Wine Cellar Monitoring

Posted on
Sat Feb 20, 2016 8:18 pm
Tom W offline
Posts: 10
Joined: Jan 06, 2016

Re: Wine Cellar Monitoring

Folks, thanks for all the replies so far.

I chose the EWS/One Wire solution because it fit well with what I wanted to do and what I could install without too much issue. I have the OWServer up and running and now (I think) have Postgre SQL up and running on the min server that also runs Indigo (with the plugin installed and configured). I'm a scientist and I fully understand the idea behind multiple sensors and the utility of having the probe in a bottle (I already use this for the main control in the Vinotheque storage cabinet) but it's not practical in the wine cellar itself. I'm happy with the physical install for now and it's simply a matter of putting it to real-world use. I can get emails for excursions outside the alarm points with OWServer so that's not an issue.

I'm looking for a bit more help on the nuts and bolts of saving the information and writing it out. I haven't done any programming since FORTRAN and Pascal back in the 80's while in grad school. I can do stuff, I just need some more direction that supplied so far. Can anyone help? I know the device_history_####'s for the variables I'm interested in - where do I go from there?

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