Greetings from a Vera user seeking Asylum

Posted on
Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:30 pm
Ramias offline
Posts: 272
Joined: Nov 24, 2015

Greetings from a Vera user seeking Asylum

Greetings all.

I've been an active user of my Vera Pro 3. Until yesterday. It's dead beyond all repair. Probably one too many firmware upgrade/nvram erase.

It was a good device and got me started. But it had reliability, stability and performance issues. But it was just a $300 piece of hardware and phone support was pretty good (the fact that I know phone support was good indicates how many times I had to call in due to crashes after firmware upgrades.

So I'm ready for a software-centric solution. I wouldn't consider myself a Mac guy. I respect Mac, own an iPhone and iPad and had a 2012 Mac Mini sitting around so gave Indigo a shot.


I was able to plug in to my:

DSC Alarm
Sonos Speakers
Samsung TV
OpenSprinkler (but it's winter and the water is turned off)
Weather Service

with minimal effort. Found a script on here and recreated a "scene" I had on Vera into an Action here: take a snapshot from my Hikvision cameras and email it to me when the mailbox is opened (DSC Alarm door sensor). So I have a high degree of confidence this will work out for me.

I was impressed to see the Radio RA2 plugin. I ordered a better USB Serial cable because apparently the one I had was lacking.

Soon I hope to dig into the code for the Yamaha Receiver plugin and add a few things for my needs. If/when I get it working I'll figure out Github and share back with the community.

I know I'll need to buy another Vera to work with my locks. I can't remember what else I had since I can't get in to Vera to see it :(. I'll have to recreate a bunch of stuff.

Hoping the community here is as cool as the Vera community.

I did give OpenHab a try. My head is still spinning.

Posted on
Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:02 pm
ckeyes888 offline
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Re: Greetings from a Vera user seeking Asylum

Sadly, I find I'm more of a consumer than a contributor in this community, but
I can assure you Indigo and it's followers are second to none in the field
and have always been extremely helpful.

Welcome to automation nirvana.


Posted on
Wed Nov 25, 2015 3:44 am
Chameleon offline
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Re: Greetings from a Vera user seeking Asylum

Ramias wrote:
Greetings all.

I've been an active user of my Vera Pro 3. Until yesterday. It's dead beyond all repair. Probably one too many firmware upgrade/nvram erase.

It was a good device and got me started. But it had reliability, stability and performance issues. But it was just a $300 piece of hardware and phone support was pretty good (the fact that I know phone support was good indicates how many times I had to call in due to crashes after firmware upgrades.

So I'm ready for a software-centric solution. I wouldn't consider myself a Mac guy. I respect Mac, own an iPhone and iPad and had a 2012 Mac Mini sitting around so gave Indigo a shot.


I was able to plug in to my:

DSC Alarm
Sonos Speakers
Samsung TV
OpenSprinkler (but it's winter and the water is turned off)
Weather Service

with minimal effort. Found a script on here and recreated a "scene" I had on Vera into an Action here: take a snapshot from my Hikvision cameras and email it to me when the mailbox is opened (DSC Alarm door sensor). So I have a high degree of confidence this will work out for me.

I was impressed to see the Radio RA2 plugin. I ordered a better USB Serial cable because apparently the one I had was lacking.

Soon I hope to dig into the code for the Yamaha Receiver plugin and add a few things for my needs. If/when I get it working I'll figure out Github and share back with the community.

I know I'll need to buy another Vera to work with my locks. I can't remember what else I had since I can't get in to Vera to see it :(. I'll have to recreate a bunch of stuff.

Hoping the community here is as cool as the Vera community.

I did give OpenHab a try. My head is still spinning.

A sound and excellent choice. I came from the Fibaro camp but I am so relieved that I made the leap to Indigo. Rock solid software, great customer support and a friendly & helpful community.

Ask and someone will try and help out. Glad you're using the NEST Plugin - hope it's working for you :D


BTW - If you use iPhone and iPad and need a location tracker you might have a look at the iFindStuff or FINGScan plugins (or both).

Posted on
Wed Nov 25, 2015 6:21 am
DaveL17 offline
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Re: Greetings from a Vera user seeking Asylum

Ramias wrote:
Greetings all.

I've been an active user of my Vera Pro 3. Until yesterday. It's dead beyond all repair. Probably one too many firmware upgrade/nvram erase.

Welcome to the fold. I also came over from Vera and have never looked back. I'm sure that you'll find the product to be amazing, the developers to be incredibly responsive (they post to the forums on an almost daily basis), and the community to be second to none.

Small piece of advice: when you start getting into scripting (forget Lua!), use Python and not Apple Script whenever possible. I'm guessing that since you're relatively new to Mac, that you aren't that familiar with Apple Script, and Python is the future direction for Indigo. There are many example scripts in the forums, and a helpful community that will be able to answer most questions.


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