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FINGSCAN - download program

PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 3:16 pm
by kw123
This thread will have any new versions posted in the fist post.

for new downloads please go to the indigo plugin store web site

the fing cli utility you will ned to install is at:
click on download fing cli mac os then you will find the fing CLI... dmg installer in your download folder

older versions:
this thread starts with version 4-10-15

========= should be used for discussions of bugs, features etc.

when reading the configuration parameters sometimes the variables were not properly initialized (convert "" to an integer number)

supports now class B networks. You probably are using a class C network like This version now supports e.g. 192.168.x.y networks.
This is used in the command "FING -s 192.168.x.0/24" which scans the network for any device and open port for each device.
The "24" describes a class C network. A one half B - one half C Network could be for example /22 etc. This sets the scope for FING which network number range it should scan.
The /24 actually describes the number of Networks. The remainder 32-24 bits = 8 bits =. 0-255 are the number of nodes in the network.
For /22 (32-22) would describe a network with 10 bits = 0- 1023 network nodes..

if this is all foreign to you, don't worry you probably do not use any of these larger networks.


older versions: v 4-10-15

Re: FINGSCAN - download program

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:11 pm
by kw123 version 4-10-21

works with # of devices > 99
tested with 143 devices (in Hotels)

works with any class network, tested with class B and C (i.e. 192.1.168.x is a class C network, allows 255 devices ; --- 192..1.x.y is a class B network, allows 255*255 devices)


Re: FINGSCAN - download program

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:57 am
by kw123 v 4-10-25

minor inconveniences

now supports
- ASUS RTxx (XX >= 56) original firmware
- ASUS RTxx (XX >=56) Merlin firmware

select as shown in screen shot.


Re: FINGSCAN - download program

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:23 pm
by kw123 v 4-11-3

when no value for "sleep between pings ..." is selected it errors.

for ASUS and MERLIN router only enter the IP number -- the web page address is now part of the program
instead of 192.168.1/Main_WStatus_Content.asp/ just enter

- Now has up to 21 devices in an event group, the first 5 of them can be Find my iDevices types
- can generate the following EVENTS:
++++ allHome = all devices in an event group have to be home to trigger <== NEW
++++ oneHome = at least one devices of the event group has to be home to trigger
++++ oneAway = at least one device of the event group has to be away to trigger <== NEW
++++ allAway = all of the devices in the event group have to be away to trigger
When you use the FINGSCAN events in YOUR TRIGGER, select amongst these event types.

==> YOU WILL NEED TO RESELECT THE EVENT TYPE in EXISTING triggers as the names have changed. <==


Re: FINGSCAN - download program

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 8:47 pm
by kw123 v 4-11-04

the EVENT object was not properly updated in the transition from old to new format (4.10->4.11). Now it is properly initialized.

Thanks to Dave Dewey for testing.


Re: FINGSCAN - download program

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 12:28 pm
by kw123 4-11-5

wrong LOGfile error message removed, bug introduced in the last version.

Re: FINGSCAN - download program

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:09 pm
by kw123

- using ASUS router with std op-sys caused devices to duplicate, (*)

- when USE PING is selected, management of launch of PINGs is improved, reducing restarts of PINGs (behind the scenes change .. reduces load on MAC, minor impact).


(*)thanks to Jeff for helping to debug.

Re: FINGSCAN - download program

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 10:32 am
by kw123


clearer message when IP number changed is now: "IPNumber changed, old: oldIPNUMBER; new: newIPNUMBER for device MAC#: theMAC#ofTheDevice"


Re: FINGSCAN - download program

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:49 pm
by kw123 V 4-12-1

added some more error control

Interface from MOTHER/COOKIE plugin.
Screen Shot 2015-07-07 at 2.37.51 PM.png
Screen Shot 2015-07-07 at 2.37.51 PM.png (70.29 KiB) Viewed 27705 times

You can add 3 COOKIES to an event and use the same time parameters as for IP-devices.

The application for this is a very stable accurate home/away detector:
You will have to have your iPhone and YOUR cookie with you.
Setup and EVENT with iPhone + your cookie.
Then Trigger on "at least one device home" EVENT to open your door automatically. The cookie pings the MOTHER device constantly and when you are close enough to the door it will connect and change its state to Present. The MotherPlugin will tell FINGSCAN that the cookie is back home and with this info you can initiate the trigger.
In order for this to work you should have the MOTHER device near to the door best would be a window. Then within a distance of ~ 20 meters the communication will happen. That leave enough time to actually open the door before you get to it.

If you then leave the range of the MOTHER-COOKIE in the house it would go back to "absent". Here you would either add 1..2 more MOTHERS or leave the cookie at the entrance and take it with you when you leave. I have 3 Mothers that cover my house completely (they are now $130 with 4 cookies at eBay)

With the combination of iPhone and Cookie you will not have iPhone away issues as Wifi turns itself off to save battery power. As the cookie is present and continuously communicates with MOTHER. The combination of iPhone+ cookie is always home when one of them is connected.

Set the re-trigger Home to 2 minutes and you will not have any false home/away events.


see for the MOTHER plugin

Re: FINGSCAN - download program

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 8:49 am
by kw123 version 4-12-3


option to reset all IP-Devices.

- the devices will be saved to file
- all ip-devices will be deleted from indigo and all variables are reset to "" = empty
- read the saved file and restore all devices

this is useful if you have some bad data in your devices.


Re: FINGSCAN - download program

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:37 pm
by kw123 v 4-13-2


- Tries to deal with the situation if FING lists 2 ip numbers fro the same device (MAC#). It should replace the string "changed" with "double" in the address field.
In addition we have added a switch(in edit device) that can suppress the trigger messages regarding changed / double IP#s, the default is to show that message
This is difficult to test as I don't have that situation .

- a little bit improved interface to MOTHER, better formatting of log file.


Re: FINGSCAN - download program

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 3:24 pm
by kw123 v4-13-3

last version introduced a bug by adding functionality for devices (one MAC #) that have 2 ip numbers. Should be fixed.

- improved interface to MOTHER (speed and formatting of messages)


Re: FINGSCAN - download program

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:16 am
by kw123 v 3-14-5

-fingscan error in Line '3374' variable for device with double IP numbers was not check properly
-suppress double / changed IP number did not work properly

- now supports 1024 devices.. for those that check out Hotel networks
- changed log file text for changed/ double IP#'s to make it more understandable


Re: FINGSCAN - download program

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:40 am
by kw123 v-4-13-6

- "show" is correct now :P
- password in config should show "Password already entered" after you enter pwd. it worked only correct the first time you setup router, after that the code was skipped.

the ASUS router selection now shows:
MERLIN =< 378_54
MERLIN = 378_54

( used => ; the >= does not work in xml (I know there is a replacement for that but could not find it. it is some &xx string )


Re: FINGSCAN - download program

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:22 am
by kw123

-better integration of AMAZON-DASH buttons. they go through various sites connected to the router. FINGSCAN now will set then UP if there is any connection.
-set priority of information to WIFI / ETHERNET(= FING, PING). It can be overwritten in the device edit menu for each device.
i.e.: sometimes the router / WIFi already knows when a device is offline, but FING does not. As default WiFI gets precedence. This can be set.
