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Parsing errors

PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 5:18 pm
by durosity
getting these errors when the data’s refreshed!
25 Oct 2017, 00:10:28
WUnderground Debug Debugging on. Debug level set to [Low (1), Medium (2), High (3)]: 3
WUnderground Debug ==================================================================================================
Caution! Debug set to high. Output contains sensitive information (API key, location, email, etc.

25 Oct 2017, 00:10:49
WUnderground Debug refreshWeatherData() method called.
WUnderground Debug callDay() method called.
WUnderground Debug callDay: 2017-10-25
WUnderground Debug dailyCallLimitReached: False
WUnderground Debug Is todays_date: 2017-10-25 greater than dailyCallDay: 2017-10-25?
WUnderground Debug Today is not a new day.
WUnderground Debug The daily call limit has not been reached.
WUnderground Debug Parse weather data for device: Weather - 10 Day Forecast (EGNT)
WUnderground Debug getWeatherData() method called.
WUnderground Debug URL prepared for API call: ... apiref=XXX
WUnderground Debug Getting weather data for location: EGNT
WUnderground Debug [Weather - 10 Day Forecast (EGNT) download: 00.763100 seconds]
WUnderground Debug Adding weather data for EGNT to Master Weather Dictionary.
WUnderground Debug callCount() method called.
WUnderground Debug 499 callsLeft = (500 - 1)
WUnderground Debug parseTenDayData(self, dev) method called.
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=d01_pop, val=20)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatPercentage(self, dev, state_name=d01_pop, val=20.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=d01_humidity, val=91)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatPercentage(self, dev, state_name=d01_humidity, val=91.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=d01_windDegrees, val=255)
WUnderground Debug verboseWindNames(self, state_name=d01_windDirLong, val=WSW)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=d01_qpf, val=0.0)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatRain(self, dev, state_name=d01_qpf, val=0.0).
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=d01_snow, val=0.0)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatSnow(self, dev, state_name=d01_snow, val=0.0).
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=d01_windSpeed, val=12)
WUnderground Error Problem parsing 10-day forecast data. Error: (Line 1798 ('key windUnits not found in dict')
WUnderground Debug Parse weather data for device: Weather - Astronomy
WUnderground Debug getWeatherData() method called.
WUnderground Debug Location already in master weather dictionary.
WUnderground Debug parseAstronomyData(self, dev) method called.
WUnderground Debug floatEverything(self, state_name=Percent Illuminated, val=23)
WUnderground Debug Parse weather data for device: Weather - Forecast (EGNT)
WUnderground Debug getWeatherData() method called.
WUnderground Debug Location already in master weather dictionary.
WUnderground Debug parseWeatherData(self, dev) method called.
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=temp_c, val=10)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatTemperature(self, dev, state_name=tempC (M, MS, I), val=10.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=temp_f, val=50)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatTemperature(self, dev, state_name=tempF (S), val=50.0)
WUnderground Debug itemListTemperatureFormat(self, val=10.0)
WUnderground Debug fixPressureSymbol(self, state_name=Pressure Trend, val=-)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=Solar Radiation, val=--)
WUnderground Debug Fixed corrupted data. Returning: -99.0, --
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=Solar Radiation, val=0)
WUnderground Debug verboseWindNames(self, state_name=windDIRlong, val=West)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=windDegrees, val=260)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=relativeHumidity, val=94)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatPercentage(self, dev, state_name=relativeHumidity, val=94.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=windGust (KPH), val=0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=windGust (MPH), val=0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=windGust (MPS), val=0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=windGust (KPH), val=4)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=windGust (MPH), val=2)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=windGust (MPS), val=1)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=historyHigh (M), val=16)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatTemperature(self, dev, state_name=historyHigh (M), val=16.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=historyLow (M), val=10)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatTemperature(self, dev, state_name=historyLow (M), val=10.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=historyPop (M), val=0.0)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatRain(self, dev, state_name=historyPop (M), val=0.0).
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=dewpointC (M, MS), val=9)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatTemperature(self, dev, state_name=dewpointC (M, MS), val=9.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=feelsLikeC (M, MS), val=10)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatTemperature(self, dev, state_name=feelsLikeC (M, MS), val=10.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=heatIndexC (M, MS), val=NA)
WUnderground Debug Fixed corrupted data. Returning: -99.0, --
WUnderground Debug uiFormatTemperature(self, dev, state_name=heatIndexC (M, MS), val=--)
WUnderground Debug Can not format uiTemperature. This is likely normal.
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=windChillC (M, MS), val=NA)
WUnderground Debug Fixed corrupted data. Returning: -99.0, --
WUnderground Debug uiFormatTemperature(self, dev, state_name=windChillC (M, MS), val=--)
WUnderground Debug Can not format uiTemperature. This is likely normal.
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=visibility (M, MS), val=10.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=pressureMB (M, MS), val=1008)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=precipMM (M, MS), val=0.0)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatRain(self, dev, state_name=precipToday (M, MS), val=0.0).
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=precipOneHourMM (M, MS), val=-9999.00)
WUnderground Debug Fixed corrupted data. Returning: -99.0, --
WUnderground Debug uiFormatRain(self, dev, state_name=precipOneHour (M, MS), val=--).
WUnderground Debug uiFormatWind(self, state_name=windGust, val=0.0), dec=1
WUnderground Debug uiFormatWind(self, state_name=windSpeed, val=4.0), dec=1
WUnderground Debug parseAlerts(self, dev) method called.
WUnderground Debug parseForecastData(self, dev) method called.
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=foreWind1, val=19)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatWind(self, state_name=foreWind1, val=19.0), dec=1
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=foreHigh1, val=13)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatTemperature(self, dev, state_name=foreHigh1, val=13.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=foreLow1, val=9)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatTemperature(self, dev, state_name=foreLow1, val=9.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=foreHum1, val=91)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatPercentage(self, dev, state_name=foreHum1, val=91.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=forePop1, val=20)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatPercentage(self, dev, state_name=forePop1, val=20.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=foreWind2, val=18)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatWind(self, state_name=foreWind2, val=18.0), dec=1
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=foreHigh2, val=13)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatTemperature(self, dev, state_name=foreHigh2, val=13.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=foreLow2, val=5)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatTemperature(self, dev, state_name=foreLow2, val=5.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=foreHum2, val=97)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatPercentage(self, dev, state_name=foreHum2, val=97.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=forePop2, val=10)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatPercentage(self, dev, state_name=forePop2, val=10.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=foreWind3, val=13)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatWind(self, state_name=foreWind3, val=13.0), dec=1
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=foreHigh3, val=12)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatTemperature(self, dev, state_name=foreHigh3, val=12.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=foreLow3, val=7)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatTemperature(self, dev, state_name=foreLow3, val=7.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=foreHum3, val=83)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatPercentage(self, dev, state_name=foreHum3, val=83.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=forePop3, val=10)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatPercentage(self, dev, state_name=forePop3, val=10.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=foreWind4, val=34)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatWind(self, state_name=foreWind4, val=34.0), dec=1
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=foreHigh4, val=13)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatTemperature(self, dev, state_name=foreHigh4, val=13.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=foreLow4, val=6)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatTemperature(self, dev, state_name=foreLow4, val=6.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=foreHum4, val=75)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatPercentage(self, dev, state_name=foreHum4, val=75.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=forePop4, val=10)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatPercentage(self, dev, state_name=forePop4, val=10.0)
WUnderground Debug Parse weather data for device: Weather - Hourly Forecast (EGNT)
WUnderground Debug getWeatherData() method called.
WUnderground Debug Location already in master weather dictionary.
WUnderground Debug parseHourlyData(self, dev) method called.
WUnderground Debug verboseWindNames(self, state_name=h01_windDirLong, val=WSW)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=h01_humidity, val=94)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatPercentage(self, dev, state_name=h01_humidity, val=94.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=h01_precip, val=35)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatPercentage(self, dev, state_name=h01_precip, val=35.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=h01_temp, val=10)
WUnderground Debug uiFormatTemperature(self, dev, state_name=h01_temp, val=10.0)
WUnderground Debug fixCorruptedData(self, state_name=h01_windSpeed, val=5)
WUnderground Error Problem parsing hourly forecast data. Error: (Line 1581 'key windUnits not found in dict')
WUnderground Debug Parse weather data for device: Weather - Tides
WUnderground Debug getWeatherData() method called.
WUnderground Debug Location already in master weather dictionary.
WUnderground Debug parseTidesData(self, dev) method called.
WUnderground Debug Locations Polled: [u'EGNT']
Weather Underground cycle complete.

Re: Parsing errors

PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 7:30 pm
by DaveL17
durosity wrote:
getting these errors when the data’s refreshed!

Hey - sorry about that. I'll take a look, and see what I can figure out. In looking at the current version of the plugin, the keys are definitely in the device definitions. Can you let me know what version of the plugin you're using? Try opening the device config dialogs for your 10-day forecast and hourly forecast devices and hitting save. Do the errors clear?

I have another user that I'm working with on a parsing error (more WU API issues I suspect) but will get on this after that.


Re: Parsing errors

PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 9:51 pm
by durosity
Oh re-saving both the 10 day and hourly one appears to have worked! I’d tried the 10 day one but didn’t think of the hourly one!

I’ll keep an eye on it just in case the actual weather data has changed and it’s just not having any difficulties reading it anymore :)

Re: Parsing errors

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:30 am
by DaveL17
Good deal. I'm not sure what happened there because I don't think I've done anything to that part of the code in quite some time. Regardless, I'll see if anything jumps out at me.

Re: Parsing errors

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 7:02 am
by durosity
I wonder if perhaps wunderground did provide some data that caused it to throw a wobbler and re saving it causes it to clean whatever the bad setting was there.

Re: Parsing errors

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:09 pm
by DaveL17
In your case, I don't think I can blame the WU API. The WindUnits setting is a preference established by the plugin and yours went away for some reason. The preference has been around for a while, and I "recently" fixed a bug for the 10-day device (v1.1.10) but maybe that fix wasn't enough.

Re: Parsing errors

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 4:19 pm
by durosity
Perhaps, but it’s a good scapegoat.. besides they have priors in API related tomfoolery!

Re: Parsing errors

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:55 am
by Different Computers
Just started seeing this today. Checked to see if I was current and wasn't, upgraded and still getting
Code: Select all
   WUnderground Error              Problem parsing Weather data. Dev: Almanac (Line: 2435 Error: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '')

I turned on low level debugging and nothing popped out as an error, though I also did not get the line again when I refreshed WU data. However, when I stop debug logging, then restart the plugin, the error returns.

Re: Parsing errors

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 11:06 am
by DaveL17
Different Computers wrote:
Just started seeing this today. Checked to see if I was current and wasn't, upgraded and still getting
Code: Select all
   WUnderground Error              Problem parsing Weather data. Dev: Almanac (Line: 2435 Error: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '')

I turned on low level debugging and nothing popped out as an error, though I also did not get the line again when I refreshed WU data. However, when I stop debug logging, then restart the plugin, the error returns.

Hey - sorry about that. I'll take a look, and see what I can figure out. Just to confirm, you are seeing these errors in v6.0.2 of the plugin?

Re: Parsing errors

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 11:27 am
by Different Computers
Yup, Most current version downloaded and installed this morning. 6 ...2

And for clarity--the plugin seems to be working properly, at least for everything I use it for. I just see this error in the log.

Re: Parsing errors

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:06 pm
by DaveL17
Thanks. The issue is regarding a field that tells us what the timestamp of the data is. The epoch value is what I use to determine whether the data we just downloaded is newer than what we already have. Not sure why WU is sending an empty string for that, but that doesn't really matter at this point.

I'll add a trap for this.

Re: Parsing errors

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:15 pm
by DaveL17
Okay, I posted an update for this. I'll go list it on the versions thread now.