Forum communications in the global-sphere

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Wed Jul 30, 2014 1:55 pm
berkinet offline
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Forum communications in the global-sphere

Just my opinion here...

In the past few years there seems to have been a explosion is Indigo use outside the US, and in particular, outside the English speaking world. For those of us who are native, or fluent English speakers, this has sometimes meant a small challenge in reading posts from users for whom written English may be their second, third or greater language. We look past spelling and grammatical errors and focus on the core topic. In general, based on my observations of a lot of posts, that seems to work pretty well. Nobody has been flamed for language skills and the community really does seem open to everyone. Great.

But, there is a second side to this issue, how do we native speakers in-turn write our posts so that they are as easy to read for non-native speakers as possible. I think in general, most users avoid slang and jargon that is tied to the US experience. But, I have noticed one area where I think we might be able to make a small improvement. I am talking about spelling and typographical errors (typos). As a native speaker, I can usually figure out what someone means even if their post contains a lot of mistakes. But, for a non-native speaker, that can present a much bigger problem.

So, here is my request. To help both non-native and native speakers alike, could we all take the time to re-read our posts before we click Submit. The Preview button is a good chance to see how your post will look (smilies and all) and also allow you to maybe spot, and fix a few errors before your post goes live.

Thanks for reading, now back to work :wink:

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Wed Jul 30, 2014 8:25 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Forum communications in the global-sphere

I agree. These are some great points and suggestions — thanks for sharing them.

Previewing a post for a quick read-through can really help catch typos. I try to read my own forum replies (and emails) with a mindset of the customer recipient to determine if what I'm saying makes sense and helps walk them through a solution. Of course, I'm guilty of rushing through replies at times as well. :roll:

The quality of technical advice given on this forum is awesome. This is one of the most helpful forums I've ever seen. So thanks everyone for making it such a helpful community.


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