[ANSWERED]RESTful - are there Dim & Brighten commands?

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Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:54 am
NicholFD offline
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[ANSWERED]RESTful - are there Dim & Brighten commands?


I'm working on my IR -> Indigo implementation (Raspberry Pi with IR receiver, running LIRC -> CURL -> Indigo RESTful). I'm good with the RESTful items listed at http://wiki.indigodomo.com/doku.php?id=indigo_s_restful_urls . Is there a full reference list of commands, or only this example page?

I see the command to set the brightness of a device to a specific value. I'm looking for a RESTful item to "Brighten by X%" & "Dim by X%". I would be ok if the "X" were some fixed value for the command (5%, 10%, etc.)

Are there commands for brightening & dimming? If not, can they be added or are there plans to add them? They're pretty important for my IR -> Indigo implementation, and seem to be missing from an otherwise good set of commands.


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Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:43 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: RESTful - are there Dim & Brighten commands?

That document is complete as far as what's available: dim/brighten aren't there. We have plans to significantly refactor our web integration at some point and that's when we'd address this request (I've added it to the request list). It won't happen anytime soon though.

You could, of course, do it yourself with 2 REST calls: get the value, increment/decrement the value. Given that you're running on an rPi you should be able to easily do that.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:46 pm
NicholFD offline
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Re: [ANSWERED]RESTful - are there Dim & Brighten commands?

Thanks for the reply.

Yeah - I've already started the approach to read the current level & adjust accordingly. I just didn't want to reinvent the wheel, if I didn't have to.


Posted on
Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:01 pm
NicholFD offline
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Re: [ANSWERED]RESTful - are there Dim & Brighten commands?

Ok - the Dim & Brighten is done via 2 x REST calls, and I am checking the "typeSupportsDim" property before sending a set brightness command.

Another related question: Is it safe to assume Bright/Dim commands work on a device, even if it's off? Should I check the "isOn" property, before sending a set brightness? The devices are a mixture of ZWave devices - GE & AEON Labs.

With my old X10 & Insteon devices, they always seemed to respond to bright/dim commands, even if off. If they supported resume dim, they would turn on to the resume dim brightness level. If they did not support resume dim, if a dimmer command turned them on, they would turn on to full brightness. If they didn't support resume dim, if a brighter command would turn them on at a minimum brightness.

Thanks again,

Posted on
Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:24 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: [ANSWERED]RESTful - are there Dim & Brighten commands?

I've never seen a Z-Wave device that didn't respond regardless of on state so I think you're safe.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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