
Posted on
Sat Oct 05, 2019 8:08 am
jltnol offline
Posts: 998
Joined: Oct 15, 2013


So I have been disenchanted with iTunes for years now, ever since they made looking for, sorting, and finding songs so much harder. Although I've been previewing the new Music app under the Catalina Beta, Apple has done nothing to make it any easier, or better, at least as far as I'm concerned. What is going to push me off of the iTunes ecosystem, is that the Apple iOS app, iTunes Remote, doesn't work with the new Music app, at least now. Obviously, I have no idea if this is something Apple will fix soon, if ever, but just feel like I'm constantly swimming upstream with iTunes and new Music.

I've been looking at Swinsian https://swinsian.com for a while now, and while there is no iOS app for Swinsian, they do have a few AppleScript examples, which I think I can modify enough to work with Indigo to control it remotely. Yes, Applescrpt no longer supported in Indigo, but the scripts do work natively in the Catalina Beta, so I'm thinking (and hoping) having Indigo trigger them in the OS might still work.

Swinsian has some basic developer info on their website
which allows for info to be displayed thru the NSDistributedNotificationCenter. I'm assuming this is the built in MacOS engine that allows for apps to display info as banners and/or alerts. Is it even possible for Indigo to harvest this info to display on a Control Page? And generally speaking, the path to accomplish this would be thru Python Scripting and updating variables? And not to make things more complicated, but the computer I'm running Indigo on, is not the same computer that runs Swinsian. Is this even possible to do?

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