin]);
if (strcmp(command, "rC")==0 ){ // rampup AND down continuously
pulseEND[pin]= millis()+ value1;
pulseV1[pin] = value1;
pulseV2[pin] = value2;
if (value4 == -1){ value4 = maxAnalogValue;}
if (value4 <0){value4 =0;};if (value4> maxAnalogValue){ value4 = maxAnalogValue;}; pulseMAX[pin] =value4;
if (value3 <0){value3 =0;};if (value3> maxAnalogValue){ value3 = maxAnalogValue;}; pulseMIN[pin] =value3;
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("command = rC v1 " );Serial.print(pulseV1[pin]); Serial.print(" V2 "); Serial.print(pulseV2[pin]); Serial.print(" MIN "); Serial.print(pulseMIN[pin]); Serial.print(" MAX "); Serial.println(pulseMAX[pin]);



int findCinCMD( char x){
for ( int i=0;i<cmdL;i++){ if (cmd[i] == x){ return i;}}
return -1;

void parseCMD() { // structure: rd:D09& or wr:D55=1234& or mU:d3=1234,4321& or pg:d33=I&
int i; String xx=""; int i1; int i2;
value1 = -1; value2 = -1; value3 = -1; value4 = -1; mode=' ';

command[0]=cmd[0]; command[1]= cmd[1];command[2]='\0';

//Serial.print("\n ki: ");Serial.print(kIndex);Serial.print(" ei: ");Serial.print(eIndex);Serial.print(" c: ");Serial.print(cIndex);

if (eIndex==-1){eIndex=cmdL;}; if (cIndex1==-1){cIndex1=cmdL;} // if no "=" or "," signs

// get pin # is integer 0.. 99 allowed
if (eIndex > 0) { xx=""; for (i = kIndex+2; i< eIndex; i++ ) { xx+=cmd[i]; }; pin=xx.toInt(); }

// now get values
if (eIndex>3){ // any "=" sign?
if (eIndex == cmdL-1){return;} // no values given

// this is for programming to Input or Output
if (cmd[eIndex+1] =='I'){mode = 'I';return;}
if (cmd[eIndex+1] =='O'){mode = 'O';return;}
if (cmd[eIndex+1] =='U'){mode = 'U';return;}

// get integer numbers may by one or 2 , if "," present then it has 2 numbers
if (cmd[3]=='S'){
xx=""; for ( i = eIndex+1; i< cmdL; i++ ){ xx+=cmd[i];}; valueS=xx; // only one value for strings

if ( eIndex < cmdL-1){
if (cIndex1>0 ){ // we have 2,3,4 numbers separated by a ","
xx=""; for ( i = eIndex+1; i< cIndex1; i++ ){ xx+=cmd[i];}; value1=xx.toInt(); // at least 2
i1=cmdL; if (cIndex2 !=-1) { i1= cIndex2; }
xx=""; for ( i = cIndex1+1; i< i1; i++ ){ xx+=cmd[i];}; value2=xx.toInt(); //

if (cIndex2>0){
i2=cmdL; if (cIndex3 !=-1){i2=cIndex3;}
xx=""; for ( i = cIndex2+1; i< i2; i++ ){ xx+=cmd[i];}; value3=xx.toInt();

if (cIndex3>0){
xx=""; for ( i = cIndex3+1; i< cmdL; i++ ){ xx+=cmd[i];}; value4=xx.toInt();

// just one number/ string, no "," present
xx=""; for ( i = eIndex+1; i< cmdL; i++ ){ xx+=cmd[i];}; value1=xx.toInt();
return ;

void loop(){
#if defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16)

#if defined(WATCHDOGenabled)


#if defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16)

// special stuff if you want to implement your things

// listen for incoming clients
#if defined(WIFI) || defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16) || defined(mkr1000)
WiFiClient client = server.available();

#if defined(ETHERNET)
EthernetClient client = server.available();

//Serial.print("a") ;
if (client) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("new client");
char c4 =' '; char c3=' ' ; char c2=' '; char c1=' '; c=' ';int GETfound =0;int newLine=0;cIndex1=-1;cIndex2=-1;cIndex3=-1;kIndex=-1;eIndex=-1;
while (client.connected()) {
if (client.available()) {
c =;
#if defined(DEBUG)
#if defined(WATCHDOGenabled)
watchDogTimer = millis();

if (GETfound ==0){ if ( c4=='G' and c3=='E' and c2=='T' and c1 ==' ' and c=='/'){ // string "GET /" found, now get data
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println(">>GET /<< Found");
GETfound =1; c =;// skip "?" in "GET /?"
#if defined(DEBUG)
cmdL=-1; c =; out =">>"; // get first character
#if defined(DEBUG)
} // skip "?" and read first char (avoid another loop)
if (GETfound ==1) {
if (c != '?' and out !=">>notConfigured" ) { // skip if not configured, otherwise read until ending "?"

if (c==':' and kIndex ==-1) {kIndex=cmdL;} // use the first occurence
if (c=='=' and eIndex ==-1) {eIndex=cmdL;}
if ( c==',' ){
if ( cIndex1 ==-1) {cIndex1=cmdL;}
if (cIndex2 ==-1) {cIndex2=cmdL;}
else {
if (cIndex3 ==-1) {cIndex3=cmdL;}

if (c=='&'){
cmd[cmdL+1]= '\0';
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("next cmd: ");Serial.println(command);

else{ GETfound=2;
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println(" all data read" );
if (GETfound ==2) { // here we send the header and the composed data
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.print("Content-Length: "); client.println(out.length());
client.println("Content-Type: text/html");

#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("finished processing");
if (GETfound ==3) { // read the rest of the message until \n\r thats the end of it
if (c=='\n'){newLine+=1;}
else if (c== '\r' && newLine==1){client.stop();break;}
if (c != '\n'){newLine=0;}
#if defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16)
yield();// give ESP time to do its background stuff
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("client disconnected");


//#if defined(WIFI) || defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16)
void printWifiStatus() {
// print the SSID of the network you're attached to:
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("SSID: ");

// print your WiFi shield's IP address:
IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP();
Serial.print("IP Address: ");

// print the received signal strength:
long rssi = WiFi.RSSI();
Serial.print("signal strength (RSSI):");
Serial.println(" dBm");

// UNO/MEGA/ESP w ethernet/WIFI sketch by karl wachs July 26 2016 v 1.10.4
// v1.10.5
// fixed analog read pin was hardwired as A0
// v1.10.4
// changed types for time variables: long --> unsigned long
// v1.10.3
// changed the onewire included setup etc,
// fixed and tested reboot option watchdog timer function
// v1.10.2
// fixed and tested reboot option watchdog timer function
// v1.10.1
// added reboot option watchdog timer function
// v1.9.2.
// fixed debug --> DEBUG and removed debug print statement
// v1.9.1.
// added support MKR1000
// fixed some smaller things
// v1.8.3
// replaced min() max() with if(){}, some compiler versions did not like it
// v1.8.2
// fixed removed additional & in analog write For S variables
// added: v 1.8.1:
// 1.added DS18B20 temp sensors example, will support several senors on one pin.
// see ... he_Library
// 2. added rise and fall time for ramp up/down/continuous, requires plugin V >= 2.6.1
// 3. added FREEdevice: this device has no limts from the plugin point of view. All pins (50xD,16xA,20xS) are available. YOU will need to manage in code. also IP# mac# wifi etc.
// command to be send: curl"?--command-string--?"
// command string has the form command:pin=value& eg: command:pin=value1,value2&command:pin&command:pin=value1&
// commands implemented:
// rd wr aw pg mU mD pD pU rU rD pC
// rd:A1&rd:D3& ==> will read analog pins 1 and digital pin 3
// wr:D1=0&wr:D4=0& ==> set digital pins 1 to 0 and digital pin4 to 1
// aw:D3=55& ==> analogWrite(3,55) will set digital pin3 to 55
// pg:D5=O&pg:D4=I&pg:D7=U&
// ==> will reprogram digital pin 5 to Output and digital pin 4 to Input and digital pin 7 to input_pullUp with pull up resistor
// mU:D5=100& ==> will program digital pin 5 to do: 500msec up then down (digital write set to 0/1)
// mD:D2=5555& ==> will program digital pin 2 to do: 5555 msec down then up (digital write set to 0/1)
// pU:D5=100,5555& ==> will program digital pin 5 to do: 100msec up ; then 5555 msec down and repeat (digital write set to 0/1)
// pD:D5=2000,3000& ==> will program digital pin 5 to do: 3000msec down ; then 2000 msec up and repeat (digital write set to 0/1)
// rC:D5=2000,3000,10,255&=> will program digital pin 5 to do: set v=10; ramp up in 2 secs to 255; ramp down in 3 seconds to v=10 and repeat (analog write to set to 10/255)
// rU:D5=2000,10,255& ==> will program digital pin 5 to do: set v=10; ramp up 2 seconds to v=255 (analog write set to 10/255)
// rD:D5=2000,10,255& ==> will program digital pin 5 to do: set v=255; ramp down 2 seconds to v=10 (analog write set to 10/255)
// rd:S1&rd:S2& ==> will read contents of variable S1 and S2
// aw:S1=abc -=; def& ==> will write "abc -=; def" to varibale S1
// pins can be D0..Dxx A0.. Axx, S0..S4
// Dx are digital i/o pins they can be read ==> 0/1; digital write 0/1 or analogWrite 0..255
// Ax are anlog input pins delivery values 0..1023
// Sx are String variables can be written to and read from eg "231234 9p8137598734 kajshdlkjh=-:" but NOT a "&" that will end the string
// here a more complex example:
// command curl"?rd:a1&wr:d5=1&pg:d7=O&wr:d7=1&?" note the "
// you can combine multiple commands, each command must end with a &
// in python it is
// ret= urllib2.urlopen("http://ipnumber/?rd:a1&wr:d5=1&pg:d7=O&wr:d7=1&?").read()
// would send ret =">>rd:A1=311&wr:D5=1&pg:D7=O&wr:D7=0&wr:D7=1&"
// excution times: for mega reading 70 pins ... use this for time out setting, default is 5 seconds
// debug on ethernet: 0.4 secs
// debug off 0.2 secs
// debug on wifi : 0.9 secs
// debug off : 0.6 secs

// UNO reading 15 pins
// debug off ethernet: 0.05 secs
// debug on : 0.2 secs
// debug off wifi : 0.3
// debug on : 0.5 secs
// this needs to be set : 1. #define DEBUG only for testing
// 2. #define ETHERNET / WIFI only for uno or mega
// 3. #define UNO MEGA ESP1 ESP16 --- in the tools menue in ARDUINO IDE you have to select the proper board also
// for ethernet you need to set the IP number and the MAC number, WIFI gets it those from the router, but you have to set the SID and wifi password, You have to figure out the IP number either in debug mode or on the router
// byte mac[] = { 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x53 }; // pick one thats not on your network
// IPAddress ip(192,168,1, 183);
// some of the pins are disabled / enabled automatically: pin D7 D10,11,12,13 50,..are used to communicate to the ethernet/wifi boards
// pins d0 d1 are used for usb communication, so in debug mode they are diabled, debug off they can used as all other pins

/// you need to adapt/change parameters in lines indicated with : //<-----------------

// enable serial monitor for debugging, if in production do not send data to serial port
//#define DEBUG //<-----------------

// enable watchdogtimer
//#define WATCHDOGenabled //<----------------- put // infront if you want to switch off
///////////////////////////// for watchdog timer, to enable: set maxWatchDogTimer >0 in millisecs eg 1 minute =60000
#if defined(WATCHDOGenabled)
long watchDogTimer = 0; // initialize
long maxWatchDogTimer = 125000; // reboot if 2 minutes 5 secs w/o http request, you could make it higher
int watchDogTimerPin = 7; // set to pin that is connected to reset pin MAKE sure your do not use that pin in the plugin, for D0 use 0, here D7
// during program load the cable must not be connected to reset pin

// select which board you use --------------------------------
/// --------> #include <xx> does not work in
// #if defined(zz)
// #endif
// it is always included, have to do it manually

//////////////////////////////////////////////// ESP
//#define ESP1 //<-----------------
//#define ESP16 //<-----------------

// for both:
//#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> //<----------------- for ESP1 and ESP16

/////////////////////////////////////////////// FREEdevice
//#define FREEdevice // <-- freely defined device. no restrictions from plugin YOU must define everything yourself
// if etehrnet, wifi ip numebr etc..
// comes with 50 defined D pins; 16 A pins; 20 S pins, like MEGA
//#include <SPI.h> // needed for WIFI and ETHERNET, not for ESP

// for uno and mega:
//#define WIFI //<----------------- EITHER WIFI
//#include <WiFi.h> //<-----------------

//#define ETHERNET //<----------------- or ETHERNET
//#include <Ethernet.h> //<-----------------

/////////////////////////////////////////////// mkr1000
//#define mkr1000 //
// if etehrnet, wifi ip numebr etc..
// comes with 8 defined D pins; 7 A pins; 20 S pins,
#include <SPI.h> // needed for WIFI

//#define WIFI101
//#include <WiFi101.h>

//////////////////////////////////////////////// MEGA and UNO
#define MEGA //<----------either
//#define UNO //<--------or

#include <SPI.h> // needed for WIFI and ETHERNET, not for ESP

// for uno and mega:
//#define WIFI //<----------------- EITHER WIFI
//#include <WiFi.h> //<-----------------

#define ETHERNET //<----------------- or ETHERNET
#include <Ethernet.h> //<-----------------
//////////////////////////////// configure network here

#if defined(WIFI) || defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16) || defined(mkr1000)
char ssid[] = "xxx"; //<----------------- your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "xxx"; //<----------------- your network password
int keyIndex = 0; // your network key Index number (needed only for WEP)
WiFiServer server(80);

#if defined(ETHERNET) // this is for ethernet
byte mac[] = { 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x53 }; //<----------------- pick one thats not on your network
IPAddress ip(192,168,15,17); //<----------------- pick one that works for you
EthernetServer server(80);


#if defined(WIFI) || defined(mkr1000)
int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS;

// for DHT sensors///////////////////////////////////////
//#define DHTSensor
#if defined(DHTSensor)
#include "DHT.h"
#define DHTPIN 2 // what pin we're connected to
#define DHTTYPE DHT22 // DHT 22 (AM2302)

// for ONEWIRE ///////////////////////////////////////
#define ONEWIRE
#if defined(ONEWIRE)
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
// Data wire is plugged into pin x on the Arduino
#define ONE_WIRE_PIN 2
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_PIN);
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);


#if defined(UNO) || defined(MEGA)
#define maxAnalogValue 255
#define serialBaudRate 57600
#if defined(mkr1000)
#define maxAnalogValue 1023
#define serialBaudRate 57600

#if defined(FREEdevcie)
#define maxAnalogValue 10000
#define serialBaudRate 57600

#if defined(WIFI)
#define WiFiDelay 2000

#if defined(mkr1000)
#define WiFiDelay 1000

#if defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16)
#define WiFiDelay 1000
#define maxAnalogValue 1023
#define serialBaudRate 115200

char cmd[20];
char command[3];
int pin = 0 ;
int value1 = -1;
int value2 = -1;
int value3 = -1;
int value4 = -1;

String valueS="";
int cmdL = 0;
char c=' ';
char mode = 'I';
int kk=1;
int eIndex=-1;
int kIndex=-1; // : index
int cIndex1=-1; // comma index 1,2,3
int cIndex2=-1;
int cIndex3=-1;
int cc =0; // used for counter in doMyStuff
int dd =0; // used for counter in doMyStuff
String configured ="no";

// free values to read from and write to
String S[20]={"","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""};

String out ; // this can get: 68* 12 = 800+ for mega and 14*12 = 170 for uno

#if defined(FREEdevice)
int activeDPins =50;
int activeAPins =16;
char dConfig[50] ;
char pulseCMD[50] ;
unsigned long pulseEND[50] ;
unsigned long pulseV1[50] ;
unsigned long pulseV2[50] ;
unsigned long pulseMAX[50] ;
unsigned long pulseMIN[50] ;
bool doNotUsePin[50];

#if defined(mkr1000)
int activeDPins =21;
int activeAPins =7;
char dConfig[21] ;
char pulseCMD[21] ;
unsigned long pulseEND[21] ;
unsigned long pulseV1[21] ;
unsigned long pulseV2[21] ;
unsigned long pulseMAX[21] ;
unsigned long pulseMIN[21] ;
bool doNotUsePin[21];

#if defined(MEGA)
int activeDPins =50;
int activeAPins =16;
char dConfig[50] ;
char pulseCMD[50] ;
unsigned long pulseEND[50] ;
unsigned long pulseV1[50] ;
unsigned long pulseV2[50] ;
unsigned long pulseMAX[50] ;
unsigned long pulseMIN[50] ;
bool doNotUsePin[50];

#if defined(UNO)
int activeDPins =10;
int activeAPins =6;
char dConfig[10] ;
char pulseCMD[10] ;
unsigned long pulseEND[10] ;
unsigned long pulseV1[10] ;
unsigned long pulseV2[10] ;
unsigned long pulseMAX[10] ;
unsigned long pulseMIN[10] ;
bool doNotUsePin[20];

#if defined(ESP16)
int activeDPins =17;
int activeAPins =1;
char dConfig[17] ;
char pulseCMD[17] ;
unsigned long pulseEND[17] ;
unsigned long pulseV1[17] ;
unsigned long pulseV2[17] ;
unsigned long pulseMAX[17] ;
unsigned long pulseMIN[17] ;
bool doNotUsePin[20];

#if defined(ESP1)
int activeDPins =3;
int activeAPins =1;
char dConfig[3] ;
char pulseCMD[3] ;
unsigned long pulseEND[3] ;
unsigned long pulseV1[3] ;
unsigned long pulseV2[3] ;
unsigned long pulseMAX[3] ;
unsigned long pulseMIN[3] ;
bool doNotUsePin[3];

int activeSPins =20;

//////////////////////////// put your stuff here, is called once per loop, make sure you add a delay at the end if you use an ESP module

void doMyStuff(){ // example for DHT, 2 methods to get data to indigo
if (false){ // switch on off: use true or false
#if defined(DHTSensor)
// method 1: just define S1 and S2 as input in indigo plugin , will get current stored value
cc +=1;
if (cc > 5000 ){ // get sensor data every ~10 seconds - there is a delay of 2-3 msec every loop * 5000 ~ 10-15 seconds, this can be changed to faster or slower depending on your needs
cc =0 ;
S[1] = String(dht.readTemperature());
S[2] = String(dht.readHumidity());
S[0] = "";
S[3] = String(dht.readHumidity());
// method 2 only read sensor when asked, store in S1 and S2 and pick up next time ==> do a write S0=DHT, a read S1 and S2 (define S1 and S2 as input) will be executed every xx seconds
//if (S[0]="DHT" ){ // do it only when asked to do so
//S[1] = String(dht.readTemperature());
//S[2] = String(dht.readHumidity());
//S[0] = "";
#if defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16)

#if defined(ONEWIRE)
dd +=1;
if (dd > 5000 ){ // do it every xx seconds only
S[1] = String(sensors.getTempCByIndex(0));
// S[2] = String(sensors.getTempCByIndex(1)); // if you have a sensors attached to pin x


#if defined(WATCHDOGenabled)
void watchDog(){
if ( millis() > 125000 ){ // dont to anything in the first 2 minutes
//Serial.print("millisec = "); Serial.print(millis());Serial.print("watchDogTimer = "); Serial.println(watchDogTimer);
if ( maxWatchDogTimer > 0 and ( millis() - watchDogTimer) > maxWatchDogTimer ){
if (watchDogTimerPin >= 0){
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("rebooting timer= "); Serial.println(watchDogTimer);
Serial.print("millisec = "); Serial.println(millis());
pinMode(watchDogTimerPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(watchDogTimerPin,LOW); // this will reset the board immediately


///////////////// dont change anything after this, should be the same for each device and program /////////////////////

void setup() {
for (int i =0;i< activeDPins;i++){
dConfig[i] ='0';
pulseCMD[i] ='0';
pulseEND[i] =0;
pulseV1[i] =0;
pulseV2[i] =0;

#if defined(WATCHDOGenabled)
digitalWrite(watchDogTimerPin, HIGH);
pinMode(watchDogTimerPin, OUTPUT);

#if defined(DHT)
dht.begin(); // start DHT

#if defined(ONEWIRE)

#if defined(DEBUG)
doNotUsePin[0] = true;
doNotUsePin[1] = true;
Serial.print("server starting");

#if defined(ETHERNET) || defined(WIFI) // these pins are used for communication to network board
doNotUsePin[7] = true;
doNotUsePin[10] = true;
doNotUsePin[11] = true;
doNotUsePin[12] = true;
doNotUsePin[13] = true;
#if defined(mkr1000) // these pins are used for communication to network board
//doNotUsePin[9] = true;
//doNotUsePin[11] = true;
//doNotUsePin[12] = true;
//doNotUsePin[13] = true;
//doNotUsePin[14] = true;
//doNotUsePin[15] = true;
doNotUsePin[16] = true;
doNotUsePin[17] = true;
doNotUsePin[20] = true;
doNotUsePin[21] = true;


// start the Ethernet connection and the server:
#if defined(ETHERNET)
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("server is at ");
#endif // ETHERNET

// start wifi
#if defined(WIFI) || defined (mkr1000)
// check for the presence of the shield:
if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_SHIELD) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("WiFi shield not present");
while(true);// don't continue:
// attempt to connect to Wifi network:
while ( status != WL_CONNECTED) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("Attempting to connect to SSID: ");
status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
// wait xx seconds for connection:
#endif // WIFI

#if defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16)
// attempt to connect to Wifi network:
WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(1000);} // wait 1 seconds for connection:


void SpecialPredefinedOutputs() {
for ( int j = 0; j< activeDPins; j++){ // check for all digital pins
if (pulseCMD[j] != '0') {
//Serial.println("in pulse ");
////// moment up or down
if (pulseCMD[j] =='M'){ // UP
if (millis() > pulseEND[j]) { pulseCMD[j] ='0'; digitalWrite(j,0);}
if (pulseCMD[j] =='m'){ // down
if (millis() > pulseEND[j]) { pulseCMD[j] ='0'; digitalWrite(j,1);}

/////// pulses up and down
if (pulseCMD[j] =='P'){ // UP
if (millis() > pulseEND[j]) { pulseCMD[j] ='p'; digitalWrite(j,0); pulseEND[j] = millis()+ pulseV2[j];}
if (pulseCMD[j] =='p' ){ //down
if (millis() > pulseEND[j]) { pulseCMD[j] ='P'; digitalWrite(j,1); pulseEND[j] = millis()+ pulseV1[j];}

/////// ramp up or down
if (pulseCMD[j] =='R'){ // UP
if (millis() > pulseEND[j] ) { pulseCMD[j]='0';analogWrite(j, pulseMAX[j]);}
else { analogWrite(j, (int) ( pulseMIN[j] + (pulseMAX[j] - pulseMIN[j]) * (1.- ((float)pulseEND[j] - (float) millis()) / ((float)pulseV1[j]) ) )) ; }
if (pulseCMD[j] =='r'){ // down
if (millis() > pulseEND[j] ) { pulseCMD[j]='0';analogWrite(j, pulseMIN[j]);}
else { analogWrite(j, (int) ( pulseMIN[j] + (pulseMAX[j] - pulseMIN[j]) * ( ((float)pulseEND[j] - (float) millis()) / ((float)pulseV1[j]) ) )) ; }

////// ramp up AND down continously
if (pulseCMD[j] =='C'){ // UP
if (millis() > pulseEND[j] ) { pulseCMD[j]='c';analogWrite(j, pulseMAX[j]);pulseEND[j] = millis()+ pulseV2[j];}
else { analogWrite(j, (int) ( pulseMIN[j] + (pulseMAX[j] - pulseMIN[j]) * (1.- ((float)pulseEND[j] - (float) millis()) / ((float)pulseV1[j]) ) )) ; }
if (pulseCMD[j] =='c'){ // down
if (millis() > pulseEND[j] ) { pulseCMD[j]='C';analogWrite(j, pulseMIN[j]);pulseEND[j] = millis()+ pulseV1[j];}
else { //Serial.print( pulseEND[j] - millis() ); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println( (int) ( pulseMIN[j] + (pulseMAX[j]-pulseMIN[j]) * ( ((float)pulseEND[j] - (float) millis()) / ((float)pulseV2[j]) ) ));
analogWrite(j, (int) ( pulseMIN[j] + (pulseMAX[j]-pulseMIN[j]) * ( ((float)pulseEND[j] - (float) millis()) / ((float)pulseV2[j]) ) ));}

void doNextCMD(){

if ( (configured == "no") and (strcmp(command,"pg") !=0 ) ) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
if ( strcmp(command,"st") ==0 and configured =="yes" ) { out=">>Configured"; return; }
if ( strcmp(command,"st") ==0 and configured =="no" ) { out=">>notConfigured"; return; }

if ( cmd[3]=='I' and pin >=activeAPins ) { out+=command;out+=":I";out+=String(pin);out+="=outOfRange&"; return;} // for I2C not implemeted yet
if ( cmd[3]=='A' and pin >=activeAPins ) { out+=command;out+=":A";out+=String(pin);out+="=outOfRange&"; return;} // analog in
if ( cmd[3]=='D' and pin >=activeDPins ) { out+=command;out+=":D";out+=String(pin);out+="=outOfRange&"; return; } // digital
if ( cmd[3]=='S' and pin >=activeSPins ) { out+=command;out+=":S";out+=String(pin);out+="=outOfRange&"; return; } // String
if ( cmd[3]=='D' and doNotUsePin[pin] ) { out+=command;out+=":D";out+=String(pin);out+="=notUseable&"; return; } // digital

if ( strcmp(command,"cf") ==0 or strcmp(command,"lc")==0 ) {
if ( strcmp(command,"cf") ==0 ) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("command = cf - ");
for (int i=0;i<activeDPins;i++){out+="cf:D"+String(i)+'='+dConfig[i]+'&';}
return ;
if ( strcmp(command, "i2") ==0 ){ // not implemented yet, dummy function
if (cmd[3]=='I') { //= read i2c devices
if (strcmp(command, "pg")==0 and (cmd[3]=='D' or cmd[3] == 'S' )){
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("command =pg "+ String(pin) +" to mode=" + mode +", cmd="+ cmd);
if (cmd[3]=='D'){
if (doNotUsePin[pin] ) { return; }
if (mode =='I'){ pinMode(pin, INPUT); dConfig[pin] ='I';out+=cmd ;}
if (mode =='O'){ pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);dConfig[pin] ='O';out+=cmd ;}
if (mode =='U'){ pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP);dConfig[pin] ='U';out+=cmd ;}
if (cmd[3]=='S'){return;}
if ( strcmp(command, "rd")==0 ){
if ( cmd[3]=='A') { // ANALOG
int val = analogRead(pin); // for ESP has only analog one pin and it must be address as A0
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("command = A-read - "); Serial.println(val);
if (cmd[3]=='D'){ // Digital
int val = digitalRead(pin);
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("command = D-read - ");Serial.println(val);
if (cmd[3]=='S'){ // this will return the S[pin] string
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("command = S-read - ");Serial.println(S[pin]);

if (strcmp(command, "aw") ==0 and cmd[3]=='S'){
S[pin]= valueS;
Serial.print("command = S-write - ");Serial.print(S[pin]); Serial.println(valueS);

if ( cmd[3]=='D'){

if (strcmp(command, "wr")==0 ){
//#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("command = wr -");Serial.println(value1);

if (strcmp(command, "aw") ==0 and cmd[3]=='D'){
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("command = aw, value=" );Serial.println(value1);

if (strcmp(command, "pU")==0 ){ // pulse Down / pulse Up
pulseEND[pin]= millis()+ value1;
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("command = pU");

if (strcmp(command, "pD")==0 ){ // pulse up / pulse down
pulseEND[pin]= millis()+ value2;
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("command = pD");

if (strcmp(command, "mU")==0 ){ // moment UP
pulseEND[pin]= millis()+ value1;
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("command = mU");Serial.println(value1);

if (strcmp(command, "mD")==0 ){ // moment Down
pulseEND[pin]= millis()+ value1;
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("command = mD");Serial.println(value1);
if (strcmp(command, "rD")==0 ){ // ramp down
pulseEND[pin] = millis()+ value1;
pulseV1[pin] = value1;
if (value3 == -1){ value3 = maxAnalogValue;}
if (value2 <0){value2 =0;};if (value2> maxAnalogValue){ value2 = maxAnalogValue;}; pulseMIN[pin] =value2;
if (value3 <0){value3 =0;};if (value3> maxAnalogValue){ value3 = maxAnalogValue;}; pulseMAX[pin] =value3;
pulseCMD[pin] = 'r';
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("command = rD v1 " );Serial.print(value1); Serial.print(" MIN "); Serial.print(pulseMIN[pin]); Serial.print(" max "); Serial.println(pulseMAX[pin]);
if (strcmp(command, "rU")==0 ){ // ramp up
pulseEND[pin] = millis()+ value1;
pulseV1[pin] = value1;
if (value3 == -1){ value3 = maxAnalogValue;}
if (value2 <0){value2 =0;};if (value2> maxAnalogValue){ value2 = maxAnalogValue;}; pulseMIN[pin] =value2;
if (value3 <0){value3 =0;};if (value3> maxAnalogValue){ value3 = maxAnalogValue;}; pulseMAX[pin] =value3;
pulseCMD[pin] = 'R';
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("command = rU v1 " );Serial.print(value1); Serial.print(" MIN "); Serial.print(pulseMIN[pin]); Serial.print(" max "); Serial.println(pulseMAX[pin]);
if (strcmp(command, "rC")==0 ){ // rampup AND down continuously
pulseEND[pin]= millis()+ value1;
pulseV1[pin] = value1;
pulseV2[pin] = value2;
if (value4 == -1){ value4 = maxAnalogValue;}
if (value4 <0){value4 =0;};if (value4> maxAnalogValue){ value4 = maxAnalogValue;}; pulseMAX[pin] =value4;
if (value3 <0){value3 =0;};if (value3> maxAnalogValue){ value3 = maxAnalogValue;}; pulseMIN[pin] =value3;
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("command = rC v1 " );Serial.print(pulseV1[pin]); Serial.print(" V2 "); Serial.print(pulseV2[pin]); Serial.print(" MIN "); Serial.print(pulseMIN[pin]); Serial.print(" MAX "); Serial.println(pulseMAX[pin]);



int findCinCMD( char x){
for ( int i=0;i<cmdL;i++){ if (cmd[i] == x){ return i;}}
return -1;

void parseCMD() { // structure: rd:D09& or wr:D55=1234& or mU:d3=1234,4321& or pg:d33=I&
int i; String xx=""; int i1; int i2;
value1 = -1; value2 = -1; value3 = -1; value4 = -1; mode=' ';

command[0]=cmd[0]; command[1]= cmd[1];command[2]='\0';

//Serial.print("\n ki: ");Serial.print(kIndex);Serial.print(" ei: ");Serial.print(eIndex);Serial.print(" c: ");Serial.print(cIndex);

if (eIndex==-1){eIndex=cmdL;}; if (cIndex1==-1){cIndex1=cmdL;} // if no "=" or "," signs

// get pin # is integer 0.. 99 allowed
if (eIndex > 0) { xx=""; for (i = kIndex+2; i< eIndex; i++ ) { xx+=cmd[i]; }; pin=xx.toInt(); }

// now get values
if (eIndex>3){ // any "=" sign?
if (eIndex == cmdL-1){return;} // no values given

// this is for programming to Input or Output
if (cmd[eIndex+1] =='I'){mode = 'I';return;}
if (cmd[eIndex+1] =='O'){mode = 'O';return;}
if (cmd[eIndex+1] =='U'){mode = 'U';return;}

// get integer numbers may by one or 2 , if "," present then it has 2 numbers
if (cmd[3]=='S'){
xx=""; for ( i = eIndex+1; i< cmdL; i++ ){ xx+=cmd[i];}; valueS=xx; // only one value for strings

if ( eIndex < cmdL-1){
if (cIndex1>0 ){ // we have 2,3,4 numbers separated by a ","
xx=""; for ( i = eIndex+1; i< cIndex1; i++ ){ xx+=cmd[i];}; value1=xx.toInt(); // at least 2
i1=cmdL; if (cIndex2 !=-1) { i1= cIndex2; }
xx=""; for ( i = cIndex1+1; i< i1; i++ ){ xx+=cmd[i];}; value2=xx.toInt(); //

if (cIndex2>0){
i2=cmdL; if (cIndex3 !=-1){i2=cIndex3;}
xx=""; for ( i = cIndex2+1; i< i2; i++ ){ xx+=cmd[i];}; value3=xx.toInt();

if (cIndex3>0){
xx=""; for ( i = cIndex3+1; i< cmdL; i++ ){ xx+=cmd[i];}; value4=xx.toInt();

// just one number/ string, no "," present
xx=""; for ( i = eIndex+1; i< cmdL; i++ ){ xx+=cmd[i];}; value1=xx.toInt();
return ;

void loop(){
#if defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16)

#if defined(WATCHDOGenabled)


#if defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16)

// special stuff if you want to implement your things

// listen for incoming clients
#if defined(WIFI) || defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16) || defined(mkr1000)
WiFiClient client = server.available();

#if defined(ETHERNET)
EthernetClient client = server.available();

//Serial.print("a") ;
if (client) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("new client");
char c4 =' '; char c3=' ' ; char c2=' '; char c1=' '; c=' ';int GETfound =0;int newLine=0;cIndex1=-1;cIndex2=-1;cIndex3=-1;kIndex=-1;eIndex=-1;
while (client.connected()) {
if (client.available()) {
c =;
#if defined(DEBUG)
#if defined(WATCHDOGenabled)
watchDogTimer = millis();

if (GETfound ==0){ if ( c4=='G' and c3=='E' and c2=='T' and c1 ==' ' and c=='/'){ // string "GET /" found, now get data
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println(">>GET /<< Found");
GETfound =1; c =;// skip "?" in "GET /?"
#if defined(DEBUG)
cmdL=-1; c =; out =">>"; // get first character
#if defined(DEBUG)
} // skip "?" and read first char (avoid another loop)
if (GETfound ==1) {
if (c != '?' and out !=">>notConfigured" ) { // skip if not configured, otherwise read until ending "?"

if (c==':' and kIndex ==-1) {kIndex=cmdL;} // use the first occurence
if (c=='=' and eIndex ==-1) {eIndex=cmdL;}
if ( c==',' ){
if ( cIndex1 ==-1) {cIndex1=cmdL;}
if (cIndex2 ==-1) {cIndex2=cmdL;}
else {
if (cIndex3 ==-1) {cIndex3=cmdL;}

if (c=='&'){
cmd[cmdL+1]= '\0';
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("next cmd: ");Serial.println(command);

else{ GETfound=2;
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println(" all data read" );
if (GETfound ==2) { // here we send the header and the composed data
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.print("Content-Length: "); client.println(out.length());
client.println("Content-Type: text/html");

#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("finished processing");
if (GETfound ==3) { // read the rest of the message until \n\r thats the end of it
if (c=='\n'){newLine+=1;}
else if (c== '\r' && newLine==1){client.stop();break;}
if (c != '\n'){newLine=0;}
#if defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16)
yield();// give ESP time to do its background stuff
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.println("client disconnected");


//#if defined(WIFI) || defined(ESP1) || defined(ESP16)
void printWifiStatus() {
// print the SSID of the network you're attached to:
#if defined(DEBUG)
Serial.print("SSID: ");

// print your WiFi shield's IP address:
IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP();
Serial.print("IP Address: ");

// print the received signal strength:
long rssi = WiFi.RSSI();
Serial.print("signal strength (RSSI):");
Serial.println(" dBm");


Posted on
Wed May 09, 2018 3:52 pm
zabazoom offline
Posts: 56
Joined: Nov 09, 2013

Re: ARDUINO plugin discussion

ip of arduino
update feq every 20 secs
time out every 20 secs
max pins 5
slow off line msg
all off except for D49 set to output

Posted on
Wed May 09, 2018 3:56 pm
zabazoom offline
Posts: 56
Joined: Nov 09, 2013

Re: ARDUINO plugin discussion

and it looks like I double pasted the ICO sorry about that

Posted on
Wed May 09, 2018 4:47 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: ARDUINO plugin discussion

could you please repost the ino code with [ Code ] put the ino code here [ /Code ] (the one after quote) .... all the formatting is gone .

also I need the serial output when it starts

as as a last one could you switch debug on in plugin config and post ~3 minutes of logfile. (also here PLEASE use Code)

also try with another pin eg 30

Posted on
Sat Jun 09, 2018 9:47 pm
danowitz offline
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Re: ARDUINO plugin discussion

Hi Karl,

I am at a loss. I have tried to debug an exception(29) being thrown from NodeMCU and a HUZZAH ESP. Everything seems to work fine for about 10 requests to indigo, then the blue light flashes and an exception is throw with a call stack. So I did some googling and tried to get the ESP Exception Decoder working. After hunting down a missing .exe file for the ESP Decoder tool addin for the Arduino IDE. I tried to get a better stack trace. However all that the tool gives me is a message: Decode Failed. So I am out of ideas troubleshooting on my own. I have tried 2 different nodeMCU boards and one HUZZAH and they all give something like this.



Code: Select all
ip != 0 wrong@glue-esp/lwip-esp.c:757
Fatal exception 29(StoreProhibitedCause):
epc1=0x4020c128, epc2=0x00000000, epc3=0x00000000, excvaddr=0x00000000, depc=0x00000000

Exception (29):
epc1=0x4020c128 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000000 depc=0x00000000

ctx: sys
sp: 3ffffcd0 end: 3fffffb0 offset: 01a0

3ffffe70:  3fff23c8 00000090 00000000 40213757 
3ffffe80:  00000e18 3fffdc80 3fff15ec 4020fc5b 
3ffffe90:  3ffef294 00000360 00000360 fffffffb 
3ffffea0:  3fff07cc 00000000 3fff07c8 4020c1d9 
3ffffeb0:  40000f68 3ffe91ec 3fff07c8 4020f74c 
3ffffec0:  00000000 00000007 3fff15ec 4020f1d9 
3ffffed0:  3ffe91ec 3ffe91ec 3fff07c8 4020f77a 
3ffffee0:  00000000 3fff07c8 3fff15ec 40211c9c 
3ffffef0:  0100000a 3fffdad0 3ffef2e0 00000030 
3fffff00:  00000000 3fff07c8 3fff15ec 40211cef 
3fffff10:  4020d60c 3fff0428 3fff08f4 401009a8 
3fffff20:  00000000 00000000 3fff08fc 3fff0424 
3fffff30:  4020d60c 3fff0428 3ffe9180 4020d61a 
3fffff40:  3fffdc80 3fff0dc4 0000000c 4020d6d8 
3fffff50:  3ffe9180 00000000 00000001 40205871 
3fffff60:  4022bcd0 3ffee778 3ffee7a0 60000600 
3fffff70:  03aa6c40 3ffee7a0 3ffee778 4022bcdd 
3fffff80:  4022bd22 3fffdab0 00000000 3fffdcb0 
3fffff90:  3ffee7b0 3fffdad0 3ffef2e0 4020580b 
3fffffa0:  40000f49 3fffdab0 3fffdab0 40000f49 

 ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)

load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16
tail 8
chksum 0x2d
csum 0x2d

server startingscandone
state: 0 -> 2 (b0)
state: 2 -> 3 (0)
state: 3 -> 5 (10)
add 0
aid 4

Posted on
Sat Jun 09, 2018 10:15 pm
danowitz offline
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Re: ARDUINO plugin discussion

Okay, so right when I decide to post something, I might have found some of the issue. I had my Unifi controller setup with 60sec DHCP. I was moving IP's around and needed things to fall out quickly. After changing this to 3600 sec, it has not thrown the exception. Here is a link to what led me down that path.

I am however still getting frequent entries in the log stating that the device is offline. Thoughts on this? Current settings are
- Update Feq: 4 sec
- Timeout: 3 sec
- Max Pins: 20
- Show Message: True

And only 1 pin enabled, the A0.


Posted on
Sat Jun 09, 2018 10:40 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: ARDUINO plugin discussion

Have not done anything with who arduino for a year. But what I remember was that the esp reboots itself if you don’t give us a break. The reason is a function you need to call in very loop to give it time to do its background work. If not and it is 100% busy the esp will reboot itself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted on
Wed Apr 17, 2019 4:52 am
ChiefMonk offline
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Re: ARDUINO plugin discussion


I am at very early planning stage and would love to use the plug in to link to Arduino. I have found what looks like a robust Industrial style system with lots of expansion (Industrial Shields M-DUINO PLC Arduino Ethernet 38AR I/Os ) but it has the following for its Ethernet info:-

10.6 Ethernet
M-Duino Ethernet port controller is based on w5500 IC, which is the compatible IC compatible with Arduino Ethernet2 Shield libraries. All Ethernet shield Arduino libraries are compatible with the M-Duino. In the M-Duino, W5500 IC communicates to the Mega board via SPI bus (SS Arduino Mega pin 10).

Would this work with this plug in please ?



Posted on
Wed Apr 17, 2019 6:57 am
kw123 offline
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Re: ARDUINO plugin discussion

It should. ..

The plugin sends and receives text strings to / from the arduino

The key is the „sketch“ that runs on the arduino

The plugin page has examples for them with variations for WiFi Ethernet ... mega ... etc

YOU will need to adapt those to you specific device and io functions.
The examples show temp sensor dht, relays, sensors etc.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted on
Wed Apr 17, 2019 7:11 am
ChiefMonk offline
Posts: 26
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Re: ARDUINO plugin discussion

Thanks Karl,

If you say yes, then it will only be my incompetence to overcome :)

I'll let you know how it works out.


Posted on
Wed Apr 17, 2019 8:08 am
kw123 offline
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Re: ARDUINO plugin discussion

thats the fun part of it .. and I am so full of incompetence

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