Post Ideas for best Touch Screen Hardware for control page

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Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:51 am
Vangelis offline
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Re: Post Ideas for best Touch Screen Hardware for control pa

the41stside wrote:
Hey, I know this is an in depth conversation about mostly tablets. I however just wanted to touch base in regards to some of the earlier posts, where some users mentioned "clunky" or not so slick looking control pages...

I'm a bit of a web designer, I guess a beginner would properly describe my skill set. That said I've been able to make very clean looking control pages for iPhone and iPad. Mimicking the Control4 structure for those of you who are familiar.

Keep in mind, if you aren't selling or advertising your control pages and designs there is no reason to pay for images. Use google, use free photo libraries, or trace images you like. It shouldn't matter if you aren't profiting from your design. For this reason I won't post images of my control pages

Lastly a plug. My wife is a graphic designer, if you have a control page setup you like. She can brand it for you in any way you like, with original vector graphics and fast loading pages, rich with detail. jus lemme know.

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