ODB II integration, Automatic

Posted on
Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:48 pm
berkinet offline
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Re: ODB II integration, Automatic

Sorry... I sort of spaced on reporting back. Well, the device is interesting, but I am not sure the data it reports back would be of much interest, other than, perhaps, location.

It is probably worth doing a mock-up "Automaticator*"server to receive the data. But, there are no examples in Python and I don't have the time right now to re-write the node.js examples. BTW, I sent an email to their support address asking about Python support, but never got a response. There are some other QUITE capable plugin developers following this thread -- perhaps one of them might be up to the task.

* Automaticator
    Shows driving events for the logged in user in real time as they happen on a map.

Posted on
Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:05 pm
tatrog offline
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Re: ODB II integration, Automatic

I have been using Automatic for about 2 weeks. I use IFTT (automatic integrates with IFTT) via the SMS plugin to get the data to indigo.

A few use cases I am doing today:

1. two factor authentication- I open things when my phone (via IFTT) enters a geofence close to home. However that was a security risk given its based on cell location. With Automatic I get two geo location references now. So, both my phone and car need to enter a geofence to activate any home open triggers. Such as the garage door.

2. Automatic reports when you turn your car on and off. I have a trigger that opens the garage door when I start the car and close when I turn it off. I use some other variables to make sure the car is actually in the garage of course.

Some other thoughts would be to set reminders based on total hours in use or miles traveled for things like oil change and service. Most cars alert to this anyway but may be nice to have a reminder on Sat morning to get a oil change.

I should note that I understand you can manually do the things I mentioned above but my goal is to have an intelligent home that doesn't require me to push any buttons or ask the house to perform any action.s It should just do it. Automatic is helping me to accomplish that.

On another note and I know this is the wrong forum. I sure wish Indigo would integrate with IFTT. SMS works but google voice is a little quirky sometimes so not 100% dependable.

Posted on
Tue May 19, 2015 4:24 pm
Marty offline
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Re: ODB II integration, Automatic

Quite interested in this. And the use cases of garage door opening/closing was exactly where my mind was at as well.

Does the latency of IFTTT let you down on this? Any IFTTT rules I have set up have been super unreliable. Often right on time, and often many minutes before they actually fire....

Posted on
Tue May 19, 2015 5:52 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: ODB II integration, Automatic

Have a solution that works perfectly so far:

iPhone PLUS a mother/cookie

conditions: if one of them is home then you are home. Otherwise away

reaction time ~ < 12 seconds for mother/cookie to go from away to be home. It opens my house door just in time when I get to the door.

As you need only one at home you will not have the false iPhone asleep problems and if you run into a dead spot for wifi or for the mother-cookie link at least one of them should work and with a timeout of 3 minutes you should be fine.
In my case with 3 Mothers and 3 wifi routers in my house I have 100% coverage . The mother/cookie takes ~ 2-3 minutes to go to away status.

The iPhone works too, but you need to awake it to start the wifi scan in the phone then the wifi one to door open is ~ 3 seconds, but you need to press that button.


Posted on
Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:35 am
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: ODB II integration, Automatic

I'm not sure if this will be Automatic or not, but others reading this thread could be interested... looks like the Amazon Prime Day on Wednesday will include "Connected Car and Scan Tool products starting at 60% off" as per their preview. Might be worth watching...

Posted on
Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:50 am
dz1rfj offline
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Re: ODB II integration, Automatic

Hi - Could you expand on how you create the link between IFTT and SMS? I have Apple devices, and wonder how I might make that work. Very cool stuff you are doing, and I will but the device, and can't wait to hear how you hooked it into Indigo using SMS.



tatrog wrote:
I have been using Automatic for about 2 weeks. I use IFTT (automatic integrates with IFTT) via the SMS plugin to get the data to indigo.

A few use cases I am doing today:

1. two factor authentication- I open things when my phone (via IFTT) enters a geofence close to home. However that was a security risk given its based on cell location. With Automatic I get two geo location references now. So, both my phone and car need to enter a geofence to activate any home open triggers. Such as the garage door.

2. Automatic reports when you turn your car on and off. I have a trigger that opens the garage door when I start the car and close when I turn it off. I use some other variables to make sure the car is actually in the garage of course.

Some other thoughts would be to set reminders based on total hours in use or miles traveled for things like oil change and service. Most cars alert to this anyway but may be nice to have a reminder on Sat morning to get a oil change.

I should note that I understand you can manually do the things I mentioned above but my goal is to have an intelligent home that doesn't require me to push any buttons or ask the house to perform any action.s It should just do it. Automatic is helping me to accomplish that.

On another note and I know this is the wrong forum. I sure wish Indigo would integrate with IFTT. SMS works but google voice is a little quirky sometimes so not 100% dependable.


Posted on
Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:13 am
dz1rfj offline
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Re: ODB II integration, Automatic

Thanks. Got the Automatic PRO. I noticed far fewer triggers available for the pro version.

So, question, how are you linking the SMS channel with Indigo, are you using the "messages" plugin to if Indigo sees a specific formatted message, it triggers an action ?

On another note, but related to location, can anyone recommend a really simple to setup, and use plugin for Indigo to determine iphone location? I tried the ones on the indigo site, but non seemed really user friendly. Ideally, I could setup multiple locations, to setup an alert/trigger.



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